Original S&M Voice Actors?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Hi everyone!
I'd like to say I'm really amazed about the quality of the 3 new S&M Seasons!
The only flaw I found are S&M's dubbers... they just don't sound right.
Really, I wish I could hear them again with their original Hit The Road voices!
Are there any chances that this could happen?


  • edited May 2010
    You played through every episode of Season 1 & 2?
  • edited May 2010
    I much prefere the new ones
  • edited May 2010
    Yes, I've completed the first 2 seasons and I'm currently playing ep. 301 :)
  • edited May 2010
    Yes, I've completed the first 2 seasons and I'm currently playing ep. 301 :)

    Ah, I was just curious because I thought maybe thier voices would've grown on you by now, but to each thier own. It's all good.

    My opinion is bias though, because the TT games are the first time I heard them speak, so I love the current voices as if they were the ones Sam&Max were born with, though I knew of thier existence before. I tried to get a copy of Hit the Road many years ago, but being a dumb kid I just called random computer stores one after another not knowing of catalogues and such.
    I still haven't played HtR :( except for about 5 minutes of it [long story, made short wasn't my copy] Off topic for a sec: anyone know where I can legally obtain a copy? This would be very much appreciated if someone could let me know.

    In response to your original question. I would highly doubt it, but stranger things have happened in our known universe.
  • edited May 2010
    I miss Nick Jameson, too. Sounded like a cuddly Joe Pesci. But David Nowlin's much better, just because I don't want Bill Farmer to be typecast as a walking talking dog. Nowlin seems to fit the writing a lot better, anyway.
  • edited May 2010
    Oh and welcome to the forums! :)
  • edited May 2010
    Hi everyone!
    I'd like to say I'm really amazed about the quality of the 3 new S&M Seasons!
    The only flaw I found are S&M's dubbers... they just don't sound right.
    Really, I wish I could hear them again with their original Hit The Road voices!
    Are there any chances that this could happen?

    I love the current voices and think they're superior to the original.

    But to answer your question, no, I doubt that there is any chance they will re-record the dialogue for 16 games.
  • edited May 2010
    I still think the HTR actors fit the characters the best.
    However, the new voice actors have grown on me, and I love their voices for the characters.
    I wouldn't want Telltale to suddenly switch voice actors, even if they'd be able to get the HTR ones. However, if Lucasarts ever gets hold of the IP again... Well... Let's just say I wouldn't mind hearing Nick Jameson and Bill Farmer again.
  • edited May 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    However, if Lucasarts ever gets hold of the IP again... Well... Let's just say I wouldn't mind hearing Nick Jameson and Bill Farmer again.

    That won't happen, and if it did, I believe it would be disastrous for all involved.
  • edited May 2010
    For me, personally, I didn't like Max sounding like a 1930's-ish gangster from New York [even if that does somewhat describe him]. Sam sounded great though.
  • edited May 2010
    If the old voice actors ever, came back, then I would write over 2 million letters of complaints.
  • edited May 2010
    So far I've enjoyed most every voice-actor that has been used for Sam&Max, however, I just have a huge problem with the voice actor for Sam in the animated series...it almost ruins the whole show for me.
  • edited May 2010
    If the old voice actors did return, it would have to be the old characters models to.

    like current incarnation sam and max meet the old ones.

    I keep saying that
  • edited May 2010
    Oddly I think our best chance for anything like that would be this upcoming episode where they could potentally be their ancestors, but highly unlikely given the nature of the setting for season 3. Been cool if they'd let them cameo or something though
  • edited May 2010
    Meh, all the voice actors suit me just fine.
  • edited May 2010
    I acquired Hit the Road just so I could play it immediately before I started the Telltale games, so you might say that I was exposed to all the actors simultaneously. The Hit the Road actors were fine, but to me they can't compare to David Nowlin and William Kasten. Besides, William Kasten provided like 90% of the bloopers for the Telltale games all by himself. If that's not reason to keep him around, I don't know what is.
  • edited May 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    If the old voice actors did return, it would have to be the old characters models to.

    like current incarnation sam and max meet the old ones.

    I keep saying that

    Turtles Forever!*

    *oddly enough, in that case they were not able to bring back any of the original voice actors due to union issues, but the concept is similar
  • edited May 2010
    Besides, William Kasten provided like 90% of the bloopers for the Telltale games all by himself. If that's not reason to keep him around, I don't know what is.

    So it has been decided, so it shall be!
  • edited May 2010
    Imo, the HTR guys sound more like you'd expect freelance police to sound instead of just buddies who solve wacky puzzles. It's a darker more grittier sound. I like the new max, he has a nice range that does approach crazy, but new sam took a long time to get used to, especially in Season 1 where he was incredibly dry.
  • edited May 2010
    I much prefere the new ones

  • edited May 2010
    Im fine with all fo the acstors except max for htr(just sounds like a gangsta not a pyscho bunny. The other voice actors sound the same to me except for sam from the animated series but i got used to him.
  • edited May 2010
    The recent voice actors kind of grew up on me. My top list would pretty much be

    1- Tie between Hit the Road and Telltale Games
    2-Animated Series

    1-Telltale Games
    2-Animated series
    3-Hit the Road

    Heh, wouldn't be hilarious that for the new episode of the devil's playhouse they would hire the old voice actors for play the roles of Sam & Max's ancestors? I know it's imposible, but it would be very silly XD
  • edited May 2010
    At this point, they've done two full seasons of Sam and Max with these voice actors, and they're in the process of of doing a third. By now, the current voices ARE the voices of the Telltale interpretation of the characters. To me, it would fee wrong to have anyone else do the voices as long as Telltale is doing seasons in this "series".
  • edited May 2010
    I agree, now, Max couldn't be played by anyone else, because he's the only one who sounds like Max and makes us telltale gamers keep on being amused, XD!
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Maybe someday someone will be able to do the "lets get the other voice actors in" gag and actually pull it off :)

    Just hire Silverwolfpet and Icedhope :p (That's them, right?)

    EDIT: did the post I partially quoted just vanish? (Feel free to delete mine too I guess).
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Heh, wouldn't be hilarious that for the new episode of the devil's playhouse they would hire the old voice actors for play the roles of Sam & Max's ancestors? I know it's imposible, but it would be very silly XD

    I remember hearing that when working on Freelance Police at LucasArts, the team tried to get the animated series voice actors to play alternate, weirdly backwards versions of Sam & Max (Man & Sax I think they were called, or something like it?), but it turned out to be surprisingly complicated to wrangle, so the idea was dropped. We've talked about doing it as a gag a couple times, too, but, as they found at LucasArts, it's mysteriously surprisingly difficult to wrangle. Maybe there is some sort of ancient unbreakable prophecy stating that no two Sam & Max voice actor eras may co-exist on the same project.
  • edited May 2010
    Huh. that was a really cool post, and now it's gone. Like MAGIC!


    And different!

    And further down the page!

    Like MAGIC.
  • edited May 2010
    Well, I'm glad I quoted the part I answered to, since Jake removed it in his remake.

    By the way, the original was better. Why must you ruin everything?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    EDIT: did the post I partially quoted just vanish? (Feel free to delete mine too I guess).

    Sorry, I rewrote my post, but for some reason deleted and re-posted instead of editing. Still waking up I guess?
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Sorry, I rewrote my post, but for some reason deleted and re-posted instead of editing. Still waking up I guess?

    No problem. I thought you realised you had shared info you weren't supposed to and deleted it, and that by partially quoting it I could get you into trouble.
    I have weird theories sometimes. It's kinda funny in retrospect.
  • edited May 2010
    Imo, the HTR guys sound more like you'd expect freelance police to sound instead of just buddies who solve wacky puzzles. It's a darker more grittier sound. I like the new max, he has a nice range that does approach crazy, but new sam took a long time to get used to, especially in Season 1 where he was incredibly dry.

    It's interesting, I liked Nowlin's rendition of Sam immediately, while Max took a lot longer to get used to.

    Also, I agree with those who say there's no point in changing the current duo.
  • edited May 2010
    plrichard wrote: »
    So far I've enjoyed most every voice-actor that has been used for Sam&Max, however, I just have a huge problem with the voice actor for Sam in the animated series...it almost ruins the whole show for me.

    Actually, I liked the Animated Series Sam, it's a totally different take on the character, but I kinda like him sounding like an old dog. Kinda makes the whole cliché old cop with young rookie cop routine work.
    I didn't care much for the Animated Series Max though. He was too randomly wacky, it was more a guy who was trying to be unpredictably psychopatic insteat of someone who actually wás unpredictably psychopatic.

    And the 30's gangster thing is actually something I miss about the new Max.
    I do like the new take though.
  • edited May 2010
    I'd like to add here if Lucas/TTG are considering a HTR special edition, have an option for new voice actors or old on first-time launch and assign it to a key other than the visual swap key.
  • edited May 2010
    I'd like to add here if Lucas/TTG are considering a HTR special edition, have an option for new voice actors or old on first-time launch and assign it to a key other than the visual swap key.

    Yeah sure... If you want to show disrespect to the people who did all the hard work on the ORIGINAL voices.
    It's my opinion that they shouldn't do this with the Telltale games, nor the Hit the Road game.
  • edited May 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    Yeah sure... If you want to show disrespect to the people who did all the hard work on the ORIGINAL voices.
    It's my opinion that they shouldn't do this with the Telltale games, nor the Hit the Road game.

    But it would be awesome if they did this with the Telltale games anyway. :D
  • edited May 2010
    I didn't find anything wrong with the current actors, and as ambitious an idea of re-voicing the games sounds, I'd still be interested in seeing what the old ones could pull off with the new material.
  • edited May 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    Yeah sure... If you want to show disrespect to the people who did all the hard work on the ORIGINAL voices.
    It's my opinion that they shouldn't do this with the Telltale games, nor the Hit the Road game.

    Since it would be something you can swap at all times, I don't see how it's different from giving different graphics. You just get to choose old or new. Hey, why not?
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Since it would be something you can swap at all times, I don't see how it's different from giving different graphics. You just get to choose old or new. Hey, why not?

    As vocal artist myself, I'd hate it if other people were doing the material I once did, even if they'd let people choose. If I do a role I'd like people to associate the voice I did for the character with that character, not have to choose from different sets of character voices everytime.
    Same goes for computer graphics, I'd hate it if people took their crayons and started drawing over the backgrounds I'd made almost 20 years ago.
    It's just professional pride or something I guess...
  • edited May 2010
    I didn't mind the VAss for any game or the cartoon... I actually feel like it progressed and got better with each new thing. Obviously just my opinion, but I like Current>Cartoon>Hit the Road for VAs.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Since it would be something you can swap at all times, I don't see how it's different from giving different graphics. You just get to choose old or new. Hey, why not?
    The graphics were limited by the technology at the time, but the voice acting wasn't, so there's no need to update it. It's fine the way it is.
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