Out of control Batman thread!
I was thinking that we could talk about Batman. This is the thread where anything Batman related goes.
Personally I really like Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan's movies. I also enjoy some episodes of the cartoon every once in a while (btbtb). The subjects of conversation however, are endless. I'm just gonna see what you guys would like to discuss and go from there
Villians, comics, movies, games, cartoons? Gogo!
Personally I really like Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan's movies. I also enjoy some episodes of the cartoon every once in a while (btbtb). The subjects of conversation however, are endless. I'm just gonna see what you guys would like to discuss and go from there

Villians, comics, movies, games, cartoons? Gogo!
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Watch in fullscreen in a dark room for heightened effect.
Don't read anything about it before watching, don't read the youtube comments etc. There's an amazing reveal that's easily spoiled.
I'll check that out later. I love fanfiction though.
Edit: Oh, it seems like we were talking about the same short film :rolleyes:
The Dark Knight and Batman Begins are the first live action films to "get" Batman. Don't get me wrong, the 1989 Batman film isn't a bad movie. It's just that Burton doesn't get Batman, or the Joker for that matter.
I do think Dead End was very good, especially as indie films go, but I think The Dark Knight, and Mask of the Phantasm wiped the floor with it!
Anyone read Hush?
And watching Mask of the Phantasm here recently, it definitely is a great film with great music, BUT...
The Joker was tacked on. Sure, it was a great performance by Mark Hamill, and the Joker was both terrifying and diabolical. But he was out of place. And they ruined the ending of it by showing whats-her-name still alive. I mean, so what, what happened to the Joker? Did he die? I thought they both died...but yet there SHE is. So was her whole quest for NOTHING? EXPLAIN, MOVIE! EXPLAIN!!
Now I will admit some things the movie did beautifully was the portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman, which was the best in the series. The humor was spot on, as was Alfred, and the romance, and the action. The look and feel of the movie was great, and it was a very well written mystery.
Personally my favorite Batman movie is The Batman-Superman Movie. I love the dynamic with Batman and Superman contrasted with the dynamic between Lex Luthor and The Joker. And of course Harley Quinn and Lex's...eh...driver also had a small sub rivalry? The whole thing was done very well, and it's a very underrated classic.
However, on an unrelated note, my favorite DC animated movies fall somewhere in-between Batman-Superman, Wonder Woman, or Green Lantern: First Flight.
It's like sometimes in films where the scene starts mid-conversation and you wonder "what the hell was said before we arrived here that could lead to that line of dialogue?" I can't really think of a good example for that, but I can think of two examples for a similar effect that happens in movies a lot where dialogue isn't necessarily involved: The first one is in Forgetting Sarah Marshall (just because I watched it earlier) where two of the main characters just sort of bump into eachother while they're paddling on surfboards and they're like "oh! hi!" but if you think about it, how the hell did they only just notice each other? They're in the middle of the sea! And the second one is at the end of cloverfield where
You can ignore this post if you want... just my inane ramblings...
I also love the joker XD
Oh crap! How did I forget about this one! I retract my previous post; this one is definitely my favorite. How it tied in the Animated Series with that screwed up ending, and what the Joker did to Tim Drake. That was insane, and definitely definitely the best story DC Animated ever put to film.
The Joker revealing Joker Jr (that sounds wrong) and his "death" was one my fav scenes on tv ever
What was the ending to the animated series? Did it have anything to do with what was shown as flashbacks in Batman Beyond?
Well, in Return, the flashbacks of what happened to Robin was obviously set in the Animated Series universe, so while it wasn't an ending to Batman, it was an ending to Robin and the Joker, although there are theories that the Robin from the Teen Titans animated series is Tim Drake after the incident with the Joker in Return of the Joker, as Robin in Teen Titans is referenced as being Tim Drake in a Batman cameo in Static Shock [inhale] and yeah, Teen Titans Robin is much more obssessed with taking down criminals and he's much more of a hardcore unhinged badass.
I remember seeing that movie as a kid as well on TV and it completely blew me away. I really loved the Tim Drake Robin, and I don't get or see all the Robin hate everywhere. He's awesome.
I'll agree with you on all points mask of the Phantasm, is the best batman movie ever, and well Mark Hamil in my opinon is a hell of a lot better than Heath Ledger.
The latter even got a nod in the mainstream comics, in an issue of 'Action Comics' where the Joker went to Metropolis specifically to mess with Lex Luthor. Harley and Mercy didn't get along any better in the comics...
Mercy VS Harley - Round 1
Mercy VS Harley - Round 2
Mercy VS Harley - Round 3
It's been about ten years since that comic came out, and I still think it's one of the best mainstream portrayals of Harley, those three pages are fifty times better than her actual series was.
"And why doesn’t Batman dance anymore? Remember the Batusi?"
3 words. Batman. On. Drugs.
Considering the series moves on and he shows up later, the Joker got away. This also happened in Batman/Superman, actually. And I don't think whats-her-name needed to be alive for the film, but my guess is they wanted to use her later. And then the movie bombed. So they didn't. Also, you watch too much That Guy With the Glasses.
Pretty much this. The scene that really hooks me, and sets this film up as my favorite though, is Bruce's scene with his parents' grave. It's just so perfect, so well shows Bruce right before the transformation. It always gives me chills. Everything from the music, to the art, to the acting, to the "cinematography" of the scene....it could have come off very hammy, but it didn't, because it was just executed perfectly.
This is actually up there for me. It kind of goes Phantasm/Dark Knight/Batman Begins/Return of the Joker/Batman and Superman. These are all REALLY excellent films, though, that all can really be on the top of the list.
I'm not really big on the new DC animated films. I've been renting them through Netflix, and I'm finding myself, I dunno...
They're fun enough, and I don't regret watching them, but they're just not "exceptional". On the other hand, I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing Red Hood, and one of the Gotham Knights shorts was awesome, the "Working Through Pain" one. It was one of the maybe two watchable shorts in the bunch, but it was excellent.
This is a true story, too. I kid you not.
Well, It's either being remembered for Batman or Family guy...wich..damn those are the the only two things I remember him for.
The sad part is that I don't even really like the campy Batman, still... West seemed a rather amicable fellow.
And you can never watch too much That Guy With The Glasses. I need to watch Subzero again.
Anyways, what are your expectations to the new Christopher Nolan film? I hope that they'll bring back two-face, considering how lame his death was in the dark knight. I also hope to see the penguin and the riddler as a team.
I could totally see that working.
I honestly don't know what they're going to do. The story arc for the trilogy can't really go "up" from here. It has to escalate somehow. Maybe R'as should come back, considering he's immortal and all.
Or, you know, they could steal Music Meister from Brave and the Bold.
I don't doubt for a second that Neil Patrick Harris as the riddler could work. They could also cast Rob Halford as Music Meister
I'm serious.
Anyways, I read somewhere that this is going to be the last batman movie from Christopher Nolan. The question is if they're going to pass the director role to someone else or make a finale with good closure. I'm crossing my fingers for the latter.
think about it
Fair 'nuff. I weren't being serious about the whole "being serious" bit anyways
They are very similar characters in a lot of ways, so it's easy to imagine Sheldon as the riddler but that would be like seeing Bruce Campbell from the Evil dead movies starring as a character different then Ash. Totally out of place
I think I heard somewhere that he (Nolan) was talking about how he wanted to end his Batman story with the third film. I think he said something about how comics go on indefinitely but that isn't the case with films. He said that once he realised this, he realised how he could make the third film really well (so I'm assuming it ends with Batman's death or at least retirement). I'm paraphrasing huge amounts, though.
I also heard something about Nolan doing a Superman film... I can't wait to see how that will work out. I absolutely love all of the films of his I've seen so far (momentum, the prestige and the batman movies come to mind), so I can't see him messing it up.
Edit: I just found this article: http://www.newsarama.com/film/christopher-nolan-superman-batman-100310.html It has all the quotes I was (poorly) paraphrasing.
I could see an ending that leaves things open, though some closer with R'as would be nice.
He is going to have a "producer/mentor" role. Another person will be directing, but Nolan apparently has his hands in it at a pretty high level.
I hate it. Too cliché explanation for a master supervillain like Joker.
The Killing Joke was amazing, though!