I didnt know that.. but I do not have any PS1 games to test it out.
Is it bad that I have (much more) PS1 games than PS2 games?
Not that I'd need a PS3 to play them, since I have a PS2 and a PS1 already (the original PS died.)
I shouldn't take credit for any of that though. Left my own collection behind because of the region requirement and stuff, it's all my husband's.
But the bright side is that I haven't even played them all yet. With so many games yet to finish, who needs to buy more?
Is it bad that I have (much more) PS1 games than PS2 games?
Not that I'd need a PS3 to play them, since I have a PS2 and a PS1 already (the original PS died.)
I shouldn't take credit for any of that though. Left my own collection behind because of the region requirement and stuff, it's all my husband's.
But the bright side is that I haven't even played them all yet. With so many games yet to finish, who needs to buy more?
Not bad. Just wrong.
Of course, while the PSone still has a massive library of games well worth playing, the PS2 have more of them in terms of playability and expectations based on today's standard. I have a large amount of games for both systems, and I'll never get rid of many of them. But I think the PS2 is easier to enjoy simply because it's not riddled with early-3D design flaws. But that said, the PS1 is still my favourite console ever, because the great games are really great - that is, among the best in history. For example, I love Final Fantasy, and FFVII and FFIX are my two favourite in the series. Plus it has the first Metal Gear Solid, which is still the best in the series. Silent Hill, Resident Evil 2, Dino Crisis, Chrono Cross, Tomb Raider. So many classics that many consider the pinnacles of the genre and in their respective series.
On the topic of PSN originals, Super Stardust and Shatter are two fantastic games in their genres. Plus you have Wipeout HD, if you like those. I bought it, determined to get into it and love it like so many people do. Unfortunately, I still suck at the game, and don't really get much enjoyment out of it. I wish Rollcage would be brought back, imagine Rollcage HD on the PSN. One of my favourites on the PSone.
I have a reasonably powerful PC (enough to run most modern games quite well, but I don't buy games that require powerhouses, so I don't really know for sure), a Wii, a X360 and a PS3. The PS3 is by far my favourite of the bunch now that it's really kicked into high gear. And while it's losing some of the exclusives, Sony is good at making new. Plus, the potential of sequels to some of my favourite games are always looming, and I hope that someday I will see a Syphon Filter on the PS3 that's at least as good as the PSP games.
Is it bad that I have (much more) PS1 games than PS2 games?
Not that I'd need a PS3 to play them, since I have a PS2 and a PS1 already (the original PS died.)
I shouldn't take credit for any of that though. Left my own collection behind because of the region requirement and stuff, it's all my husband's.
But the bright side is that I haven't even played them all yet. With so many games yet to finish, who needs to buy more?
Not bad. Just wrong.
Of course, while the PSone still has a massive library of games well worth playing, the PS2 have more of them in terms of playability and expectations based on today's standard. I have a large amount of games for both systems, and I'll never get rid of many of them. But I think the PS2 is easier to enjoy simply because it's not riddled with early-3D design flaws. But that said, the PS1 is still my favourite console ever, because the great games are really great - that is, among the best in history. For example, I love Final Fantasy, and FFVII and FFIX are my two favourite in the series. Plus it has the first Metal Gear Solid, which is still the best in the series. Silent Hill, Resident Evil 2, Dino Crisis, Chrono Cross, Tomb Raider. So many classics that many consider the pinnacles of the genre and in their respective series.
On the topic of PSN originals, Super Stardust and Shatter are two fantastic games in their genres. Plus you have Wipeout HD, if you like those. I bought it, determined to get into it and love it like so many people do. Unfortunately, I still suck at the game, and don't really get much enjoyment out of it. I wish Rollcage would be brought back, imagine Rollcage HD on the PSN. One of my favourites on the PSone.
I have a reasonably powerful PC (enough to run most modern games quite well, but I don't buy games that require powerhouses, so I don't really know for sure), a Wii, a X360 and a PS3. The PS3 is by far my favourite of the bunch now that it's really kicked into high gear. And while it's losing some of the exclusives, Sony is good at making new. Plus, the potential of sequels to some of my favourite games are always looming, and I hope that someday I will see a Syphon Filter on the PS3 that's at least as good as the PSP games.