Beyond The Devil's Playhouse

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Besides coming up with a pretty cool name for a documentary, I have a legitimate question for everyone:

How far do you think Sam and Max will go before it finally dies out?

I'm positive there'll be a season four and possibly a fifth or sixth season in the future, but I'm doubting there'll be Sam and Max beyond that. It's just a feeling I'm getting, here. A hunch.

So what do you guys think? How far do you think Sam and Max will go, on top of the 23+ years of material it has going for it?


  • edited April 2010
    I really thought Season 2 could have been a perfect end to the series but Season 3 is actually so good I now think otherwise.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, it certainly looked that way for some time. XD

    Bosco had figured out the whole conspiracy against him, the Soda Poppers were gone, Flint Paper solved a case and Sam and Max saved Santa, Grandpa Stinky, Timmy Two-Teeth and the DeSoto from Hell itself. Doesn't get more climactic than that!

    Now I want to play 205 again.
  • edited April 2010
    I am waiting for a movie, I am! : P
    If Over the Hedge got a movie, then Sam & Max sure as hell should too. : D
  • edited April 2010
    We (we being the whole of Sam and Max fans) would have to get someone competent and willing enough to direct it.

    Although, Tintin's getting a movie by Spielberg. It may not be as hard as I think to get a good director.

    Anyways, I never knew Over the Hedge was a comic. D:
  • edited April 2010
    Sam and Max had already lived beyond their life expectancy. Why should they stop? Look at Mario.
  • edited April 2010
    i will be really sad when telltale says "Ok, that's it. No more Sam & Max". But I doubt it will be like that. Maybe they get killed off at the end of season 8!
  • edited April 2010
    i will be really sad when telltale says "Ok, that's it. No more Sam & Max". But I doubt it will be like that. Maybe they get killed off at the end of season 8!

    When they crash their motorcycle into a pool of hungry sharks.
  • edited April 2010
    When they crash their motorcycle into a pool of piranha poodles.

    If they're going to die, why not in a cross-promotional type way? Of course, Guybrush set these on them himself so he could get more games.
  • edited April 2010
    Of cource or Telltale wouldn't make Monkey Island X A Space Odyssey.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2010
    From a strictly economic point of view, Telltale will continue to publish Sam & Max games as long as they are lucrative. If other brands become equally popular or even more popular, it's likely that TTG will hire more staff to produce more games. If there are two or even three years between seasons, a fourth and fifth season are likely; after that, only a really serious change in game mechanics (and graphics) might rejuvenate the series enough to continue to thrive.
  • edited April 2010
    Personally, I didn't think there was anywhere left to go after Season 2.

    Earth, Moon, Time and Dimensional Travel, Hell, the Birth of the Universe
    ...what else is left?

    ...I was wrong, lol.

    And if they wanted to have a little fun with what's already out there, they could go back over it all with an insane twist:

    Sam and Peepers: Season One, Season Two, and Season Three; how they would have played out had the demonic Peepers been at Sam's side through all of that instead of Max(and how Max would have behaved in Peeper's place, lol)
    Sam and Max: Season One Part 2-Season Two Part 4; where they cut through a lot of stuff to get right to the end, messing up everyone's plans a little too early(like turning a flamethrower on Hugh Bliss at the Millionare Game, hehehe).

    ...It'd be funny, but I wouldn't expect it to happen, :p
  • edited April 2010
    Sam and Max Gaiden: The Cases of Flint Paper
  • edited April 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Sam and Max Gaiden: The Cases of Flint Paper

    "I won't rest until I find the creep who killed by two best buds!!"
  • edited May 2010
    Sam and Max must assassinate historical figures to fix time! Abe Lincoln! Mahatma Ghandi! Colonel Sanders!
  • edited May 2010
    Bosco had figured out the whole conspiracy against him, the Soda Poppers were gone, Flint Paper solved a case and Sam and Max saved Santa, Grandpa Stinky, Timmy Two-Teeth and the DeSoto from Hell itself. Doesn't get more climactic than that!

    Sam and Max have life outside of Telltale's games, you know :)
  • I honestly don't think TTG will quit making Sam & Max titles. I think Telltale would like to see them become the symbol of the adventure game genre and mascots for the company. Of course, this all hinges on what Steve Purcell wants to do, but at least that's what I think TTG wants to do.
  • edited May 2010
    Sam & Max a worldwide symbol?! They'd abuse the power and kill all of the internets!
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