Keyboard controls

Ok, I think I must be missing something fundamental here because I can't work out how to use the keyboard controls properly.

The keyboard map has enter down as 'use' but I can't make it do anything because there don't seem to be any keys to select objects (which there are buttons for on the controller map).

I get that there are mouse controls, but I don't really like click to drag on my laptop's touchpad so I'd rather use keyboard controls. Can anyone help me?

EDIT: And I don't have my gamepad with me.


  • edited May 2010
    How about using the touchpad and keyboard in tandem? I used the mouse for selecting objects and the keyboard for everything else in ToMI.
  • I've tried that but it feels awkward to me. The touchpad on my laptop is very far to the left so it's sort of under the WSAD keys. No idea why, maybe it's for left handed people.

    The main thing I'm trying to find out is if there's any way to select objects using the keyboard. If not... what is the enter key for? I don't see people using the mouse to place the cursor over objects and then pressing enter, that would just be stupid.
    Am I missing something really obvious or did Telltale just put the incomplete keyboard controls there to taunt me? D;
  • edited May 2010
    just use a usb mouse with your laptop
  • Good idea, I'll look into getting a small one to keep with my laptop.
    So... does anyone know what the enter key is for?
  • edited May 2010
    There's an option in setting which pretty much tell to you the shortcuts for the game for the keyboard. I remember:

    Esc for go to the Main Menu
    Ctrl for go to the last screen selection (Like, if you are in the item selection screen, you go back to control Sam)
    Q or E are for either Max's Powers or the Inventory

    Those were the ones I used the most (Appart of the WASD), everything else I did it with the touch pad.
  • I already knew that, but thanks anyway.
    I'm just confused that the Enter key is 'use' when there's no key to select which item to use.
  • edited May 2010
    I just went I check and I think you can't navigate the inventory with the keyboard but you can navigate the Notebook with (mostly) no problems. Weird...

    Edit: Now I actually read where is your touchpad, you can also control Sam using the arrow keys. Have you trying become left handed and use the arrow keys with the right and the touchpad with the left hand?
  • I hope they map all of the controller buttons to keys on the keyboard in future, I must be the only person who really liked Grim Fandango's controls.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2010
    BTW, is there actually the "show all objects for interaction" option available on PC via keyboard? I couldn't find it. Not that I really needed it...
  • Not as far as I can tell. I studied the keyboard map pretty closely and there are loads of functions on the controller that aren't mapped to any keys.
  • edited May 2010
    I don't see people using the mouse to place the cursor over objects and then pressing enter, that would just be stupid.

    You might if your wrist was starting to hurt from clicking the mouse over and over. Y'know just from general mouse usage.
  • Surely you'd be using the same finger to press enter as you would have done to click?
  • edited May 2010
    No I'd be mousing with my right hand and using my left hand for all keyboard controls... Did that sometimes in ToMI.. Must be from playing too much WoW er something..
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