You guys should really fix the "no DVD for Steam users" thing guys...

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
I was about to buy the TellTale version of Sam & Max season 3 so I could get the free DVD at the end of the season. But then Valve came along with S&M items for TF2, and just combined my two favourite games. I decided that I would prefer the TF2 items over the free DVD, so I chose the Steam version. But then I hear TellTale is working with Valve to get the TF2 items for TT purchasers as well. ARUGH!

I really think it's about time you guys came up with a solution to people who buy the Steam version of S&M not being allowed to get the free end-of-season DVD. It's understandable that this wasn't possible with season 1 and 2, after all, they were brought to Steam much later. But with season 3, it's being relased on Steam at the same time as it is on the TellTale store. Not only that, but if you do make it possible for TT store users to get the TF2 items, then I think it's only fair that Steam users would be able to get the bonus DVD.

C'mon TellTale, please work something out!


  • edited April 2010
    Well, if you bought it from telltale, you can get it from here.
  • edited April 2010
    I know, and that's the thing that sucks, this wasn't an option when I brought it :(
  • edited April 2010
    Aw, now I read that getting the TF2 items with the TellTale copy of the game involves Valve giving purchasers of the TellTale version of the game free copies of the Steam version. That's a little unfair Telltale, how about being a sport and giving purchasers of the Steam version copies of the TellTale version too?
  • edited April 2010
    I agree, give us the DVD with the Steam version.
  • edited April 2010
    While I'm a happy owner of the Telltale store version, I think that it would be nice if those who bought from Steam could have the DVD.
    Ofc, the costs might be way too high for that but if you can afford something like this then I see no reason why not to.
  • edited April 2010
    The DVD is a bit much, I'd just be happy with the private forum access. I wanna be one of the cool kids!
  • edited April 2010
    I love the title of the thread, it reminds me of the title of a great Spinal Tap song.
  • edited April 2010
    Telltale offer these extras as an incentive to buy directly from them, it makes perfect sense. If they were to give Steam purchasers these privilages Telltale would suffer financially in the future. People need to make a choice - Dvd or Steam. You can't have everything.
  • edited April 2010
    Valve takes money for selling stuff on Steam, when tell tale sell direct they don't loose that money. That money is why we get the DVD for free.

    Not really sure what % Valve takes but I know Garry of Garry's Mod gets 50%.
  • edited April 2010
    While I wouldn't be against the Steam users getting the free DVD, I doubt that Telltale will do this and I completely understand why. I don't have any numbers or figures or anything, but I would be willing to bet that Telltale makes more money when games are bought directly from their store than they do when the games are purchased on Steam. Therefore, the people who buy the game straight from Telltale, in my opinion, deserve all of the perks that you can get by purchasing it. A lot of us here on the forums consider Telltale to be our favorite game company and want to support them as much as possible. For instance, many of us pre-ordered Sam and Max the day that it was available. And many of us felt that we were getting almost left out when we had done so. I don't use Steam almost at all, but I know a lot of people on these forums would have purchased Sam and Max 3 on Steam had they known about the TF2 items beforehand. Personally, I don't think it makes much sense for Telltale to offer bonus things for buying their games outside their store.
  • edited April 2010
    From what I gather the reason isn't that we give them more money, or they don't want to do so, but they are simply unable to tell who bought S&M on Steam due to the "locked" nature of Steam, and Valve's unwillingness to share such information with others (which is most of the times a good thing though).

    Now even if they worked together on the TF2 thing, I have no idea if Valve is willing to open up Steam for TTG to be able to tell who bought the game and thus is legitable for a DVD outside of the TTG-store.
    The way we need to get a Steam copy for the TF2 hats tells me that's probably "no".
  • edited April 2010
    I don't know what the costs for producing the DVDs are but money could be a valid point because they probably earn more by a sale made directly on the TTG site than from one on steam.
  • edited April 2010
    We will pay the difference.
  • edited April 2010
    ARGH seriously not THIS now. You people are incorrigible. Next there will be a topic saying all of the Sam and Max games should be freeware so people don't have to pay money for them.
  • edited April 2010
    ARGH seriously not THIS now. You people are incorrigible. Next there will be a topic saying all of the Sam and Max games should be freeware so people don't have to pay money for them.

    That's a bit of jump (also, 1984), but it would be a bit neat if Steam users could buy the DVD (for a nominal upgrade fee or whatever, and without the TT download privilege) through steam somehow, but that's something Steam and Telltale would have to negotiate.
  • edited April 2010
    A while ago, Garry from Garry's Mod made the addon hosting site only accessible to legitimate purchasers of the game. The way he did that was by generating a specific code for each account on, and the user had to paste that code in their Steam profile page. Then he or she added their Steam profile URL to their profile, and the site checked the generated code against the one on the profile page, and checked if that profile had Garry's Mod in their gamelist. If both were verified, the account was given access to the addons.

    It's a bit of a roundabout way, and maybe too hard for people who aren't that good with computers, but it's one way to verify ownership.

    Still, I understand Telltale not wanting to give all the benefits of buying directly to Steam users too, since buying directly is more beneficial to Telltale.
  • edited April 2010
    ARGH seriously not THIS now. You people are incorrigible. Next there will be a topic saying all of the Sam and Max games should be freeware so people don't have to pay money for them.
    How did you leap to that conclusion? All I'm saying is, I brought Sam & Max season 3, and I would like all the stuff that comes with that. It shouldn't matter where I brought it. Believe me, if I had known I would have gotten the TF2 items with the TellTale version, I would have brought it.

    If technical stuff is the issue, I'm sure TellTale and Valve would be able to work something out. After all, they've worked together in the past, and Valve was able to get free copies of the Steam version of S&M for TellTale customers.
  • edited April 2010
    ARGH seriously not THIS now. You people are incorrigible. Next there will be a topic saying all of the Sam and Max games should be freeware so people don't have to pay money for them.

    I agree that asking for the DVD is a bit much. But no one really seemed to have a problem with the massive whining over the TF2 items. The DVD should remain a Telltale exclusive however.

    What I would have loved though, and what I should have probably posted about when the pre-order was announced, was a better choice on the free game Steam were offering. Night of the Raving Dead is a fine episode, but I already had all of seasons 1 and 2 and most likely a large number of the people who were preordering Season 3 would also have had them. I'd have loved to be able to get an episode of Wallace and Gromit, or ToMI... I'm probably gonna end up getting those anyway when I work my way through my backlog of Steam games. Damn their sales are addictive.
  • edited April 2010
    I don't see why Steam-owners shouldn't get a DVD if there was some way to give them one... seriously.

    As for the free 203, yeah. That's why here they just give a free code for any one episode... (and some cannot even use that!)
  • edited April 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    We will pay the difference.
    You couldn't afford it! :O9
  • edited August 2010
    As a Steam purchaser during a sale in the beginning of the season, I wouldn't mind a way that would allow me to get the DVD without paying 20 bucks. Steam users purchased the game fair and square, so why deny them the ability to get the DVD? And if anyone from TT reads this, I would like to note that despite incentives, I'm more loyal to Steam and I will continue making my purchases through them.

    In any case, I expect the DVD to be ripped as soon as it's in the public so while I can't own a real copy, I can at least watch it.
  • PsyPsy
    edited August 2010
  • edited August 2010
    Harsh post, TTG employee.

    But TTG can't give Valve costumers DVD's, because they cannot decide who actually bought it on Steam. Valve just doesn't give such info away, even TTG who could then also offer you DVD's.

    You have to live with it, or order here in the future...
  • edited August 2010
    I would like to have the Telltale version too. The DVD would look so awesome on my shelf. :(
  • edited August 2010
    I would love that to happen. Then I would have all TTG-episodes here and could order a bunch of DVDs.
  • edited August 2010
    I think we, Telltale Store buyers, shouldn't have been whining over TF2 stuff to get them. I don't even play TF2.[/egoist]

    You know, I'm unsure if I can order TWO DVD's for one purchase (I probably cannot) but if it's possible, I would try changing my shipment information or whatever and make one Steam buyer happy. But that'd mean... er... I'd have to pay for shipping.

    ...any other idea?
  • edited September 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    The DVD is a bit much, I'd just be happy with the private forum access. I wanna be one of the cool kids!
    As someone who bought the game on PS3, I too would just be happy with forum access, although it might be harder for the staff here to prove who actually bought it on PSN? I dunno.
  • edited September 2010
    Same as Steam really, they can't tell.

    And with the season ended, you could probably expect those private forums to be locked and opened for public viewing any day now...
  • edited September 2010
    ummm, 1) using the Steam SDK its possible to add getting the DVD as a DLC item, where the DLC you get some code to enter on the TTG website (see the MAss Effect 2 Digital Collectors Edition)

    2) telltale gets more money from selling themselfs but also cost more money to sell that way. basicly steam is just as expensive as doing it yourself so no profit there. giving the DVD for shipping and handeling is just a promo, one they should extend to the steam communitie (and propably are required to do so in more than a few countries legally)[International commerce sucks sometimes :p ]

    3) telltale already asked for informationt like that, how hard is it really to just collect it if they really wanted to know.

    comeon ppl either know how digital distribution work or shutup. Just looking at income and ignoring the costs is more than just idiotic IMHO.
  • edited September 2010
    This is such a STUPID TOPIC!

    Steam is an online purchase system. I can't believe anyone would use it expecting to get a DVD for any purchase. Steam doesn't work that way, and it never will.
  • edited September 2010
    Thread Necromancy is a sin. REPENT SINNAR!

    But seriously there's no way Steam buyers will get the DVD but there wasn't any reason as to why Steam preorderers couldn't get private forum access. Simplest way (from an outsider point of view): Steam gives people a promotional code to use on Taletale site. Entering said code at specific point gives you access to forum! Simples! I can only guess some breakdown in communication stopped this from happening, especially since the first day or 2 of preordering on Steam did specifically mention the private forum access. I wish I took a screenshot :P

    Too late now though, no real point since there's nothing left to post.
  • edited September 2010
    This is such a STUPID TOPIC!

    Steam is an online purchase system. I can't believe anyone would use it expecting to get a DVD for any purchase. Steam doesn't work that way, and it never will.

    So your saying that if you buy something online your not entitled to any of the (possiblly promotional) physical products.

    and at the same time your implying that the reverse it completely natural.

    Steam doesnt work either way implicitly. its a medium just like a shop is.
    for the developer it does not matter one iota what medium is used

    nor should it.

    Consumer laws in several countries even enforce that
    (I know this might be hard to understand, but basicly it boils down to that a comsumer buys a product from a developer, the middle man only has a 'contract' with the links above it but the consumer doesnt. thats a 1:1 relationship, which also makes the medium used irrelivant)

    First awnser this question for yourself "Is there a REAL diffrence between any of the destribution methods for me as a consumer (remember that you just install and play the game)"
  • edited September 2010
    Pretty, pretty, pretty please? With a revolver and luger on top! :D
  • edited September 2010
    So your saying that if you buy something online your not entitled to any of the (possiblly promotional) physical products.

    and at the same time your implying that the reverse it completely natural.

    Steam doesnt work either way implicitly. its a medium just like a shop is.
    for the developer it does not matter one iota what medium is used

    nor should it.

    Consumer laws in several countries even enforce that
    (I know this might be hard to understand, but basicly it boils down to that a comsumer buys a product from a developer, the middle man only has a 'contract' with the links above it but the consumer doesnt. thats a 1:1 relationship, which also makes the medium used irrelivant)

    First awnser this question for yourself "Is there a REAL diffrence between any of the destribution methods for me as a consumer (remember that you just install and play the game)"

    I'm telling you you aren't entitled to something Steam never offered.
  • edited September 2010
    So your saying that if you buy something online your not entitled to any of the (possiblly promotional) physical products.

    Like Secret Fawful said. Think of the DVD as a promo item you get for buying from Telltale. It's advertised as part of the deal when buying from Telltale. It is not advertised as part of the deal when buying on Steam, PSN, or any other distribution platform. Therefore, you are not entitled to this item. If you preordered Brütal Legend from GameStop, you were not entitled to the awesome vinyl gatefold promo that Best Buy offered, regardless of the fact that you're buying the same game.
  • edited September 2010
    It's true that Steam users aren't entitled to the dvd, but none of the people who bought the season here were entitled to the TF2 hat and weapons. You guys complained until Telltale gave in and worked out a way for everyone to get the items.

    How is it different for Steam users, people who love Sam and Max as much as the regulars on this board, to complain, hoping for Telltale to make the dvd available to every Sam and Max fan?
  • edited September 2010
    Coldyron wrote: »
    It's true that Steam users aren't entitled to the dvd, but none of the people who bought the season here were entitled to the TF2 hat and weapons. You guys complained until Telltale gave in and worked out a way for everyone to get the items.

    How is it different for Steam users, people who love Sam and Max as much as the regulars on this board, to complain, hoping for Telltale to make the dvd available to every Sam and Max fan?

    The difference is we weren't aware those would be around, so we weren't able to validate which purchase was more worthy.
  • edited September 2010
    It's not really a stretch to think you get the best deal at the source (the developers) instead of the 3rd party (Steam), right?
  • edited September 2010
    The difference is we weren't aware those would be around, so we weren't able to validate which purchase was more worthy.

    I was aware and still went for the Telltale bundle.

    Anyway, at the very least it shows that the "They can't tell who actually bought what from where" argument is not always true.
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