Dear Internet - please quit being pessimistic b-tards. Also, relax. Thanks.



  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Ah! I was wondering :)

    Andrew: as bad as posting it the first time was, repeating it will always be worse.
    Yeah, Project Gutenberg is where I get all of my English public domain needs, especially because they usually have several differently-formatted versions. For Count of Monte Cristo, this is obviously not ideal for you, as you can read it in its original form. I don't know French though, so this is my best option for Dumas' work.
  • edited April 2010
    Rather Dashing, after digesting your previous posting I see that you raise some good points and I from now on will be reading more and more of your views, opinions and outlooks. Excelsior!
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, Project Gutenberg is where I get all of my English public domain needs, especially because they usually have several differently-formatted versions. For Count of Monte Cristo, this is obviously not ideal for you, as you can read it in its original form. I don't know French though, so this is my best option for Dumas' work.

    Project Gutenberg has many works in their original language along with the English translation (or one of them if there are several). I got my Hugo from them.
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Project Gutenberg has many works in their original language along with the English translation (or one of them if there are several). I got my Hugo from them.
    Oh hey, you're right. In fact, I now distinctly remember getting El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha from them.

    Haha. Wow, totally went dense on that one.
  • edited April 2010
    In fact, I now distinctly remember getting El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha from them.

    I have to read that.

    I can't believe I'm saying that in a forum about video games and in English.

    One of the wonders of this wonderful forum.
  • edited April 2010
    Ripcord wrote: »
    Dear Internet - please quit being pessimistic b-tards. Also, relax. Thanks.

  • edited April 2010
    I find it highly disconcerting that people are ignoring my posts. After all, I do try to think extensively about what it is that I am including in my posts. Besides, I think a long post generally has more thought and discussion value than a short one. I often find myself enjoying a good read of a longer forum post, because I know the person involved has a lot to say.

    Depending on the circumstances, I would tend to agree with you. However, I've been getting to my computer later in the day lately, so by the time I get here, there's quite a bit to read through. And if there's a thread that's comprised almost entirely of posts that are each a wall of text, there's no way I'm going to be able to get myself to read through that whole thread.

    So yeah, this is why I'll never read your "Video games are not art" thread. That thing was out of control way before I even saw it. I did skim and get an idea of your point, though.

    Also, does anyone else think that this thread belongs in general discussion?
  • edited April 2010
    I'd just like to pop in here and mention that I admire people who can write a whole wall of text just to prove a point. Not that any of the content actually matters so much as the fact that it's there and that you can actually come up with all of it as basically filler. Genius.
  • edited April 2010
    I'd just like to pop in here and mention that I admire people who can write a whole wall of text just to prove a point.

    Does cut+pasting count?
  • edited April 2010
    I definitely think the Sam & Max forums have gone downhill.. It's full of lots of (ridiculous,over the top) complaining..people going on off topic nonsense in nearly every thread..and worst of all a lot of unfunny people.. Where have all the great sam and max fans gone? I used to love how funny this place was.. Anyway I prob shouldn't be decrying the forum as a moderator.. I will be organising a gift basket for season 3 of sam & max.. Hey it's a tradition! So look out for more info closer to the release of episode 5
  • edited April 2010
    This happened to the Monkey Island forum when Tales came out as well. It got better, and I'm sure it will here, too.
  • edited April 2010
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I definitely think the Sam & Max forums have gone downhill.. It's full of lots of (ridiculous,over the top) complaining..people going on off topic nonsense in nearly every thread..and worst of all a lot of unfunny people.. Where have all the great sam and max fans gone? I used to love how funny this place was.. Anyway I prob shouldn't be decrying the forum as a moderator..

    I was planning to avoid the forums until the Season Ends not for avoid spoilers, just for this. At least there's no people calling you not worthy fan because you hadn't played Hit the Road or something.
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I will be organising a gift basket for season 3 of sam & max.. Hey it's a tradition! So look out for more info closer to the release of episode 5

    You have to plan that earlier! I live in another HEMIPHERE. How *** do you think I could participate if you don't give me at least 2 months?
  • edited April 2010
    Ripcord wrote: »
    Does cut+pasting count?

  • edited April 2010
    It's OK Ripcord. It was a joke. My other option was to actually write out my own filler text, and then people may not realize it was filler and actually read the damn thing. This way, people notice the filler pretty damn quickly.
  • edited April 2010
    It's OK Ripcord. It was a joke. My other option was to actually write out my own filler text, and then people may not realize it was filler and actually read the damn thing. This way, people notice the filler pretty damn quickly.

    Wait, we weren't supposed to read it all? Then why did you choose a good book? People would be less likely to read something you wrote yourself, you know.
    Plus it would have been easy enough to start being nonsensical.
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Wait, we weren't supposed to read it all? Then why did you choose a good book?
    The greatest, as far as I'm concerned(though I'm sure something is lost in translation). Still, it's totally not the best way to go through the whole thing, since I reformatted bits to make it look less like a dialog between two characters speaking relatively short lines, and more like a plausible rant if you, um, don't even scan over the thing. Anyway, the book is so great that anyone who wants to read it can easily pick up their unabridged copies off their bookshelf. After all, it's some of the greatest literature ever penned by a human being, certainly everyone owns the text or has obtained it in some form or another that is more pleasing to the eye, preferably on paper or an e-reader device of some form.
    People would be less likely to read something you wrote yourself, you know.
    Well, that's just plain hurtful. I mean, true sure, but hurtful. :(
    Plus it would have been easy enough to start being nonsensical.
    Would it have been? I don't think so. After all, wasn't it Bertrand Russell who once said "In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted."? Protip: It was him, and that quote is completely relevant? Why? Pancakes, that's why. No no, don't go away, this wraps around to the main point eventually. See, we always just assumed that pancakes should be separate things from the rest of your breakfast. But then, BAM!, breakfast re-thought. Now, if you can rethink something as simple as BACON AND PANCAKES, surely there are things you can address in what are ostensibly the great questions of life as we know it! For example, can breakfast look like a mouse that is smiling at you, gving a carefree sense of joy to your morning? OH YEAH, that jolly mouse is all over that shit. He's like, "Screw you, depression! I'm all over this fucking thing. I have eyes made of blueberries and shit! I MEAN FUCK. See that, only two blueberries. It takes BALLS to only have to blueberries in blueberry pancakes, but this shit is ART, FUCK YEAH. Life seeming like an uncontrollable downward spiral towards onliness and death? Throw some SMILING MICE into that shit! Yeah! SMILING MOUSE BREAKFAST." Now, let's say you don't want to think about breakfast. Maybe breakfast killed your parents, leaving you a huge inheritance, making you a really depressing rendition of Richie Rich. Now, let's say you're filled with a desire for vengeance now, and you need to exact vengeance on all the superstitious scum scraped from the bottom of the barrel of humanity. Why go the old way for this kind of thing? I mean, BAM! Throw some fuckin' GOGGLES into that shit. Maybe even some glidey wings and a STEAM ENGINE. MAN. FUCK. That shit is AWESOME. But hey, maybe you're not for the color scheme or the steam shit, but still think goggles are awesome, Well, put a fuckin' question mark over that shit, because BLAM! Alternatives are all over this shit. Look, see, now you've got yourself a trenchcoat and a fucking FEDORA. And now you're dressed in black, you know, to match your surroundings and to fit in with the hip gothic demographic! Speaking of demographics, but really steering away from demographics entirely, let's say you don't want to save the world. Maybe you just want to sit around in the ocean, PHOTOSYNTHESIZING and shit, but you don't want to be a plant AND you don't want to give up being multicellular. BLAM! Now your'e a sea slug. What? This is too awesome to be true? Maybe, but that doesn't matter. You know, because BLAM! Oh, didn't have any lead-in text for that one? QUESTION MARKS ALL OVER. Hanging question marks over here, hung some over there, and you have no idea where I'm gonna hang them next. But hey, now you know how to MIGRATE GMAIL ACCOUNTS. That's completely new information for you, right there. How's that for innovation? How's that for BLAM!. Mid-sentence blam! I don't even have a lead-in for that, it's just what I was reading at the time! YEAH. I suppose I should have picked something that makes me look more intelligent, though, as this whole endeavor is certainly going to be at least a point against me. Hey, anybody seen La Grande Illusion? Jean Renoir is one of the best filmmakers of all time. Hey! Look! A bunny! Oh, and yeah, I guess it would be easy for me to do this. I could probably even go on, if I wanted. For example, hey, Outcast was just added to GOG! That game is a woefully under-appreciated title. The thing was ENTIRELY ahead of its time, and I'm surprised to hear Kotaku of all places praise it before HG101, which has been on a marvellously refreshing Adventure and WRPG streak lately. Also, kitty litter. What's up with that stuff? I'll tell you what's up with it. Chair. Yes, CHAIR. Chair head ceiling dragon axe axe fire. The axe jumped over the mountain, and what do you think he saw? Huns. Atilla and the whole gang, just eating pizza with the Ninja Turtles. The Huns have agreed to help the Turtles against the Foot clan, because their jet packs give them an advantage and the foot clan stole their nanobots. Oh sure, the foot clan TRIED to frame the Turtles, but the Huns were quickly convinced that they had the wrong guys when the Turtles belted out an amazing rock ballad about friendship, love, safe sex, and how taking drugs is not cool. So, of course, they walked to the moon to face the Foot clan in their plan to win a dancing competition on the moon in order to obtain the Magical McMuffin, an artifact that would allow the Foot clan to control every Spring fashion season for the rest of time!

    Okay I'm done.
  • edited April 2010
    Well, that's just plain hurtful. I mean, true sure, but hurtful. :(

    I was just teasing you :p Don't worry, it means I like you.

    (You were rude in that wall of text. You might want to be careful about that).
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I was just teasing you :p Don't worry, it means I like you.
    (You were rude in that wall of text. You might want to be careful about that).
    I'm sure I would have used less harsh language if I thought anybody that cared was going to read it.
  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010

    I'm sure I would have used less harsh language if I thought anybody that cared was going to read it.

    I saw a broken link attached to some swearing.
    Time to shut down the internet, we have a fugitive here, folks.
  • edited April 2010
    nikasaur wrote: »
    I saw a broken link attached to some swearing.
    Time to shut down the internet, we have a fugitive here, folks.
    It's okay! I totally fixed it. The link isn't broken and there's no more swearing.


    On a broken link, anyway.

  • edited April 2010
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Where have all the great sam and max fans gone? I used to love how funny this place was..

    Hiya, boss. :p

    I tend to stick to general chat until a game is underway, so I haven't noticed any trends amongst demeanor in here. But alas, as a forum grows larger, so does the chance for general malfeasance. (my second favorite kind of feasance!)
  • edited April 2010
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Hiya, boss. :p

    I tend to stick to general chat until a game is underway, so I haven't noticed any trends amongst demeanor in here. But alas, as a forum grows larger, so does the chance for general malfeasance. (my second favorite kind of feasance!)

    Well I'mglad you are still around! Us old forum members need to stick together :p There is over 50,000 people registered these days..
  • edited April 2010
    2006 is old?

    wow.. time is flying

    I always loved the lucas forums better.. but thats when jakey poo modded back n the way back machine
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah! Woo! Two-thousand and eight!


    Okay, so I was a little late to the party, but I totally knew these guys were around. I know that doesn't count for anything, though. :P
  • edited April 2010
    I was in slightly late but as with so many things I think of myself as oldschool anyway. And you can be sure I'm sticking around.
  • edited April 2010

    Only decided to make a forum account this year though...
  • edited April 2010
    I could have sworn I'd been here longer than 2008 and more than a mere 200 posts. But Computers Don't Lie. Maybe I had some other account I forgot about in only two years =)
  • edited April 2010
    Or most your posts went into the "games" section where posts don't count?
  • Matt HMatt H Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    We love the fans, and with every decision we make we have all of you in mind. We understand that we can't please everyone since that just isn't possible. TTG is just a bunch of people who love making games with a focus on telling a great story and we are happy that you guys love playing those games. At the end of the day, the fact that you guys are even on our forums is a sign that you care. We listen to what you say and we try to make decisions based on your feedback (positive and negative). There are always factors that the community isn't going to be aware of, but we do whatever we can to make the most amount of people happy.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Matt H wrote: »
    We love the fans

    Flattery will get you everywhere. :D
  • edited April 2010
    Matt H wrote: »
    We love the fans

    And we love you too.

    In a very non-creepy, strictly company-fanpeople way.
  • edited April 2010
    In a very non-creepy, strictly company-fanpeople way.

    Speak for yourself.
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Speak for yourself.

    Avistew: Getting slightly creepier with every post since 2009.
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Speak for yourself.

    I probably should have put some sort of qualifier in there. Like "everyone EXCEPT Avistew."

    Oh well, live and learn. :D
  • edited August 2010
    Well that thread you specifically mentioned DID have a point. Why did TTG have to put content in one of their games exclusively for one of the most expensive consoles?
    On the other hand, I would be... for a lack of a better and more acceptable term, platform-exclusive if I were a game developer who had an incentive for doing so.

    Internet nerds seem so cruel. They demand that you hurry up, and when you finally release your next masterpiece with a few flaws because you rushed they yell at you some more. I'd say just ignore them because they can not be satisfied, and look to the patient people who really love your content, as well as the reviewers(because if you make money from your content you want good reviews) for your audience.

    one final note: if everyone could easily be satisfied with everything, would this world be called "life", "heaven", "7734", or neither?
  • edited August 2010
    SBCGateAP wrote: »

    this world be called "life", "heaven", "7734", or neither?

    7734? Really?

    "Crudfully? Really? What, was your mom watching over your shoulder when you typed this email? Don't worry, I still would of made fun of you, just probably would've left your mom out of it." - Strong Bad
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