Awesome Future Vision Trailer



  • edited April 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    in the live video streaming

    Where? When? How? Gimme!
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Where? When? How? Gimme!

    Some live video streaming they did after the end of monkey island for telltale heart. I don't know if they have any records of this, but then is when my running gag of go to bed come.
  • edited April 2010
    Huh, I always wondered what Bob's voice sounded unfiltered. Nice to see that if the whole COPS thing doesn't work out, his voice box can get a nice career in narration.
  • edited April 2010
    So if we leave a message will someone actually listen to it?
  • edited April 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Some live video streaming they did after the end of monkey island for telltale heart. I don't know if they have any records of this, but then is when my running gag of go to bed come.

    Oh that. Yeah, I wasn't around then. Only became active in 2010.
    The way you said it I thought it was not only still going on these days, but regularly at that!
    For a second I thought I had really been missing out.
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Oh that. Yeah, I wasn't around then. Only became active in 2010.
    The way you said it I thought it was not only still going on these days, but regularly at that!
    For a second I thought I had really been missing out.

    Probably in that way we will had that thing back. I loved it.
  • edited April 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Some live video streaming they did after the end of monkey island for telltale heart. I don't know if they have any records of this, but then is when my running gag of go to bed come.

    Good times, my favorite was when David was on and any time he started talking Nikki would suddenly get really excited about something random and interrupt him.
  • edited April 2010
    I enjoyed Yare demanding a sammich. Without those future-vision goggles that man would've been living the life
  • edited April 2010
    Let it be recorded that I would totally have made the sandwich.

    That restraining order doesn't look so sweet now, does it Robert?
  • edited April 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    Good times, my favorite was when David was on and any time he started talking Nikki would suddenly get really excited about something random and interrupt him.

    I liked when they decided to put away the Product Placement and someone, I don't remember who, from the Chat said "No! I have a question for those Pack Oreos!" or something among this lines =P
  • edited April 2010
    How many different versions of this video are there?
  • edited April 2010
    Strong Max wrote: »
    How many different versions of this video are there?


    One via ttg
    One via joystiq
    one other via other site (probably kotaku is my guess) that has not yet been released
  • edited April 2010
    I hope this and any future commercials they produce for the Toys of Power are included on the DVD. :D
  • edited April 2010
    Just use your Future Vision Toy to find out whether they will be!
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, but what would I aim it at? If I aim it at my computer that's playing the video, it will only tell me the future of what i will be doing on that computer similar to when you use it on the radio at Stinky's...
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    I'm actually really impressed by the fact that there isn't one rude voicemail on there. Yet. Well now I've gone and jinxed it.
  • edited April 2010
    Wapcaplet wrote: »

    The first one is still my favourite.
    Because it has Yare in it.
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    The first one is still my favourite.
    Because it has Yare in it.

  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    The first one is still my favourite.
    Because it has Yare in it.

    Every time you say stuff like this he links it to me. Avistew, Yare, talk this out like adults. Maybe over coffee. I am not going to be an accessory to your love connection any longer.

    ...You two-timing son of a sniper.
  • edited April 2010
    nikasaur wrote: »
    Every time you say stuff like this he links it to me. Avistew, Yare, talk this out like adults. Maybe over coffee. I am not going to be an accessory to your love connection any longer.

    ...You two-timing son of a sniper.

    Aww, he's shy.
    (Note to self: he's sending links to nikki, not the police. Yay!)
  • edited April 2010
    Nikki's WORSE than the police. The police have regulations.
  • edited April 2010
    Nikki's WORSE than the police. The police have regulations.

    But she gave me free episodes! The only things the police give me are free restraining orders.
  • edited April 2010
    Nikki, it means people look to you as the mediator.


    in other news, this post is extra satan-y.
  • edited April 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Nikki, it means people look to you as the mediator. USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.

    Hey, I don't look to her as the mediator. I say things directly to him, face to face, in front of hundreds of people.
  • edited April 2010
    Has anyone tried calling the number yet?
  • edited April 2010
    Strong Max wrote: »
    Has anyone tried calling the number yet?

    Lots of people. Left messages, too.
  • edited April 2010
    I left a moderately angry message.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    #2 is my favourite.

    Who are the new people in the latest trailer?
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I left a moderately angry message.

    Why were you moderately angry? Because there were no toys left? :(
  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I left a moderately angry message.

    Were you the one yelling at me?
  • edited April 2010
    I should have known clicking that link would screw my Rapidshare upload, basically wasting 3 hours on it :(.


    Oh well... personally this was the least interesting of the 3 too.

    (Also, weren't Yare and Nikasaur engaged or something... or did they broke up after she turned flesh again from gold statue?)
  • edited April 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    #2 is my favourite.

    Who are the new people in the latest trailer?

    Why were you moderately angry? Because there were no toys left? :(
    Look, if they KNOW THE FUTURE, and they ALREADY KNEW I'D BUY IT, they should have been able to anticipate demand. They should have known EXACTLY how many people were going to call and have the exact right number of people on the other end.

    This just goes to show that not even premonition can assure quality customer service.
  • edited April 2010
    Look, if they KNOW THE FUTURE, and they ALREADY KNEW I'D BUY IT, they should have been able to anticipate demand. They should have known EXACTLY how many people were going to call and have the exact right number of people on the other end.

    Which means they're making us wait on purpose. Probably because they're too busy winning the lottery and similar stuff.
  • edited April 2010
    nikasaur wrote: »
    Were you the one yelling at me?

    er... maybe. what did it say?
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Which means they're making us wait on purpose. Probably because they're too busy winning the lottery and similar stuff.

    But then what would be their incentive to keep making quality gam --


  • edited April 2010
    Don't worry, they'll keep doing that just for fun, and for the perks of having creepy (but French and sexy!) groupies.
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    #2 is my favourite.

    Who are the new people in the latest trailer?

    How should I know, I found these on VHS tapes in a box inside of another box on the bottom drawer of an old dresser at my parent's house.

    Ahem. May as well credit everyone for their help!

    All commericals
    Written by Thorsten (aka Suro) and me
    Visual Effects and Motion graphics by Thorsten
    Directed & Edited by me
    Scared Guy - Majus!
    Scientist - Thorsten
    Narrator - Jared Emerson-Johnson
    Provider of VHS crappification instruments - Jake
    The guy who actually let us do this - Stephen Whetsine

    Commercial 1
    Girl - Lindsay Speth (chief curator of awesome)
    Guy - Robert Oates (Yare)
    Lottery Winner - Dan Connors
    Bank Robber - Will Armstrong

    Commercial 2
    Kid - me
    Dad - Greg Killion
    Fortune Teller - Nikki
    Karate Guy - me again
    The guy who got kicked in the face - Nick Mastroianni

    Commercial 3
    Airport Guy - Nick Mastroianni
    Gambler - Eric Parsons
    Thug - Mike T.
    He Who Knows All - Tulley aka Hobostew, my personal favorite testimonial. That laugh literally frightened me while filming it.
  • edited April 2010
    Eric Parsons looks really different without his mustache and black, silk mask. I didn't even recognize him!
  • edited April 2010
    Shauntron wrote: »
    How should I know, I found these on VHS tapes in a box inside of another box on the bottom drawer of an old dresser at my parent's house.

    Ahem. May as well credit everyone for their help!

    All commericals
    Written by Thorsten (aka Suro) and me
    Visual Effects and Motion graphics by Thorsten
    Directed & Edited by me
    Scared Guy - Majus!
    Scientist - Thorsten
    Narrator - Jared Emerson-Johnson
    Provider of VHS crappification instruments - Jake
    The guy who actually let us do this - Stephen Whetsine

    Commercial 1
    Girl - Lindsay Speth (chief curator of awesome)
    Guy - Robert Oates (Yare)
    Lottery Winner - Dan Connors
    Bank Robber - Will Armstrong

    Commercial 2
    Kid - me
    Dad - Greg Killion
    Fortune Teller - Nikki
    Karate Guy - me again
    The guy who got kicked in the face - Nick Mastroianni

    Commercial 3
    Airport Guy - Nick Mastroianni
    Gambler - Eric Parsons
    Thug - Mike T.
    He Who Knows All - Tulley aka Hobostew, my personal favorite testimonial. That laugh literally frightened me while filming it.

    And the Stuff we still do in the cinema when we like the movie:

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Shauntron wrote: »
    The guy who got kicked in the face - Nick Mastroianni

    Bet you had people queuing up for that role. :p
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