For Developers

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
hope, that TellTale Games visiting this forum, and if they are not, I'll send them a letter (through my TellTale account).

So, let's write all game bugs you saw in game.

-Light. Sometimes Max become Black on the roof of pizzeria, and another places.
-Pieces of models are viewed. Example - Max's body got shadow on one part, and dont have on another. This makes stripes on him.

And whatever, I want to talk about another thing. I know friends, who have bought S&M only for TF2 items, so they completed game without any interest. Another friends completed game for "competing", without any talks, clicking on the objects and even skipping all the diologs! One friend didn't saw Sam and Max inside of Max's brain! (First teleportation).

How change this? Achievments! Steam achievments is great thing! It can motivate people for finding objects, talk more or even complete game more than 4 times! You can make achievments like "Don't skip any diolog" or "Watch at all possible objects with Futurevision", "Talk all diologs" and another things! Moreover you can hide something special and make an achievment like "Find XXX". This is always interesting and everybody loves achievments!


  • edited May 2010
    I like achievements in open worlds after finishing the main storyline, not when you have to find them during that storyline, because if you miss something you have to go through the entire thing again.
  • edited May 2010
    People who are not interested in the game in the first place won't change their mind with "achievements".
  • edited May 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    People who are not interested in the game in the first place won't change their mind with "achievements".

    Oh ho ho ho. That's what YOU think.

    This only really applies to the XBox, where savvy companies have realised that giving their games easy to get achievements can help sales, even if the game is bad. There's a lot of sad individuals who treat their GamerScore as an extension of themselves and they must get it as high as possible.
  • edited May 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    People who are not interested in the game in the first place won't change their mind with "achievements".

    I know at least one steam user who does not care how good a game is as long as it has achievements he will buy it.
  • edited May 2010
    We already got several bugthreads (most in gamesupport rather then her though), I would suggest reading them.
    The shadows thing is said to happen without realtime shadows. So I assume you run graphics setting 6 or lower?

    As for "achievements" I would agree, although not exactly like you say, but more like the 'did you try?' lists. I even said as such (and went into great detail how it would work in my mind) to TTG in the pre-order super secret forum first thread.
  • edited May 2010
    I get a bug that makes Sam's head twitch dramatically from time to time when playing ep301... As odd as it is, it doesn't bug me that much, simply because it goes away after looking at an item or by itself sometimes.

    Odd when it happens in a cutscene though...
  • edited May 2010
    A game should be good enough to play agian without achivements, nothing ruins a good immersive gameplay experience for me more then BLING " you earned a crappy achivement". its amazing this bad sense of something has gained such fame. I absolute hate it. Wish i could turn it off. Especially when youre deep immersed in a good FPS, suddenly a horrible sound and the whole damn screen lights up BLING BLING BLONG CONGRATULATIONS!

    wtf :S
  • edited May 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    I get a bug that makes Sam's head twitch dramatically from time to time when playing ep301... As odd as it is, it doesn't bug me that much, simply because it goes away after looking at an item or by itself sometimes.

    Odd when it happens in a cutscene though...

    Sam's head follow the pointer, so, I get that problem when the cursor is in the border of the screen.
  • edited May 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Sam's head follow the pointer, so, I get that problem when the cursor is in the border of the screen.
    Personally, I get that problem whenever I have my cursor hovering over something that would be in Sam's peripheral vision. It can be quite annoying.
  • edited May 2010
    I don't like achievements, they suck, they suck the same like when i want to buy a toothpaste that i'm beeing offered a reduced pack of tires. If i want a toothpaste i buy a toothpaste, if i want tires i buy tires and i don't want to get a free ride on a carrousel in the next town then with some invitation to a nail studio afterwards, all this sucks!
  • edited May 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Wish i could turn it off. Especially when youre deep immersed in a good FPS, suddenly a horrible sound and the whole damn screen lights up BLING BLING BLONG CONGRATULATIONS!

    wtf :S

    Turn off 'Notification Sounds' it helps quite a bit.

    You can even turn off notifications completely [which should also work for achievement notifications] but turning off the sound is enough for me personally.

    Assuming you're talking about Xbox.
  • edited May 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    suddenly a horrible sound and the whole damn screen lights up BLING BLING BLONG CONGRATULATIONS!
    I never had that happen... they are a LOT more subtle. Then again, I have only played on the PC, with Anno 1404, AudioSurf, Mass Effects and the like.

    Hell, often (especially in ME) I completely missed that I got an achievement at all...

    As I already stated in the top-secret site, it could work just fine as some kind of "Did you try?" list, not everyone reads these boards. And read about engaging Max and similar hilarious thing they may have missed... It would be handy to have such inside the game to reference to... (IMHO)
  • edited May 2010
    Im talking about both pc and consoles for various games, i just find it a total turn off, and for me, a good game is about immersion, not about arcade or realistic, but for me big noisy, flashing or huge text i earned some bad achivement, really ruins said immersion.

    In say Assassins Creed 2 you actully get like 3-5 achivements before the damn game really starts, you watch a cutscene, you move a bit, then another cutscene.

    If they wanna do achivements fine, but just include a big options to turn said achivement totally off, i just dont wanna see, hear anything then im happy really :)
  • edited May 2010
    hope, that TellTale Games visiting this forum, and if they are not, I'll send them a letter (through my TellTale account).

    So, let's write all the game bugs you've seen in game. (or "I've seen in game" unsure of what he/she meant to say)

    -Light: Sometimes Max becomes black on the roof of the pizzeria, and other places.
    -Character model/lighting glitches: Example - Max's may have the appropriate shadows on one part of his body, and none on other parts. This gives him a striped appearance.

    I want to talk about another thing. I know friends who have bought S&M only for the TF2 items. Another friend of mine completed the game for "competition". He didn't even listen to any of the characters; just clicked on all the objects and skipped all the dialogue trees! One friend even skipped right past the scene inside of Max's brain! (First teleportation).

    How can you fix this? Achievements! Steam achievements are a great thing! It can motivate people to find objects, talk more, or even complete the game more than 4 times! You can make achievements like "Don't skip any diaologue" or "Watch all possible objects with Futurevision", "Follow all dialogue trees completely" and lots of other things! Even better you could hide something special and make an achievement like "Find X item". This is always interesting and everybody loves achievements!

    Sweet zombie Christ hunting for Easter eggs while being chased by a man-eating bunny with rabies that's some bad grammar. I've taken the liberty of cleaning it up a bit so it has a better presentation. Replace what you have in the opening post with the revision and you'll probably get more activity in this thread; possibly attention from the developers as well.

    More on topic: I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one having graphical glitches in my game. I thought maybe it was because I was having to run it at obscenely low graphics to have a decent frame rate. In terms of people who buy the game but don't experience it to its fullest extent; it's their loss. Telltale got their money which means the marketing tactics worked. If your friends chose not to enjoy the game by simply skipping parts of it, or had no prior knowledge about it I advise you introduce them the earlier seasons so they can get their money's worth out of what they bought.
  • edited May 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Im talking about both pc and consoles for various games, i just find it a total turn off, and for me, a good game is about immersion, not about arcade or realistic, but for me big noisy, flashing or huge text i earned some bad achivement, really ruins said immersion.
    Yeah, I just started playing Mass Effect 2, and it's A LOT more in your face and flashy and obstrusive than was the case in ME1. I don't like it either.

    However when done subtle it's no harm at all, and can indeed add give the game a few additional "goals" when it's freestyle anyway (think a builder game as Anno 1404, which I think is sofar the best implentation of Achievements I have seen yet).
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    "A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon."

    ... and ...

    "With a handful of ribbons I can conquer all of Europe"

    -Napoleon Bonaparte

    He was the first guy to realize that you can motivate human behavior on a large scale by awarding achievements.
  • edited May 2010
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    He was the first guy to realize that you can motivate human behavior on a large scale by awarding achievements.

    And so it stays unbelieveable that there are no Achievements for all your Steam-versios of the games to this date when even Napoleon knew they are awesome. I would consider them some sort of compensation for not getting the DVD... (Can you believe I rebought The Strong Bad Season here to get the DVD?)
    It would make me rebuy ToMI on steam. (I already have the rest of your games over there)
    And it would make some people buy the games solely based on the fact that they have steam achievements (trust me on that one). There might have been even some people that bought S&M S3 only for a pair of rabbit-ears....
  • edited May 2010
    I'm sorry...

    If I click on something and get an amusing line from Sam or Max, that's an achievement.

    If I try to use objects or a power in a funny way, and get an amusing line or just something funny happens, that's an achievement.

    I don't need some list somewhere reminding me of all the great stuff I did. I was there at the time, I can remember. I don't care about other people knowing whether I managed to, I dunno, click on the 20 drunken pigeons throughout the game. It's pointless.

    If somebody has only bought the game for a TF2 item, then ... they are a douche-bag.

    If somebody has only bought the game to complete and not care one bit about the story, characters, or attention to detail that TTG have lovingly lathered this game with, then ... I'm sorry, that somebody is a douche-bag.

    For TTG to spend hours or even days working an achievements system into these games is not only pointless but counter-productive. Why should they waste any time implementing a feature just to appease the shallow wishes of what must amount to a tiny fraction of the people who buy their games?

    What I'm saying is: if somebody is buying the game only for achievements, they don't deserve to own it anyway.
  • edited May 2010
    serializer wrote: »
    ... it's pointless.
    then ... they are a douche-bag.
    then ... I'm sorry, that somebody is a douche-bag.
    ... they don't deserve to own it anyway.

    Not very open minded, are you? :)
  • edited May 2010
    serializer wrote: »
    For TTG to spend hours or even days working an achievements system into these games is not only pointless but counter-productive.
    Aren't they already doing anyways for the PS3? Or is that Sony?
  • edited May 2010
    Well... they are considering an Achievement System of their own, at least according to this:
    PHP Web Architect
      You can integrate with various systems outside of the website, including a
    n achievements system (game/web integration), DRM, PSN, WiiWare and XBLA.

    I'm agree finish the game itself should be enough achievement, but, some people still need Ribbons to feel awesome, and apparently good part of the gaming population doesn't have another way to feel awesome... so, let's them be.
  • edited May 2010
    The lighting and shadowing on sam n max was horrible in penal zone, also hated the fact that Max went ' weeeeeeee' when sam knocks him out of the way
  • edited May 2010
    Aren't they already doing anyways for the PS3? Or is that Sony?

    for the 360 and PS3 Trophys and Achievements are included in the game.
  • edited May 2010
    Dage wrote: »
    The lighting and shadowing on sam n max was horrible in penal zone, also hated the fact that Max went ' weeeeeeee' when sam knocks him out of the way

    He does that in every game, it's not specific to the third season.
    I liked how they had recorded different versions of it, but I missed the old one, I have to admit.
  • edited May 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    for the 360 and PS3 Trophys and Achievements are included in the game.
    I know. But does TTG do that or Sony/Microsoft?

    If in the first case, TTG already spends time on achievements anyway, making the point of the guy I was quoting moot...
  • edited May 2010
    While I wouldn't buy the games just for the achievements, it's a nice way to know if you've missed some Easter eggs so I think it works well with the Telltale games, because you're bound to miss stuff on your first playthrough.
  • edited May 2010
    I know. But does TTG do that or Sony/Microsoft?

    M$ and $ony don't make games. The Achievements are a requirement for every 360-title and the developers are responsible for them iirc.
    It should be the same for trophys.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Trophies and Achievements are indeed required to ship games on the PS3 and 360.
  • edited May 2010
    I agree the "WEEEEE!" line was better before, don't know why they changed it... :\
  • edited May 2010
    M$ and $ony don't make games.
    Eh... yes, yes they do.
    Trophies and Achievements are indeed required to ship games on the PS3 and 360.
    Thanks, but that doesn't really answer my question, wheter you guys at TTG program them in, or they add them.
    You guys adding it in the game would make sense, but you still would need to know how to get the system to recognise it's unlocked (but that's probably explained anyway to devs) but them adding it also makes sense, since it's their consoles and they evaluate the games before shipment anyway.
    I agree the "WEEEEE!" line was better before, don't know why they changed it... :\
    I agree...
  • edited May 2010
    Thanks, but that doesn't really answer my question,

    I'm pretty sure Yare meant they let the TT devs know what coding they need for the achievements to activate, per console, and it's up to TT to write it all in.
  • edited May 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    I agree the "WEEEEE!" line was better before, don't know why they changed it... :\

    Nah. I think is just because they change it. After a while, it'll be alright
  • edited May 2010
    I don't hate it I just think the other was better...
  • edited May 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure Yare meant they let the TT devs know what coding they need for the achievements to activate, per console, and it's up to TT to write it all in.
    Yeah, but I rather be certain than guess and potentially be wrong...
    I was kind of wondering for a while, but here's pretty much the only place devs post to actually get an answer anyway.
  • edited May 2010
    I didn't even notice that they changed the "Weeee!".
  • edited May 2010
    Having smacked Max several times, I can confirm that Avistew is right: there are actually multiple "Wheee!" lines now. Crazy, man.

    And yeah, people who play games only for the achievements need to straighten out their priorities. That shouldn't stop Telltale from going after those poor misguided fellows' money, though, unless it leads to, say, exclusive console bonus content that never shows up upon the PC version.*

    *I'm still waiting for those Nutrition Specs....
  • edited May 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    *I'm still waiting for those Nutrition Specs....

    You are not the only one but I guess there is a reason it is called 5-16-vision now with nutrition specs.
  • edited May 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Having smacked Max several times, I can confirm that Avistew is right: there are actually multiple "Wheee!" lines now. Crazy, man.

    Yes, that's true - I'm quite surprised some people didn't notice. I think they're hilarious!
  • edited May 2010
    The other ones are cool, I wasn't referring to them when I mentioned the new 'wheeee' line.
  • edited May 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Having smacked Max several times, I can confirm that Avistew is right: there are actually multiple "Wheee!" lines now. Crazy, man.
    Eeeeh, Season 2 also had multiple lines (better ones IMO).
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