PS3, 360 or both?

edited March 2010 in General Chat
Ive been thinking about this for awhile now...And for the most fact Ive been looking for something good and different other than the nintendo Wii{Which I have} but now Ive been thinking about this for awhile. And I cant decide if I should get a 360, a PS3 or even for both. So what should I get and what am I in for games... Btw, I have been thinking of getting a 360 just for the Banjo-kazooie game. But is that really bad as they it is?


  • edited March 2010
    I've got all three. The 360 is better for games honestly in my experience. Except for the few exclusive titles that the PS3 has (Heavy Rain, God of War, etc). Other than that the only thing the PS3 has over the 360 for me is the Blu-Ray player. Hook yourself up with the bluetooth remote and you've got yourself a sweet media system with games to boot! And all for a pretty reasonable price. It also upscales DVDs much better than the 360 does.

    But the whole gaming experience is best on the 360 in my opinion. Just with the marketplace, Live!, Arcade, and everything. The 360 has more exclusive games than the PS3 and what games aren't exclusive have much better 360 ports than the PS3 ports. What PS3 exclusive games there are really aren't that bad either, though. That's why I wanted both.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    Completely unrelated to anything our company has been doing, I've been really enjoying my PS3 lately. It's feeling more and more like a good long term console. That said, not owning a 360 is preventing me from playing Winterbottomy goodness
  • edited March 2010
    I like my PS3.. LittleBIGplanet is a must for me so I had to get a PS3.
  • edited March 2010
    By the way I love Winterbottom.
  • edited March 2010
    Well, this conundrum can be much easier solved if you know what type of gamer you are. Helpfully, I have included this little infograph to aid you in a journey, I hope, of self-discovery.


    You may thank me later, friend. With money. Because I'm an Objectivist and I love money.
  • edited March 2010
    God I hate 4chan.

    Anyway I don't own either but if I could I'd get a PS3, it has more games I'm interested in, even if they're in smaller amounts. That's just me, though.
  • edited March 2010
    PecanBlue wrote: »
    God I hate 4chan.

    Anyway I don't own either but if I could I'd get a PS3, it has more games I'm interested in, even if they're in smaller amounts. That's just me, though.

    Whatchan? Obviously you're crazy. I don't even *own* a computer.
  • edited March 2010
    that comic was humorous but it was a little homophobic.
  • edited March 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    that comic was humorous but it was a little homophobic.

    Oh, by all means I apologize. I never intended to offend. Because that's probably bannable.
  • edited March 2010
    LOL I do not think you have to worry.... I think we all have twisted enough sense of humors to stomach just about anything.
  • edited March 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    LOL I do not think you have to worry.... I think we all have twisted enough sense of humors to stomach just about anything.

    Oh, excellent then. See? People think I'm a horrible guy, but I'm not. Andrew Ryan cares. Um, say. How do you feel about Objectivism? Quick question, simple question.
  • edited March 2010
    I am very much in agreement with MusicallyInspireds first post.

    Have all 3 consoles, PS3 has good exclusive games, 360 better gaming experience all round.
  • edited March 2010
    I have both but if I had to ditch one, I'd keep the ps3. As MusicallyInspires says, its a sweet media system and a nice bit of kit. I find myself only using my xbox to play demo's that aren't on psn. Ps3 just feels like the nicer console to use+own. If only you could install Linux on the Slim version:(
  • edited March 2010
    I'd feel the same way if so many non-exclusive games didn't have really shoddy PS3 ports. The graphics aren't as good (though lately the PS3 is catching up nicely...Arkham Asylum looks almost indistinguishable, for instance, though others like Fallout 3 are pretty bad and noticeable much worse on hte PS3) and load times often are tripled in length compared to the 360 equivalents. It's quite sad, really. Also my experience with online gaming on the PS3 isn't very good compared to what I've experienced on the 360.

    But if that stuff doesn't bother you then yes, it is a very nice console.
  • edited March 2010
    Whatchan? Obviously you're crazy. I don't even *own* a computer.

    What about that computer Frank Fontaine tricked your genetically-altered son into using in order to steal Rapture out from under you?

    On the other hand, I'm not sure you can get the internet on that thing, but you've got to be posting on here somehow.
  • edited March 2010
    What about that computer Frank Fontaine tricked your genetically-altered son into using in order to steal Rapture out from under you?

    On the other hand, I'm not sure you can get the internet on that thing, but you've got to be posting on here somehow.

    That wasn't a computer, friend. It was a steam-driven electrostatic city-wide PA Typewriter. Also, it ran FORTRAN. Furthermore, I am corresponding with this board via homing pigeons in diving suits.
  • edited March 2010
    I'd say the PS3. The 360 may seem cheaper, but is riddled with hidden costs (Wireless adapter, harddrive, online etc), whereas you get everything you need with the PS3. These days, most games are released on both platforms, aside from the odd exclusive. But for every exclusive released on the 360, there is another of equal merit (and genre) just around the corner for PS3. Plus the PS3 allows you to play all your PS1 games, some of your downloaded PSP games, and the store seems better to me (although it is a pain to browse properly).
  • edited March 2010
    The 360 comes with a hard drive too. Same size as the PS3's actually. And exactly the same price. But yeah, it's quite annoying that you have to buy the wi-fi adapter separately. And the battery charge pack. And the charger. With the PS3 you get a USB cable right out of the box that you can charge your controller with. The only problem with that is the controller already has a battery pack built in and you can't replace it (at least not conventionally) so the battery life dies after a while. But it's true, the 360 has way too many extra cost items that the PS3 mostly comes with out of the box.

    The only thing I can't stand about the new PS3 slims are the vertical stands. They cost $25!! For a little stand! That's ridiculous.
  • edited March 2010
    Personally I'd hold out, get a new slim xbox360 and project natal when they come out later this year...

    360 has a lot more games, and a lot more exclusives, but the ps3 is better for "general entertainment" - what with the bluray player built in...

    Also the 360 has a killer online service, I know it costs money but it really can't be beaten!
  • edited March 2010
    The 360 comes with a hard drive too. Same size as the PS3's actually. And exactly the same price.

    That depends. You can get it without a drive and buy a drive separately. And there are various drive sizes.
    However, the PS3 installs the whole games on the hard drive while the Xbox only puts the saves, so the 360 needs a lot less space than the PS3 does. So you can get away with getting a smaller one, unless you plan on getting lots of movies and dowloadable games and stuff.

    Another difference is paying for playing online games with other people (that is, the Gold membership. Montlhy fee. the silver one is free), while for the PS3 it's free.

    On the other hand the PS3 doesn't have that many exclusives. The 360 has all the BioWare stuff for instance. The PS3 only has Metal Gear Solid and Heavy Rain of note, as far as I know. Even FFXIII is available for both (this being said, I've heard bad stuff about FFXIII. And the 360 version is a lower resolution and on several disks, if that makes a difference to you).

    Blue-ray has advantages and disadvantages. It takes longer to load, but it can hold a lot more stuff (hence only one disc for FFXIII for instance).

    Personally I wouldn't even consider the PS3, but I do realise it has some advantages. If they are important to you, it might be the way to go.

    (Note: all the information above is things I am repeating. I am not by any means a specialist.)
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    However, the PS3 installs the whole games on the hard drive while the Xbox only puts the saves, so the 360 needs a lot less space than the PS3 does.

    Actually, only a few games forces you to install the whole game on the harddrive (and it's not a very popular decision when they do). Most of them work straight from the disc, and some of them gives you the option to install or not.
    Avistew wrote: »
    Another difference is paying for playing online games with other people (that is, the Gold membership. Montlhy fee. the silver one is free), while for the PS3 it's free.

    True. Plus, you don't need one gold membership for each member of the family to play online. For a family where more than one person likes to play online, the Xbox is an expensive choice.

    Avistew wrote: »
    On the other hand the PS3 doesn't have that many exclusives. The 360 has all the BioWare stuff for instance. The PS3 only has Metal Gear Solid and Heavy Rain of note, as far as I know. Even FFXIII is available for both (this being said, I've heard bad stuff about FFXIII. And the 360 version is a lower resolution and on several disks, if that makes a difference to you).

    Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, Renessaince of Fate, Uncharted, MLB series, Ratchet and Clank series, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, God of War 3, Disgea 3, MAG, Warhawk, Hot Shot Golf (or Everybody's Golf as it's called in Europe) etc.

    Upcoming: The Last Guardian (Team ICO's project), Gran Turismo 5, The Agent (Rockstar's PS3 exclusive), Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

    Very likely to be announced soon: Syphon Filter, Twisted Metal.

    Also, most PS3 ports are usually on par with the X360 version nowadays. There's the occasional lazy port, but rarely bad enough to warrant buying a second console for. I have both a PS3 and X360, but I bought Assassin's Creed II for the PS3, because of a deal. Supposedly a bit worse than the X360 version, but the difference are usually so small that they're neglectable. FFXIII however, was to the X360 what Bayonetta was to the PS3.
  • edited March 2010
    StarEye wrote: »

    Thanks for your corrections :) Since I was really only interested in the parts that applied to my case, I obviously didn't have all the facts.

    I think the game selection will depend on each person. That is, you need to really look at both and see which you prefer. For instance in my specific case, what happened is that my husband has played all the FF games and really wanted to get FFXIII, so he decided to ask for one of the consoles for Christmas (coming, not last).

    Since he loves BioWare but has never had any interest in the Metal Gear series, for instance, he was more interested in the 360 exclusives. Plus, he didn't plan on downloading anything at all, so he could probably even get away with not getting a hard drive at all and only use the internal memory for game saves (and potentially get a hard drive later along the line if he needs it), which made the 360 cheaper. (Oh, by the way, if you want to play Xbox games, that is the non 360 ones, you need a hard drive. Just dropping it out there).
    On top of that, he had no interest in online VS so the fact that you have to pay for the Gold membership is something he couldn't care less about.

    Etc, etc. I did ask around to check which console would work best for his case and it definitely seems that it's the 360, especially since our computer isn't so great and the 360 get many PC games that we couldn't play on our computer.

    Since I did a lot of asking around I thought I'd share what I gathered here and there. Some people I asked preferred the PS3, some preferred the 360.
    (It is to note that the had both, though. Which I think can be an option if you're interested in exclusives for both systems. But that will get expensive).

    I'm thinking about something: the game prices. I forgot to ask that, but are games the same prices for both systems? If the console costs the same but the games don't, one system could end up costing much more than the other in the long run.

    (I'll have to look into the PS3 exclusives you've listed, by the way. While I have no interest in the ones I did know about, there was a fair number I didn't know. Not that I'm likely to play them any time soon :P)
  • edited March 2010
    Netflix instant streaming movies and TV on PS3 is fantastic
  • edited March 2010
    Mass Effect 1 and 2 do it for me, but the 360's "Lost & Damned" and "Ballad of Gay Tony" sold me to the 360 - even though they'll be out on ps3 soon apparently lol

    But ultimately, the 360 has Fable II and III, Alan Wake, Banjo Kazooie games, Blue Dragon, Crackdown 1 and 2, Forza Motorsport (easily one of the best racing sims ever), Gears of War, Halo 3 (and ODST, Reach, and Wars for that matter), Ninety Nine Nights, Ninja Gaiden, Prey, Left 4 Dead, Quake 4, Lost Planet: Colonies, Forthcoming MechWarrior, Risen, the new Tom Clancy game...

    And then there's the XBLA exclusive titles! Too many to list, but the Live Arcade service is amazing! Think 'Splosion Man, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Lucidity...

    And then of course some games that were initially popular on the Playstation (i.e. Guitar Hero, Singstar, Eyetoy games, Buzz!, etc) now are either multiplatform or Microsoft have their own version (e.g. Lips, Scene it!, You're in the movies, etc)

    And then, you have some great developers that work exclusively with Microsoft (i.e. Bungie, Rare..) and then Bioware who used to work with Microsoft exclusively, and some of their properties are owned by Microsoft - you will never see Mass Effect or Jade Empire for the PS3.

    But to be honest, most of the really good games out there are multiplatform or available on the PC too.

    Personally I'd say owning a Wii and a PS3 will be a bit pointless with PS3 Move out soon, but I would say owning a Wii and an Xbox360 with Project Natal is out will compliment each other.

    Might sound a bit daft, but maybe owning both could be a good idea?
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    (Oh, by the way, if you want to play Xbox games, that is the non 360 ones, you need a hard drive. Just dropping it out there).

    That's funny, my copy of Morrowind for XBox works just fine without installing anything to the hard drive. Unless it needs a hard drive for the save files which I can understand. You need a hard drive to buy XBox Original titles from the Game Marketplace, though.
    I'm thinking about something: the game prices. I forgot to ask that, but are games the same prices for both systems? If the console costs the same but the games don't, one system could end up costing much more than the other in the long run.

    Yes, they are the same price. The only differences in pricing would be between different stores not between different console versions.
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Netflix instant streaming movies and TV on PS3 is fantastic

    XBox has that too. Without a Gold membership. In Canada it's Zune instead of Netflix, though. But they're all instant streaming video.
  • edited March 2010
    That's funny, my copy of Morrowind for XBox works just fine without installing anything to the hard drive. Unless it needs a hard drive for the save files which I can understand. You need a hard drive to buy XBox Original titles from the Game Marketplace, though.

    The way I understand it, the emulator (or whatever make the Xbox 360 retro-compatible) is located on the hard drive or needs the hard drive space to work. I might have completely misinterpreted that, of course.
  • edited March 2010
    Wait, when I wanted to play Morrowind on my 360 that I've had since launch, I had to download a (really small) update. It might have fit on the internal memory, but I was pretty sure something was necessary.
  • edited March 2010
    Yeah to play old xbox games you need a small update.. and it doesn't play all of the games available :(
  • edited March 2010
    That's it, then, you need a hard drive to put the update in. I remembered you needed one but wasn't sure why exactly.

    Also, yeah, backwards compatibility is apparently not that great. I've been told it's probably a better idea to also get a Xbox (the original one) refurbished if I want to play Xbox games.
    However, the same person told me that PS3 backwards compatibility isn't ideal, either. (Also, they apparently removed it in the slim version to save up room).
    Same person ended up concluding that only the Wii is 100% retro-compatible, but that it's because "the Wii is just a gamecube with a hard drive".
    (He owns all three consoles).
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    I got a Wii, Xbox, and PS3 in that order. I got the PS3 at launch (my PS2 broke right in the middle of an RPG I was playing), and haven't really touched the Wii or Xbox since.

    Except at work, of course.
  • edited March 2010
    I got a Wii and Xbox 360 (in that order). I love the Wii and truly think is has/had the potential to truly be the best console of this generation. However, it was seen as a gimmick to most game developers and so they use that opportunity to make money instead of make truly good games. However, some games make it worthwhile: Resident Evil 4 (the Wii version was so much better than the Gamecube version), The Godfather (which shows how amazing how a game like Grand Theft Auto would be on a system like the Wii), and also the Metroid Prime Trilogy (which I personally haven't played but have heard great things about it). It's just ridiculous how lazy some game developers are with the Wii's hardware. When you look at games like Super Mario Galaxy, you can see the beautiful backgrounds and graphics that this system can have.

    But now back on topic between Xbox 360 and PS3. I haven't used much of the PS3 but generally I would lean towards the Xbox 360. From what I know of the games, the PS3 exclusives are awesome, but the Xbox 360 has more awesome games. Also, it seems like Sony is losing a lot of its exclusive titles (Final Fantasy) so I think it's really up to personal preference. But the 360 gets my vote.

    However, if getting both is truly an option then I would say go for that.
  • edited March 2010
    Games I'd play on the 360:
    -Castle Crashers
    -Banjo Kazooie N&B
    -Dead Rising

    Games I'd play on the PS3:
    -3D Dot Heroes
    -Ratchet and Clank

    Major flaws in both:
    -Potentially fatal hardware issues
    -Stupidly overpriced DLC
    -Fatal lack of Cave Story

    Neither's better than the other. Just get both.
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    That's it, then, you need a hard drive to put the update in. I remembered you needed one but wasn't sure why exactly.
    Well I can't speak to that as my Xbox was bought with a HDD in it.
    Also, yeah, backwards compatibility is apparently not that great. I've been told it's probably a better idea to also get a Xbox (the original one) refurbished if I want to play Xbox games. However, the same person told me that PS3 backwards compatibility isn't ideal, either. (Also, they apparently removed it in the slim version to save up room).

    Backwards compatibility on the PS3 is non-existent. In the first releases of the PS3 there was hardware PS2 emulation that was perfect. Then the next few batches of releases only had software emulation of PS2 games which wasn't that great. Then they removed it completely before the slim version came out. What the slim version did get rid of was the ability to install Linux. So the backwards compatibility is better on the 360 since it actually works. However, all PS3s are compatible (perfectly) with PSOne games.
    Same person ended up concluding that only the Wii is 100% retro-compatible, but that it's because "the Wii is just a gamecube with a hard drive".
    (He owns all three consoles).

    That's not true. The Wii doesn't have a hard drive. It only has 512MB of flash memory and an SD card slot. There is no hard drive. That was one of the biggest drawbacks that it got criticised for.
  • edited March 2010
    You'll notice the quotation marks.

    Anyways, looks like everyone has their own, different opinion :p I think it's best to make your own, this way at least you should be able to stand by it afterwards.

    And since people are listing their consoles, out of the next gen ones I've only had a Wii, and another Wii (first bought in France, second in Canada).
    Never bought either of the other two, they're just too expensive. I've never even spent that much on a computer, and I need a computer for my work.
    But as I said, my husband wants to play FFXIII so we're probably going to get a 360 next Christmas, although I guess that could still change.
  • edited March 2010
    So for a 360 there are plenty of upsides.
    - A superior online gaming experience. Microsoft have built a better system, the party system alone justifies this.
    -XBLA and XBL indie games, both have fantastic games on, yes the PS3 has plenty of interesting games such as Flower on PSN. XBL has what I would consider a superior catalogue.
    -The 360 has a better controller, obviously a subjective one.
    - An utterly fantastic catalogue of games: Halo, Forza, Crackdown, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Lost Odyssey, Fable and plenty more.
    -The Zune marketplace is also supposed to be pretty Rad, whough I haven't used it before.

    So I'm not going to do the same for PS3, as I don't own or personally want to own one. Of course I am not saying the PS3 is not good, it is, it just isn't for me.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    patters wrote: »
    Of course I am not saying the PS3 is not good, it is, it just isn't for me.

    I can take the PS3. Both consoles have great games, it just comes down to what sort of exclusives you like, I think. 360 has more standard shooty-drivey games where the PS3 has better niche exclusives.

    - Free online gaming. I prefer playing multiplayer games with friends over on my couch. In the rare event that I do want to play a game online (occasional LBP), I do not need to pay $50 to do so.

    - PSN has a pretty large catalog, including a lot of great PS1 classics. Final Fantasy 7 8 and Tactics, Dino Crisis, Spyro 1 2 and 3, and so on. Most XBLA titles eventually get ported to PSN with added features (see: Castle Crashers). Fat Princess is also a fantastic game.

    - The PS controller is so widely acclaimed that it hasn't needed a major revision in 15 years.

    - Truly excellent exclusive titles. Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, White Knight Chronicles, God of War 3, Uncharted 1 and 2, and on and on. I don't play Little Big Planet as much as I like any more, but it epitomized to me what a video game should be: polished, with excellent seamless online/offline coop, character customization, level building, programming, social networking, all rolled into a fun game. If anything the game industry's done has any potential to leave a positive legacy on the world, I think LBP or something like it will be it.

    - Blu Ray player.
  • edited March 2010
    However, all PS3s are compatible (perfectly) with PSOne games.

    "you serious clark?"

    I didnt know that.. but I do not have any PS1 games to test it out.
  • edited March 2010
    To me, it seems that the PS3 has the most diverse titles, with developers doing more risky stuff. Artstyle, genre, things that doesn't normally attract the mainstream. I also love how Sony has such a fantastic first party library of games. I'm not at all worried about Sony's future, 'cause I have full confidence in their ability to release great games that makes the console worth it alone. Plus, it doesn't seem like there's any pressure on the developers - they can take their time and we almost always get a very polished game. I have the same confident as I have of Nintendo, when it comes to some of Sony's developers. While I may not always like the games, I know they will rarely feel rushed or rough around the edges.
    Irishmile wrote: »
    "you serious clark?"

    I didnt know that.. but I do not have any PS1 games to test it out.

    Another correction: ALMOST all titles are compatible with the PS1 (I'm guessing around 99%, considering the size of the library), but there are some versions of some game that don't work properly or at all. For example, my copy of Final Fantasy VIII does not work, while the platinum version supposedly works perfectly. Which I assume then is the one they released on the PSN Store.
  • edited March 2010
    Well, of course. It's like that with the Game Boy Advance only working with 99% of the classic Game Boy titles as well. But it's a lot better than either the 360's XBox Original or PS3's PS2 backwards compatibility. Second only to the Wii's compatbility with the Gamecube (the Wii of which, as was explained before, is just a GameCube with slightly better graphics anyway).
  • edited March 2010
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    I can take the PS3. Both consoles have great games, it just comes down to what sort of exclusives you like, I think. 360 has more standard shooty-drivey games where the PS3 has better niche exclusives.

    - Free online gaming. I prefer playing multiplayer games with friends over on my couch. In the rare event that I do want to play a game online (occasional LBP), I do not need to pay $50 to do so.

    - PSN has a pretty large catalog, including a lot of great PS1 classics. Final Fantasy 7 8 and Tactics, Dino Crisis, Spyro 1 2 and 3, and so on. Most XBLA titles eventually get ported to PSN with added features (see: Castle Crashers). Fat Princess is also a fantastic game.

    - The PS controller is so widely acclaimed that it hasn't needed a major revision in 15 years.

    - Truly excellent exclusive titles. Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, White Knight Chronicles, God of War 3, Uncharted 1 and 2, and on and on. I don't play Little Big Planet as much as I like any more, but it epitomized to me what a video game should be: polished, with excellent seamless online/offline coop, character customization, level building, programming, social networking, all rolled into a fun game. If anything the game industry's done has any potential to leave a positive legacy on the world, I think LBP or something like it will be it.

    - Blu Ray player.

    Certainly, I'd never argue that the PS3 is a bad machine with a bad catalogue. I tend towards the 360 over it, for reasons I mentioned.

    Also other than Fat Princess, I find your choice of PSN games curious, all of which I could have played on my PSone above games like Everyday Shooter, Noby Noby Boy and the Pixel Junk titles.

    At this point in time I am predominantly a PC gamer, as those who have seen me on steam can probably gather, the 360 still draws me in on occasion for the likes of Forza 3, Perfect Dark, any fighting game and GTA IV multiplayer (being one of the about 30 people who still play it). This is obviously a combination of the exclusives and friends owning the system. Also a final point being that the Playstation controller just straight up doesn't suit my hands, it never has, though this is not a downside for others.

    In choosing a console there is only two true factors to consider: which machine has the exclusives which appeal to you the most, and if applicable which do your friends own. Everything else is , or at least should be, secondary to these.
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