Female character
I think TTG should do a game with a female protagonist.... Now that they have the pilot program there has never been a better time to try it out.
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That said though, sure. I'd be all for a game with a girl in the lead.
Obviously that is not true.
I was just thinking about how TTG has not had the main player character a female yet.
Syberia, Still Life, Secret Files, The Longest Journey/Dreamfall, Mata Hari, So Blonde, Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express, Another Code, Fenimore Fillmore Revenge, Runaway: A twist of fate, Ankh, Jack Keane, some of the King's Quest, Leisure Suit Larry (I think in some games you play as Passionate Patti in some places), Broken Sword, Gabriel Knight (I think you play as Grace Nakimura in some places in the third game)...
A random list of the ones I could think of. No particular order, haven't played a couple of them, and probably worth noting that there were some I didn't like much (refer to previous comment about protagonists needing to be likeable and well-written!).
King's Quest IV
King's Quest VII (there are 2 protagonists you play, both female)
Broken Sword series (4 games, mostly you play as a guy but there are parts where you control a girl)
Emerald City Confidential
Runaway (again, mostly a guy but parts played as a girl)
Laura Bow
Return to Mysterious Island
Nancy Drew series (20+ games)
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (mostly a guy)
A Vampyre Story
So Blonde
EDIT: Ninja'd by Javi-Wan.
You play as Grace for a pretty large chunk of 3, actually, and roughly half of 2.
I really liked those... what I have played of them anyway.
And it's true that these things are going to be a result. They invest less, so they don't lose as much if it fails, and they gain a lot if it succeeds. It's like conservative gambling, minimizing risk. The very fact that it is a pilot program shows that the company is not certain of the prospect's financial success, otherwise they would make it a full Season from the start(like Monkey Island or Sam and Max).
I don't believe a female character applies. And if they have a game with a female lead, I don't think it should be because they thought "hey, let's make a game with a female lead", but because the lead of that game they worked on just happened to be female.
On the other hand, I get the OP. So far, the games have been taking over some franchises. And franchises with a female lead might be rarer (it seems so to me). And an original IP /would/ be risky, and might be how we'd get a female lead first.
I think I'll have to second this. I, unlike many, have wanted a Morgan LeFlay spin-off game ever since the character was introduced.
Another one I just remembered - Legend of Kyrandia 2
And on a somewhat unrelated note: Freddi Fish is another adventure game series with a female lead
Sam: "Hey little buddy!"
I'd play that if it didn't have the gay thing.
I think there's a fanfic of Serious Sam and Max Payne. Serious Payne or something, I dunno.
I thoroughly enjoyed playing Zanthia in the Hand of Fate. But not necessarily because she was a female character. I think it is most important that the character is likeable as well.
Having a female protagonist from the start can be a bit risky. It seems to work easier when it is the second or third game in a series that has the female protagonist.
I'd play that in a heartbeat... but for entirely the wrong reasons.
I wrote a Half-Life 2 Sam and Max crossover fanfic once. Nothing sexual. Also, it sucks. Also, you can find it on the internet if you look hard enough.
Actually, I think there should be more games with gay leads, for equality's sake. So what if some people don't approve, many others do. Also, I love Sam's expression in this. But this image would make Max Payne what, 7ft tall?
Yeah, a disproportionate number of human main characters are white straight males. Not just in videogames, though, I remember reading about how it was only fairly recently that graphic novels started having female leads, rather than female unimportant, annoying side-characters.