Original S&M Voice Actors?



  • edited May 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    The graphics were limited by the technology at the time, but the voice acting wasn't, so there's no need to update it. It's fine the way it is.

    Maybe that if there's going to be a remake, they could put in the original recordings (if those exist). It sounds like they had to reduce the quality of the speech files in the game.

    That would make a perfect remake and they stay true to the old voice actors
  • edited May 2010
    For Sam I prefer the old guy, but for Max the new guy rocks! Really... I replayed Hit the Road recently... it just doesn't sound right... The new Max is much more fitting of the character...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Since it would be something you can swap at all times, I don't see how it's different from giving different graphics. You just get to choose old or new. Hey, why not?

    If the actors give significantly different performances, it can actually impact the animation. When is Sam angry, when do they pause in the middle of a line, do they play this part manic, or calm, etc. It's not always a big deal, but sometimes it means you have to go through and re-act (or re-time) significant slices of a character's performance. Otherwise it sounds/looks bad.
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    If the actors give significantly different performances, it can actually impact the animation. When is Sam angry, when do they pause in the middle of a line, do they play this part manic, or calm, etc. It's not always a big deal, but sometimes it means you have to go through and re-act (or re-time) significant slices of a character's performance. Otherwise it sounds/looks bad.

    Or just use the old school method and have their mouth constantly moving in a default animation and ignore all lip sync. :p
  • edited May 2010
    Whenever I read Surfin' the Highway, I hear Sam & Max's voices the way they sound in the animated series. I have no idea why.
  • edited May 2010
    Whenever I read Surfin' the Highway, I hear Sam & Max's voices the way they sound in the animated series. I have no idea why.

    Ha, that's funny. Me too!
  • edited May 2010
    I do as well sometimes, probably because the way the comic is drawn is closest to the way the cartoon is animated.
  • edited May 2010
    Whenever I read Surfin' the Highway, I hear Sam & Max's voices the way they sound in the animated series. I have no idea why.

    I do that too! I think it's because the animated series' voices are my favorites. Not that the others aren't fantastic themselves, but something about their cartoon voices just clicks for me.
  • edited May 2010
    Whenever I read Surfin' the Highway, I hear Sam & Max's voices the way they sound in the animated series. I have no idea why.

    It's the easiest to imagine. For some reason, every time I try to imagine Sam from the old and new games, he ends up having a Savannah accent.
  • edited May 2010
    Speaking of voice actors, I wonder when samandmax.co.uk is going to interview a voice actor who's voiced either Sam or Max?
  • edited May 2010
    Whenever I read Surfin' the Highway, I hear Sam & Max's voices the way they sound in the animated series. I have no idea why.

    I always thought it was since the cartoon had a direct adaptation from Bad Day on the Moon.
  • edited May 2010
    Hi everyone!
    I'd like to say I'm really amazed about the quality of the 3 new S&M Seasons!
    The only flaw I found are S&M's dubbers... they just don't sound right.
    Really, I wish I could hear them again with their original Hit The Road voices!
    Are there any chances that this could happen?
    I TOTALLY agree with you! I REALLY want the original voices back.
    I ♥ the original voices!!! XD
  • edited May 2010
    Nikko317 wrote: »
    I TOTALLY agree with you! I REALLY want the original voices back.
    I ♥ the original voices!!! XD

    Not happening in the foreseeable future, next topic?
  • edited May 2010
    I find both casts to be good, though obviously Telltale's is more varied. They had like 4 or so people do all the voices for the "talkie" version of Hit the Road, if I'm remembering correctly. Still, I can't help but think of Goofy every time I hear Sam talk in Hit the Road.
  • edited May 2010
    lattsam wrote: »
    Speaking of voice actors, I wonder when samandmax.co.uk is going to interview a voice actor who's voiced either Sam or Max?

    If you'd like to see Nick Jameson, tune into the 24 series finale next week, where he plays the Russian president who is the latest target in Jack Bauer's bloodthirsty quest for vengeance. The show's last episode could very well depict the on-screen death (or coercive interrogation, minimum) of the voice of Max from Hit the Road! And that's as good as any interview, in my book.
  • edited May 2010
    I liked all 3 voice casts, they really helped set the tone of both characters. Personally, I actually liked the cartoon Sam the best...untill the current Sam just knocks it out of the park, so David is the best. (I always pictured Sam as an animated dog version of Joe Friday.) Max...well...all of them were good, so its hard for me to pick a favorite. But, I actually really liked Andrew's Max the best, (although Williams' has grown on be, so I'm like hearing his voice now.)

    Yeah, and it just too back, because acording to the E3 video, the orignal Hit the Road voices were returning for Sam & Max 2: Freelance Police (I call it Sam & Max 2 to help avoid confusion with the cartoon and whatnot) But, since that game was canceled, and we have the new TTG voices, its unlikely we will get the original voices back anytime soon now.
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