Who'd like to see native Linux ports?
I've read through some blog comments and also looked at some forum threads, and it seem that not just a few people would like to see native ports to the Linux platform. Since the engine itself is already ported to OpenGL, it shouldn't be too hard to port the audio and control stuff to SDL, if it is well abstracted already. I'd like to know you opinions on this, and preferably also the thoughts if the developers, if they are reading this thread. Personally I'd like to see Sam & Max and Monkey Island seasons ported.
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(Alas, I'm also a realist when it comes to how much it costs to get something working, and then officially support it, when the market isn't huge.)
But that doesn't mean I demand it, I'm just saying that I'd use t if it existed, that's all.
Def, Mac users should be getting the love before Linux users... because Linux users inflict the pain on themselves voluntarily
It will be a nightmare to build and maintain, not to say support considering the staggering amount of distros and variations (do you have the library xyz.rpm version or or ...), configurations and mis-configurations.
I would have chosen "D": Not right now, maybe when the Linux folks standardize the basic OS and moves towards mainstream usage.
or "E": Not now, optimize what you have then spread to new platforms.
or most likely "D" and "E"
I still would like more Games running natively on Linux, so i choose Option 2.
You really don't seem to understand how things work. Or how would you explain that there is just one Linux binary for every id Software game, which run on any Linux distribution out there?
Heck, we are not on Windows, where you cannot run specific games anymore when you upgrade to a new version, or cannot play the newest games on e.g. Windows XP because they require DirectX 11 or whatever is recent.
Don't even try it. It's a bazillion times more convenient to game on Windows than Linux. Fin.
Or I could just use Winders. One glove fits all. I see Linux afficionados arguing that gaming on Linux isn't that hard, but I don't see why I would even bother when I can stick with Windows and get full support and guaranteed compatability (well as close as you can get with computer gaming)
As you said yourself, gaming's one of the reasons you wouldn't fully switch to Linux... or were you being sarcastic when you were on about the native binary and it went right over my head?
Again, hence my request for Linux ports.
I'm sure you meant couldn't, which is quite a charming way to open any post
Which was my whole point as well, gaming under Windows is inherently more convienent because of the support it has, I don't have to jump through hoops such as WINE to play the vast majority of games out there. So when the OP starts going on about DirectX compatability and the like I piped up as the benefits Linux gaming offers are outweighed by its lack of games natively supported.
As far as I can tell Linux is great for specialised tasks and better security than Windows, but it's a pretty bleak ground for gaming
And again, the only reason gaming isn't solid on Linux is because of the lack of support. Not the other way around. I'd switch to Linux permanently if all games were native in Linux. Because I'd rather use Linux than Windows any day. That's why I support Linux ports. But I think we're just talking in circles now...
Ahhhh, see if I had just added a wee
Anyway, let's mop up the drama. I don't want anyone to know I was in a mini Linux vs Windows row, i'll lose all my street cred :cool:
Ooooohhhhhhhhh. Understood, sir. Emoticons: Necessary evils.
But that is true. Linux is a lot less bloated and has a much more efficient kernel than Windows does. Anything runs better on Linux. As long as there are quality written programs, that is.
(I know, I know, it's "Portal". Just poking fun at myself.)
Get Portal for free now and then when it's finally released for Linux Steam you'll be able to play it. The only things that could top all this great news would be:
a) If Telltale announced all their games going Linux as well
b) An announcements that the Black Mesa Source MOD had finally gone gold
Please Telltale! I only use Windows for your games now!
The games themselves work quite nicely except for the old IE based launchers which suck, big time. Luckily Sam&Max Season 3 introduced a better Qt + WebKit based launcher which has zero problems running in wine.
And speaking of Qt + WebKit + OpenGL which Mac version has brought, not much extra work from that to Linux.
Of course if Linux support is something that Telltale has no intention of doing, I would ask one thing... Redo the earlier game seasons Windows version launchers to Qt+WebKit as those using these are much much much easier to run with wine.
I'm doubly all for native FreeBSD versions.
Hey, I can dream...
I'll likely be in Linux more than Windows now, so a native Linux port of Telltale's games would be great for me.
Last I head, someone was working on it.
I'd bet there's at least as much Linux demand as there is Mac demand.
Ah, the good old "Well, I don't want it so it's useless" argument eh? Seriously, everybody who doesn't want a Linux port just get out. We don't care what you don't want. We're just running a thread and a poll to see if there's enough of us that do want it for it to make sense for Telltale.
I must admit the cost/benefit is a tough one though, I already buy the seasons and play them under WINE or Windows, I'd want native Linux ports but not sure I'd pay extra. On the other hand the Linux community is pretty starved on games, meaning you do get quite a few sales if you first offer it. Games like World of Goo set their 1-day sales record the day they launched the Linux version.
Making it happen should not be that hard. Already they clearly have a form of abstraction to handle PC, Mac and consoles in their engine. By statically linking in the libraries at the cost of size, it should work across pretty much all distros. If they first do it, they should have Linux support in all future games at very little cost. Without any figures though, I'm just guessing... but so are you.
I find that argument hilarious always as with that logic I know a lot of useless versions including Mac, ipad and ps3.
Agreed. I always would like to ask moderation for certain polls to remove off topic responses.
There are quite a lot of surprising sales amounts in Indie games that have made their games available to Windows, Mac and Linux. How long can the bigger names ignore that continuously growing potential market area is what I'm waiting to see.
In the meantime, purchased these two that have Linux versions: