Please, Telltale, don't join Atari Namco Bandai never again

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
This is the latest news from a Spanish page
SUMMARY AND TRANSLATION: After three years of waiting, Sam & Max Season 2 won't be released in Spain on PC, only on Wii and just in one chain of stores.


  • edited April 2010
    I know how you must feel..... there are a lot of adventure games I am crossing my fingers for an English speaking release.
  • edited April 2010
    Oh, dammit, that awful!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2010
    So sorry!

    It's interesting, actually. The game is fully localized after all, right? So why not publish on as many platforms as possible after this effort?

    I don't get it!

    Season 2 retail PC version/ German published by Namco Bandai on April 30, that is, in two days. What a wait - for some...
    I don't have to buy it, I already own the English version. Nonetheless, good thing it finally happens.
  • edited April 2010
    What i understand even less is that theywon't publish it on PC... When it's ORIGINALLY a PC game :confused:
  • edited April 2010
    It's interesting, actually. The game is fully localized after all, right? So why not publish on as many platforms as possible after this effort?

    No, it's not fully localized, it only has translated subtitles, and the Spanish review says it's got many mistakes.

    This is outrageous for me, almost three years waiting for the spanish version, and all I've got is a badly subtitled version which isn't even releasing officially in Spain! (It's not releasing in PC, and the Wii version is only available through

    What I don't understand is, if the subtitles have been translated, why can't Telltale update their version of the game to include them like they did with Wallace and Gromit?
  • edited April 2010
    What I don't understand is, if the subtitles have been translated, why can't Telltale update their version of the game to include them like they did with Wallace and Gromit?

    Because the translation is the property of Namco-Bandai Partners® (lulz) and they probably don't want TTG using it to "steal" sales. Of course, if they were to make a new one there should be no problem...
  • edited April 2010
    Because the translation is the property of Namco-Bandai Partners® (lulz) and they probably don't want TTG using it to "steal" sales. Of course, if they were to make a new one there should be no problem...

    You mean, Namco-Bandai have the rights to the Spanish translation, but they aren't releasing it in Spain, so that means nobody gets it...
  • edited April 2010
    Yes, except they are, on Wii and 360.
  • edited April 2010
    Not on 360. The story is as follows: they announced Season 2 would be coming to Spain both for PC and Wii on December, 2008. Since then, they've been pushing back the release date once and again (but this is not to blame them: those were unnofficial, internal dates some media were publishing without green light). Finally, when the final release date came, they told Aventura y CÍA they won't be publishing it on PC, just on Wii. It's kind of stupid announcing something and then not realeasing it, when across Europe people are getting their localised versions. That's why Telltale got to do their own translations.
  • edited April 2010
    360 got Beyond Time & Space back in September on Live Arcade, and it was already translated (which is ironic considering how long they've taken), so I assume both the Wii version and the 360 version use the same translation. Regardless, it's still an awful move. I bought Nobilis' version of Season One and it was a very cool presentation for a low price, it's a shame Season Two ended up in the hands of a publisher that doesn't really care about the game.

    Also, W&G's translation was actually made by Microsoft if I remember correctly.
  • edited April 2010
    Yep, I meant Namco Bandai is not publishing a 360 version. It's already there by TTG. I'm not really sure the subs are the same, as the case must be similar to the one with W&G: Microsoft's policies for games on the LIVE Arcade.

    BTW, Nobilis expected to sell much more than was reasonable in Spain, and their expectations weren't fulfilled.
  • edited April 2010
    2 years wainting for a translation.... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Why Namco-Bandai publish both PC and Wii versions in Germany, England, Portugal, France... and in Spain only Wii version? I can't understand this.

    If the problem is the money, they can publish a digital download....

    Telltale, please, don't join never more with Atari (Namco-Bandai). This is incredible.

    This is very frustrating............ :confused: :mad: :eek:
  • edited April 2010
    Sounds awful. Isn't there Latin American release which you can order or does Atari/Namco/whatever own rights also in the Latin America?

    Personally I frequently buy either North American or the UK versions of the games, rather than wait for Scandinavian versions (which are most of the time in English anyway, because they won't bother to translate most games to all the five languages of the Nordic Countries.)
  • edited April 2010
    Well, yesterday I noticed that GAME is starting to sell this GAME in Spain. I felt so happy...

    Then I started looking for the PC version, but I couldn't find it. Know I know the truth, and I really feel HATE for Atari. As a TTG fan, I also ask you to please NEVER EVER join Atari.

    PD: Of course, the prices are too high. I mean, 20$ in USA (15€), but 40€ (53$) in Spain ¿? C'MOOOOON!!!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2010
    The situation for the "Devil's Playhouse" localized version looks rather bleak now, I might add. :( :( :(

    If localized versions of the second season arrive so late or not at all in non-English-speaking countries, it's rather hard to sell a third season there. Will Namco Bandai even consider to publish this? As the brand is a bit more popular, I rest assured that Tales of Monkey Island will be published in Germany one way or another; for Sam & Max, however, a lot of people will have to put up a very hard fight.

    I won't buy German versions for myself - I'm far too content with the original. But loving these games so much, and working in the translation industry, I'm very interested in a proper localisation of these games.

    BTW, the German release of Season 2 will be about 20 €, according to As full-price games normally cost 40 to even 50 €, I will consider this a bargain. ;)
  • edited April 2010
    The version Namco Bandai is publishing throughout Europe seems to be multilingual, including Spanish. But they're not selling it in Spain. Cannot understand. :eek:

    EDIT: I mean, I understand, for sure. It's about piracy. But what the heck, users don't have to be blamed for piracy. Spanish publishers don't understand it's their policies what lead people to illegally download games. And it's not possible to have good sales figures with bad editions, bad translations, higher prices than in the rest of Europe with less polished packages, and NO marketing at all!
  • edited April 2010
    Lehman wrote: »
    The version Namco Bandai is publishing throughout Europe seems to be multilingual, including Spanish. But they're not selling it in Spain. Cannot understand. :eek:

    EDIT: I mean, I understand, for sure. It's about piracy. But what the heck, users don't have to be blamed for piracy. Spanish publishers don't understand it's their policies what lead people to illegally download games. And it's not possible to have good sales figures with bad editions, bad translations, higher prices than in the rest of Europe with less polished packages, and NO marketing at all!

    We're in the EU so you should be able to order that multilingual version for example from a French online store. I order stuff from the other EU memberstates all the time, because they often have cheaper prices (shipping included).
  • edited April 2010
    Yep, for sure. Well, I own the original one from TTG, but I could do that if interested. The fact is that many people don't like to buy through the Internet, particularly in Spain. They want to go to a shop, take the translated package and go try it at home. And they won't be able to do that. If TTG starts offering multilingual versions this people won't buy it through the Internet, yep. But there's no point in importing a retail version from France to get Spanish subtitles when they just don't want to publish it in Spain.

    I mean, they're even publishing it in Portugal or Italy! It's not like if those are bigger markets or if they suffer from less piracy!
  • edited April 2010
    Sounds awful. Isn't there Latin American release which you can order or does Atari/Namco/whatever own rights also in the Latin America?

    Nope. The latin-american version is the English American version in English and there. Normally. (In fact I have no idea about this game. It's difficult already to find PC Games in the Market due the piracy and normally, unlike Microsoft or Sony, they don't have a fully in the place division here.)

    Just Recently they started to translate some games, but not all games. Well, console games, some games in the PC were fully translated in first half of the '90, but they stoped for some reason and then now they are do it again. But, again, just games with little to none text and games which they know they will have a success by selling it (If they aren't tied to Microsoft, again). If I ever find the Game here will be: 1) In fully English (Which is the common ocurrence!) or 2) In Spanish with the translation of Spain.

    The Latin-American translations and the Spanish* translations are different too: The Latin-American use normally a "neutral" spanish, which is a vocabulary and an accent that pretty much anyone who talk spanish can understand, while the translation for Spain, normally, are fully localizated with Spanish slang and sometimes the same accent. Some Latin-American people cannot stand Spanish translations (or dub) and the reverse can happen.

    Here in Latin America, is so rare the ocurrence of find a game with Spanish translation, and some times the translation is SO BAD, we finish play it in English anyway.

    *With Spanish, I mean, from Spain. Not the languaje per se
  • edited April 2010
    I've read in websites such as Aventura y CIA that the rest of the European versions WON'T have the spanish subtitules. I don't understand why. Please, if any european custumer from any country outside Spain buys the PC game, please confirm us if you can select spanish subtitules.

    Thank you ^^
  • edited April 2010
    I've read in websites such as Aventura y CIA that the rest of the European versions WON'T have the spanish subtitules. I don't understand why. Please, if any european custumer from any country outside Spain buys the PC game, please confirm us if you can select spanish subtitules.

    Thank you ^^
    Are you sure? Maybe in other pages they say so, but precisely the staff from Aventura y Cia keep saying that the rest of European versions will indeed be multilanguage (EN-FR-GE-SP-IT). They are not 100% sure, but they are working to be certain on that.
  • edited April 2010
    Namco-Bandai Spain has confirmed that PC versions of other european countries are multilingual:
  • edited April 2010
    Well, now that the German version has been released I can only join the plea: No more Atari Namco Bandai as a publisher ever again, PLEASE!!!

    The German version has been absolutely ruined by replacing every single voice actor from Season 1 (who were for the most part fantastic, especially Sam and Max, as they got their voices back from "Hit the Road") with TERRIBLE new ones, who sound like they're mostly dragged in from the street, and getting almost no dialogue-direction at all.

    Please Telltale, if "Tales of Monkey Island" or "The Devil's Playhouse" should ever get an international relase, don't go with Atari again!!!
  • edited April 2010
    Laserschwert, can you tell us if the German version is multilanguage?
    Does it have subtitles in english, spanish, portuguese, german and french? And voices in english?

    Thank you.
  • edited April 2010
    Please telltale. Make your own translated version for season 3... Please. I dont want to wait three years for a subtitled version again. (and spanish version its only en europe .. so i need to import and more time lost)

    Please. You have the money and resources. No more atari bandai. I from southamerica. The world is not only north america and europe

  • edited April 2010
    tabe8jedi wrote: »
    Laserschwert, can you tell us if the German version is multilanguage?
    Does it have subtitles in english, spanish, portuguese, german and french? And voices in english?

    Thank you.

    The installer lets you choose between German, English, Spanish, French and Italian. I don't know if all of those are spoken languages as well (I guess besides German the English version is). Plus the Spanish manual is missing from the disc's manual folder.
  • edited April 2010
    The installer lets you choose between German, English, Spanish, French and Italian. I don't know if all of those are spoken languages as well (I guess besides German the English version is).
    As far as I know, French version is also French spoken, and Spanish and Italian text only with English voices.
  • edited May 2010
    Nice, 3 years waiting for this :(
  • edited May 2010
    why the S&M games doesn't have subtitles in spanish, anyway?

    P.S: Sorry for my awful english
  • edited May 2010
    Dozens of adventures games are published in Spain every year, and they sell well. So why oh why Sam & Max Season 2 is published on Europe but NOT in Spain? For God's sake, it will be published on Portugal, where the games sell less copies than in Spain!!!!????

    Namco Bandai sucks and I am very dissapointed with Telltale.

    Sam & Max and Tales of Monkey island need an official spanish translation and I think Telltale need to take care of this problem and start to translate all their digital games to the five more important languages (english, spanish, french, german and italian), like they (or Microsoft) did with Wallace & Gromit.
  • edited May 2010
    Megaace wrote: »
    Dozens of adventures games are published in Spain every year, and they sell well. So why oh why Sam & Max Season 2 is published on Europe but NOT in Spain? For God's sake, it will be published on Portugal, where the games sell less copies than in Spain!!!!????

    Namco Bandai sucks and I am very dissapointed with Telltale.

    Sam & Max and Tales of Monkey island need an official spanish translation and I think Telltale need to take care of this problem and start to translate all their digital games to the five more important languages (english, spanish, french, german and italian), like they (or Microsoft) did with Wallace & Gromit.

    I agree
  • edited May 2010
    Being from the UK none of this effects me, but I have to say why would Telltale give the rights to a company that have such bad customer relations and ethics? You only have to look at their game releases and support over the last couple of years to see what a horrible company they are. Riddick Dark Athena stuck with a DRM that means no more activations at all after you install it 3 times and a completely none working multiplayer they never fixed is just one example.

    Telltale, it's imperative that if your going to license these games to publishers you find one that shares your passion for the subject matter and your games or your just going to find these idiotic companies have a detrimental effect on your reputation.
  • edited May 2010
    Can't a group of fans translate it? Like what happenned with TFMI.
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