iPad video + Youtube's procedural transcription = hilarity

ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
So I didn't know this before, but for a little while Youtube has been procedurally generating captions for videos. Only, it almost NEVER comes out right. My iPad video is no exception, and the results are ridiculous.

[Roll over the CC icon in the lower right of the player and select transcribe audio]

My favorites:
Sam & Max the people's of is the latest comedy adventure from judy and it's available right now on the line.

Sam & Max are confronted by General Scowcroft that the spacehab inturrupting terrible psychic powers

The people's on the first episode of the fight for being called sam & max the devils white house.

When the beatles on his knees expecially on the young, the camera just touch the screen trigger finger in the direction he wants him to do it.

Simpson's singer successfully reveals things as to what you should be doing that. Kathy lee's may six.

In the pete wilson many rid of it, but the safety rivals the usual three.

She ship cindy the axis max is power just can't be right. Clinton and Gore.

Sam & Max heels of is is available now from the apple store apartheid that incoming senate PC & police station network.


  • edited April 2010
    That is amazing. I can't wait until all videos have that feature. I've had so many lulz over it.
  • edited April 2010
    I had some fun with the transcription of the Devil's Playhouse a few days ago. Fun stuff.
  • edited April 2010
    The Trailer for the playhouse is hilarious because when he says 'Ancient, terrible powah' it says canada.
  • edited April 2010
    Canada's not THAT old, is it?

    I love Youtube's translator.
  • edited April 2010
    I wish that was available on more videos. Mostly because it's hilarious.

    My favourite of that video was "a five part game" being subtitled as "a fight for being". Deep.

    Here, I transcribed most of the mistakes on the iPad trailer, with what I think they were trying to say:

    The Penal Zone - the peoples of, the peoples on, the pete wilson, heels of

    Telltale Games - Judy

    the iPad - the line, the young (below), the other hand

    Sam and Max are - sandy masur

    longtime rabbity companion - longtime had to be completed

    I embrace change - race change

    That's hobos - that's hopefuls

    Embrace hobos - graceful by point

    General Skun-ka'pe - general scowcroft that

    A space ape bent on obtaining - the spacehab interrupting

    a five part game - the fight for being

    The Devil's Playhouse - the devil's whitehouse

    Playing the Penal Zone is easy - when the beatles on his knees

    on the iPad - among the young

    To move Sam around - the camera

    drag your - trigger

    you want Sam to go - he wants him to do it

    a virtual joystick will appear - but the actual Jewish state

    that the epitome of this - tap the item you wish to use

    and tap - in fact

    touching two fingers to the screen - simpson's finger sucessfully

    clues - things

    that - next

    alien spaceship - kathie lee's may six

    want to get to the part - went to the heart

    Max, he's the rabbit thing - many rid of it

    has crazy psychic powers - but safety rivals the

    shapeshift and see - she ship cindy

    To access Max's powers - the axis max is power

    just tap - just can't

    hand corner - Clinton and Gore

    play in - clean

    you like - line

    Vertical or horizontal - we're going to resign

    supported - so forth

    For iPad - apartheid

    Playstation - police station

    (drum beats) - yes
  • edited April 2010
    That is so hilarious! I rarely crack up at things when viewing them by myself, but this is one of the occasions that I am. Brilliant, just brilliant!
  • edited April 2010
    Tales of Monkey Island Season Trailer

    Prepare to meet you frosty, carbonated maker LeChuck! - Prepare to meet your rusty dominating the headline yes

    Oh this can't be good - No this can't be

    Mind if I get your pirate on the street opinion about the death cloud? - It's like it to be higher on the street opinion about the problem with that plan

    That was the pox of LeChuck - that too was dubbed talks of that shock

    Of who who the what now? - of of whom who the white man?

    To eliminate the pox of LeChuck, you must seek out La Esponja Grande - To intimidate deadlock's objection, you will not seek out and I saw all the job done

    Eh, this'll be a snap - as abuse

    The Marquis De Singe wants that hand of yours so I'm bringing you in -The mighty do things like that hit yourself I mean you liane

    Use what? - You swallow

    Claw thingy - lost eighteen is

    Hold that pose while I get my camera, okay - Well that was only a beginning

    Less plunder, more bunny please - Well yes wonder more money please

    Arr harr harr - Harry
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Haha, those transcriptions are ridiculously, fantastically bad. Easily the biggest laugh I've had all week - thanks! :D

    I really hope this transcription feature never makes it out of beta. Improving the accuracy would be like killing a fledgling form of comedy.
  • edited April 2010
    Much agreed. I guess we'll just have to make the most of it at the moment.
  • edited April 2010
    The Inside Gaming interview with Mark Darin has some funny points as well.
  • edited April 2010
    Pete Wilson! I laugh so hard with that one!
  • edited April 2010
    Hilarious! :D
  • edited April 2010
    I don't know if it's just the British accent, but the auto-captions on my video The OTHER Secret of Monkey Island were absolutely side-splitting, and utterly unrelated to what was being said:
    the new year the twenty years, Davis had been fascinated by one is the secret of monkey on it all began with a gain by this man wrong guiltless and its sequel shops revenge it's clear that simple to the world monkey
    on stand on but before he could make use the that was true the last week that rolled that the so is taking his secret with him as export reduced one poll in external fuel by the ending its second day is that the whole world of monkey on in reality it's it's we've been asking all the product of a child they were active imagination.

    the many find this interpretation deeply I'm satisfied not least because of shock he's evil minds well that's the thing that I mean the emotional and the ignoring many who is an ongoing family history

    they're not as unusual the up a secret of months the one of the key races all rome's monkey on and games was this man, Tim shea fair.

    he went on to found to spend company and make the critically acclaimed it's like us.

    the klan enters the so-called just money various just the individual us each year leaning the world hot seat

    and then he really sees actual this

    hi it was

    what's it is unlikely the shape that matters will be seated full it provides a fascination we wish to view the offensive monkey on

    so fight, it's the speak team, mitchell of levels

    the line, hello, this

    they're think he's done that shot is really going for us is in deep political trouble

    but why should the eight donner and blitzen?

    he explains this kind of restrictions she hopes his soldiers amount of solving them

    and when they were kids

    in the fast-growing rated by allowing them

    let's say scheming talked at length of their profits he's got a lot of issues and has thought

    was in the hands of individuals ultimately defeated in two war

    but actually treats is in the mind of God the the it's the child's

    it says nothing about his mother

    we're going to need about his relationship to go in

    in fact this reason to believe that China is solving its problems in contrast not nation at large

    we see that his parents night things making sure you something he's stepped down

    as if that wasn't enough there's evidence that even some of them may not have that information

    the guidebook most five adopted by his mother had some point before

    what I think she became that schools her douglas believes that they had abandoned, the challenge they strenuously on

    our get easily overlooked is the fact that they have paid to be Jackson

    would it be to great and the of the imagination to suggest that perhaps they will but kill the theme park?

    by the very people they won't going to have to watch and full eating him alive

    one with now

    now I hear you say that I am not time yourself think there's very no it's not demands

    yes hello

    and nightmare with such a traumatic cost who could blame God Russia succumbing to his community?

    perhaps his quest Clinton the all it's bailey a masterful his minds extra go, although the suppress secrets of his past

    guided by his psychologist by the fall of the tracks time what about Americans the chest

    it's symbolically appears to contain his polish nemesis that shot himself

    for seen standing on the very small of the shock to contain

    it also contains and the tickets any bearing the image of that disney counsel

    what happens to the occasion of his parents on on the act

    it still leaves many questions on said

    well I've got to have both parents

    how does the elusive and maine

    these angels is and how much would would deal with childhood would jobs and jobs

    but perhaps has been so slow to stand placed upon the ultimate question is does

    it was is of money

    I especially like the two LucasArts employees mentioned: "Wrong Guiltless" and "Tim shea fair"
  • edited April 2010
    I was going to get an iPad just for this game... but now I am not because its not able to be played diagonally.
  • edited April 2010
    I see you've since added your own captions. Some of those are great though, I loved:

    In fact, there's reason to believe that Chuckie's father is not Guybrush's blood relation at all - in fact this reason to believe that China is solving its problems in contrast not nation at large

    It symbolically appears to contain his arch-nemesis LeChuck himself - it's symbolically appears to contain his polish nemesis that shot himself

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
    - how much would would deal with childhood would jobs and jobs

    By the way, didn't you say that you had a friend that gave you a lot of information which you were going to include in a third 'Secret' video? How's that coming along?
  • edited April 2010
    ShaggE wrote: »
    That is amazing. I can't wait until all videos have that feature. I've had so many lulz over it.

    Depending on the time of day and YouTube's mood, they all have it at some point.
  • edited April 2010
    Power46 wrote: »
    Depending on the time of day and YouTube's mood, they all have it at some point.

    Wow, really!? I can't wait to watch a music video with completely wrong lyrics :D!
  • edited April 2010
    Wow, really!? I can't wait to watch a music video with completely wrong lyrics :D!

    Yep. I have seen it appear on a video and then later disappear off of that same video later in the day.
  • edited April 2010
    Check this one out, haha!
  • edited April 2010
    Best line from it:

    Actual Words
    Guybrush: Let's go defeat that evil pirate
    Edward Van Helgen: We know he's sure to lost 'cos we know just where to fire it

    Guybrush: Let's go to the that evil Iran.
    Edward Van Helgen: We know we stand to lose as we know it just sort of Iraq
  • edited April 2010
    Haggis: Our vocation is a thing we love, a thing we'll never shirk - Politicians are saying we love of family members
  • edited April 2010
    "It was is of money".

    I knew it!
  • edited April 2010
    "It was is of money".

    I knew it!

    Finally, the Secret of Monkey Islandtm has been revealed... through bad Youtube caption interpretation! Who would've guessed?
  • LOL, how did I miss this feature?
  • edited April 2010
    LOL the captions are priceless
  • edited April 2010
    Check this one out, haha!
    Lol that is too funny.

    The start goes :
    "How this scene"
    "I hate this"
    "Glad to be alive"
    "I think the chip is following us"

    Just priceless.
  • edited April 2010
    Check this one out, haha!

    OMG, that was rather unexpected, to say the least :D The Iran / Iraq part was top notch, but the socio-political essay that followed was also quite entertaining! Thanks! :cool:
  • edited April 2010
    I move that Telltale Games be officially renamed "Judy." Chop, chop.
  • edited April 2010
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Lol that is too funny.

    The start goes :
    "How this scene"
    "I hate this"
    "Glad to be alive"
    "I think the chip is following us"

    Just priceless.

    I thought that was hilarious :D.
  • edited April 2010
    I'm starting to think that these transcriptions are aimed for political viewing purposes.
  • edited April 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I'm starting to think that these transcriptions are aimed for political viewing purposes.

    Same here, I keep seeing 'Clinton' pop up everywhere too.
  • edited April 2010
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Lol that is too funny.

    The start goes :
    "How this scene"
    "I hate this"
    "Glad to be alive"
    "I think the chip is following us"

    Just priceless.

    Sorry, couldn't resist:


  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Sorry, couldn't resist:

    I'm glad you couldn't resist, it made me giggle like an idiot.
  • edited April 2010
    Guys check this out with the captions.

    My favorite part is

    Guybrush:less plunder more bunny please.

    Translation: Well yes wonder and more money please.
  • edited April 2010
    Sorry, couldn't resist:

    Glad you couldn't.. I lol'ed.
  • edited April 2010
    Thanks to puzzlebox and Masta, appreciate it :). Gman, look one page back, I've posted the best lines from it.

    But yes, the translations from it are very funny, the one you posted being one of my favourites, and I guess you actually posted a link to the video whereas I did not.
  • edited April 2010
    I saw a video and at one scene, people were laughing and it translated to
    I Ohio. How does ha ha ha sound like I Ohio
    Or a guy arrested someone with taxes and cataloogs, i mean really. wow.
  • edited April 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I saw a video and at one scene, people were laughing and it translated to
    I Ohio. How does ha ha ha sound like I Ohio
    Or a guy arrested someone with taxes and cataloogs, i mean really. wow.

    I know, some are ridiculous. Check out the SoMI:SE trailer, my favourite part is at the very end but the whole thing is a good laugh.
  • edited April 2010
    I know, some are ridiculous. Check out the SoMI:SE trailer, my favourite part is at the very end but the whole thing is a good laugh.


    My favorite part

    Actual- Oh Guybrush

    Translaation- Im Bruce.
    :D What in the world.
    This defenently was for governemnt stuff becuase a lot was on taxes and I saw Clinton, and actualy maybe health care in there 2.
  • edited April 2010
    Sorry, couldn't resist:
    I'm confused! What do french fries have to do with chips? :confused::confused::confused:


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