Why does season 3 cost less on Steam?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I bought Sam and Max Season 3 not too long ago (obviously, it just came out), and now I discover that instead of paying like 40$ for that, I could have paid 30$ for Season 3 and the whole Monkey Island series Telltales did. I feel ripped off and am honestly offended.


Ridiculous. Never buying again from Telltale. They can't even offer the best prices on their own games!


  • edited May 2010
    I bought Sam and Max Season 3 not too long ago (obviously, it just came out), and now I discover that instead of paying like 40$ for that, I could have paid 30$ for Season 3 and the whole Monkey Island series Telltales did. I feel ripped off and am honestly offended.


    Ridiculous. Never buying again from Telltale. They can't even offer the best prices on their own games!

    This is a sale to promote the SteamPlay service and the release of Steam on the Mac. I'm pretty sure it's not permanent. :)
  • edited May 2010
    You're reading this slightly wrong.

    First of all, you paid $34.95 for Season three, not $40.

    Second of all, the pack you're linking to costs $40, not $30. $30 is what you ostensibly save by buying that bundle. So you'd still pay $5 more than you did to get the other game. Hardly huge, but it's not paying less for more.
  • edited May 2010
    And even if it does cost more from Telltale, you're also getting more for your money with the bonus DVD and (if you preorder) the free episode.
  • edited May 2010
    Plus this is Steam, the company that has mad sales for no reason, have you seen the SEGA pack this week, it only costs £49.99 saving you over £236.28, that's pretty insane, they did a similar thing a few weeks back with the Rockstar Games Collection.
  • edited May 2010
    You're reading this slightly wrong.

    First of all, you paid $34.95 for Season three, not $40.

    Second of all, the pack you're linking to costs $40, not $30. $30 is what you ostensibly save by buying that bundle. So you'd still pay $5 more than you did to get the other game. Hardly huge, but it's not paying less for more.

    No, he's right, the pack is $30. But I'd much rather buy from TTG and get the DVD, especially if they continue doing deluxe DVDs in the future with all the bonus feelies. :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    It's a sale. Sometimes things go on sale and temporarily cost less than their normal price. We've recently run a sale right here at the Telltale store where if you preordered Nelson Tethers Puzzle Agent you'd get 50% off other purchases. Also quite a deal, also not a permanent price :)
  • edited May 2010
    I have paid only 10 bucks for a couple of the series and 15 bucks for probably the rest. I have never paid shipping. The only season I've paid full price for because I don't want to wait for a sale is the new Sam and Max season. On top of that I've probably had three or four free episode coupons expire because I've already had so much cheap goodness that I have everything Telltale has done at knock out prices. On top of it all, the one time I've had order problems support gave me like a crazy 50% off whatever I wanted coupon just for my troubles.

    Telltale has crazy deals all the time, you just have to wait for them. Even if you want a season when it comes out if you hold onto a couple of coupons for a few months you can still get an awesome deal.

    I actually will never buy my games except directly from the Telltale store, evenif I had to pay full price. Telltale games provide the absolute best episodic adventure games and deserve every penny they have ever asked for. I'd gladdy pay more money today for a sequel to Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle tomorrow.....;)
  • edited May 2010
    I also feel fine buying via the TTG store. It works, you have the option for the disc, although this might change in the future as didn't they were thinking about extending this offer to steam users as well?

    You can scroll through so many games (whilst we're at it, the icons for the Bone games are still missing) that it's quite a joy doing so from time to time.

    Only thing, if i would have bought the game just for the Mac i would feel screwed because it's more in a experimental than in a playable state.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2010
    Methinks the "Bonus DVD" really is that additional content that can't be beat. I really hope that the DVD option remains for future games, that is, forever. It is the sole fact that brought me to buying games from Telltale, and I'd seriously reconsider if these games would never be part of my personal library.

    As for the "sales" - I'm not always content with the sales cascades at the TTG store. I actually regret having pre-ordered Season 3 together with other stuff to reach free international shipping before March 31 - the 50% off S&M merchandise, starting one day after the previous deal, would have been the far, far better option for me. Frankly, I would have emptied the store had I not ordered days before... ;)

    I'm really looking forward to TTG's new and fresh ideas about future "pre-order deals". After all, you can't do the same thing over and over again...
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, I wouldn't be a Telltale customer if there weren't DVD versions, bonus-ridden or not.
    And then I wouldn't be able to tell people I've knit a narwhal strapped to a rocket. That would be a great loss, people have very funny reactions to that :p
  • edited May 2010
    Telltale is the only company whose games I'm happy to pay full price for as they're well worth the money they ask. Telltale are a welcome change in a world where publishers seem to be ripping off consumers with half hearted efforts and exceptionally high prices.
  • edited May 2010
    Maybe you should have a closer look at Indie games. There exist quite some good, more and more DRM free and crossplatform available games, which are beeing sold for a reasonable price.
  • edited May 2010
    Plus telltale sometimes has free shipping sales, like three or four times a year sometimes. Definitely my favourite company.
  • edited May 2010
    Correction, S&M3 is 17,5 DOLLAR here, while it's 30 EURO on Steam.

    I am definitely not buying on Steam while their EURO EXTORTION PROGRAM(TM) is still in effect.
    Being American that probably wouldn't bother you though...

    That's not even including all the extra stuff like the DVD, and just giving it all to TTG instead of those (IMO) bloodsuckers of Valve.
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    It's a sale. Sometimes things go on sale and temporarily cost less than their normal price. We've recently run a sale right here at the Telltale store where if you preordered Nelson Tethers Puzzle Agent you'd get 50% off other purchases. Also quite a deal, also not a permanent price :)

    Why the preorder then (for s&m)?
  • edited May 2010
    PISLIX wrote: »
    Why the preorder then (for s&m)?
    Preorder bonuses: the free episode, access to the preorder forum, and entry into the contest for the Penal Zone poster.

    Plus you get to play all the episodes as soon as they are released.
  • edited May 2010
    I preordered Sam & Max via Steam, payed the full price of 32,99€, and will get neither the bonus DVD nor the Monkey Island series. And now I will have to wait until Telltale finds the release-button on Steam, while Telltale-customers are already downloading/playing. That's kind of a bad deal.

    //EDIT: And I'm not sure if I should preorder the Puzzle Agent game. Maybe, you'll get a 100€-coupon if you buy the game tomorrow. :(
  • edited May 2010
    It's a promotional sale to get people to realize you can play Steam games on Mac now. I have to say, Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse AND Tales of Monkey Island together for only 30 is an amazing deal.
  • edited May 2010
    Gotta love Steam and their crazy deals.

    Although, if they could lower the price of the Monkey Island collection by itself, I'd be quite happy :p
  • edited May 2010
    Talaron wrote: »
    And now I will have to wait until Telltale Valve finds the release-button on Steam, while Telltale-customers are already downloading/playing.

    Fixed that for you.
    Talaron wrote: »
    //EDIT: And I'm not sure if I should preorder the Puzzle Agent game. Maybe, you'll get a 100€-coupon if you buy the game tomorrow. :(
    You realize that you get a 50% discount on anything else you buy with Puzzle Agent right now? I'm not sure how a better deal could come along later.
  • edited May 2010
    Wapcaplet wrote: »
    Fixed that for you.

    Nobody knows how Steam works behind the scenes. Why shouldn't Telltale be the ones who release the game after uploading it to Steam?
    Wapcaplet wrote: »
    You realize that you get a 50% discount on anything else you buy with Puzzle Agent right now? I'm not sure how a better deal could come along later.

    I got Episode 203 for free when I preordered Season 3 on Steam. Now, there is a much better discount. Why might there not be the same this time. There might be a Telltale-week on Steam where everyday, another game is 66% off or something like that.
  • edited May 2010
    Talaron wrote: »
    Nobody knows how Steam works behind the scenes.
    Yes we do:
    Will wrote: »
    Steam releases games as soon as they can based on when we get them a build. We had some tweaks we were working on this morning, so Steam got the builds a bit later than usual. The Steam versions are currently going through the approval process and then they should theoretically be good to go. That said, anything can happen but we will try to keep you up to date. Sorry for the delay!

    Talaron wrote: »
    I got Episode 203 for free when I preordered Season 3 on Steam. Now, there is a much better discount. Why might there not be the same this time. There might be a Telltale-week on Steam where everyday, another game is 66% off or something like that.

    Jake already answered this earlier in the thread -- sometimes things go on sale. There could always be a better offer at some point in the future. At some point you make a decision whether you want to buy now or hold off for a better deal. It's your choice.
  • edited May 2010
    Wapcaplet wrote: »
    Yes we do:

    So it is finally Telltales fault the game is late :p
    Wapcaplet wrote: »
    Jake already answered this earlier in the thread -- sometimes things go on sale. There could always be a better offer at some point in the future. At some point you make a decision whether you want to buy now or hold off for a better deal. It's your choice.

    Thats clear to me it's just that usually there isn't SUCH an offer so close to the game's release. If the package would at least cost 1€ more than I payed for the Sam & Max season I'd feel much better. Yes, I know, there wouldn't be any advantage for me but it's like you have the choice if everyone gets 100€ or all others gets 500€ and you just 150€. Most people would prefer the first choice.
  • edited May 2010
    You get what you pay for; an inferior version.

    If that's perfectly fine for you, yeah, get it on Steam...
  • edited May 2010
    Wapcaplet wrote: »
    Preorder bonuses: the free episode, access to the preorder forum, and entry into the contest for the Penal Zone poster.
    and also tf2 hats, now that you mention.

    When buying now you'll get: "Puzzle Agent, $7.5 discount"
    Plus you get to play all the episodes as soon as they are released
    This is not a plus, maybe except the first episode. You'll get the other 4 right on time.

    I mean, if I'd known this was coming, I'd prefer the Puzzle Agent one. I could wait 3 more weeks to play the first episode.
    Edit: Also, I loved the game. I don't have any regrets paying 35$. Don't misunderstand me :)
  • edited May 2010
    You get what you pay for; an inferior version.

    If that's perfectly fine for you, yeah, get it on Steam...

    That's what sucks for me. I paid for the full version... and I still end up with a later release than normal PC. Buyer beware on Steam :mad:
  • edited May 2010
    PISLIX wrote: »
    I could wait 3 more weeks to play the first episode.
    As you can see from some of the other posts today, not everyone wants to wait that long... :D
  • edited May 2010
    Meanwhile, the old offer was removed. Now, you can buy Season 2, 3 and Monkey Island for 45,99€ - An even better deal for people new to telltale games but it's more than the single season price. So, I'm happy with that. (60€ for All S&M games + Monkey island next wednesday i guess)
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