Questions about ep. 2/ Paperweight didcussion

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
These are just some things I'm not sure about. Spoilers bound.

At the end, when Paperwaite Is forced to say the summoning words, shouldnt yog Soggoth have been summoned? The summon was complete wasnt it?

And on the note of Paperwaite, Probably the worst villain of any S&M game. And know that I loved ep.2 greatly. But he was never around so we barely interacted with him, and the twist ending for him was unnecessary. I would like to have seen the film stop after the questions were answered on stage, then the films cuts out. Maybe S&M find him at the old theater and it turns out he has gone apeshit due to prolonged exposure to the toy box.

Did i miss an entire section of the game? When Sammus and maximus are walking into the tomb, they make reference to tricking baby Almeia into running twords a mirage to get her off their backs. I never did this event. Is their a chunk of game missing?

Thats all I can think of


  • edited May 2010
    At the end, when Paperwaite Is forced to say the summoning words, shouldnt yog Soggoth have been summoned? The summon was complete wasnt it?
    I assume that it failed because A) Mr Papierwaite wasn't 'the chosen one', he just had the chosen one's voice and B) not all of the toys were in place when the summoning spell was spoken.
    And on the note of Paperwaite, Probably the worst villain of any S&M game. And know that I loved ep.2 greatly. But he was never around so we barely interacted with him, and the twist ending for him was unnecessary.
    Hm, I don't know. I suspected him to be the villain from the start, but I think that was the whole point of his character - we knew that Sameth and Maximus were going to die, and I figured that they'd be betrayed and presumably dropped into the pit of flesh-eating ants, so for his plot twist to backfire is a twist in itself?

    Plus, for all we know, he might be back later on. This could just be his intro story.
    Did i miss an entire section of the game?
    I'm pretty sure that that was just a joke. There was a cue card glossing over the 'many exciting adventures' they had together, so...meh.
  • edited May 2010
    I like him as a villain, because everything that happens in his episode was his plan; he pulled the strings to get his way without constantly being around.

    Hopefully he'll be seen again later.
  • edited May 2010
    I loved the guy. He scared me. A lot. Not, really.

    Now he's inside the Toy Box apparently. Probably (And I hope so) we'll see him again ^^!
  • edited May 2010
    Secret Origins: mr Paperwaite
    ps Skun'kape comes back ep3 he got out ones he can do it agen plus hers haw I fhink ep3 thay get Can o' Nuts dume View-Master Telephone Rhinoplasty Playing cards to gever and max gets biger a lot biger
  • aHartzellaHartzell Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Hi, Hamburgaler. This is Andy, the designer. Glad you liked the episode.

    Papierwaite's ending was supposed to be somewhat ambiguous, so if you're're supposed to be. But all questions will be answered in due time.

    Sorry you didn't warm up to him as a character, but that's understandable too. He's more of an enigmatic figure than a full-on villain in this episode...a device to move the plot along. As the plot develops, maybe you'll revise your opinion.
  • edited May 2010
    woops ep4 hes back mr Paperwaite that is
  • edited May 2010
    Both Skunkape and Papierwaite have been "sealed away" rather than completely defeated (like the Soda Poppers, Jurgen, Hugh Bliss, Internet or Mr. Spatula, among others) which leads me to believe that they could possibly show up again later in the season.

    Papierwaite's appearance in Momma Bosco's lab in the first trailer, where he shows an animation not seen anywhere in Tomb of Sammun-Mak, could be a sign of him reappearing.
  • edited May 2010
    I assume that it failed because A) Mr Papierwaite wasn't 'the chosen one', he just had the chosen one's voice and B) not all of the toys were in place when the summoning spell was spoken.

    Personally, I got the thought that Yog Soggoth, being 'of the toybox' sensed Max looking in on the scene through the projector and is the one who made off with his brain, and that's why he's nowhere to be found during the scene. You'll notice that Max stopped interacting with the scene when Yog Soggoth was released. The rest was a cutscene ending.
  • edited May 2010
    aHartzell wrote: »
    As the plot develops, maybe you'll revise your opinion.

    This tell me we will know more about Papierwaite in the next episodes =P
  • edited May 2010
    aHartzell wrote: »
    Hi, Hamburgaler. This is Andy, the designer. Glad you liked the episode.

    Papierwaite's ending was supposed to be somewhat ambiguous, so if you're're supposed to be. But all questions will be answered in due time.

    Sorry you didn't warm up to him as a character, but that's understandable too. He's more of an enigmatic figure than a full-on villain in this episode...a device to move the plot along. As the plot develops, maybe you'll revise your opinion.

    if you want ppl to warm to as him as a villian you need to give him shifty eyes
  • edited May 2010
    If you watch the ending closely, he does jump out of the way. Perhaps he escaped and is walking around with the power of the Toy Box?

    Or he is indeed, inside the Toy Box... Waiting, watching. Cause somehow he's in Mama Bosco's lab, really really, horribly old.
  • edited May 2010
    TonViper wrote: »
    Personally, I got the thought that Yog Soggoth, being 'of the toybox' sensed Max looking in on the scene through the projector and is the one who made off with his brain, and that's why he's nowhere to be found during the scene. You'll notice that Max stopped interacting with the scene when Yog Soggoth was released. The rest was a cutscene ending.

    Yeah, that's what I thought happened. He came out of the projector, took the brain and is probably loose in modern day New York somewhere.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    I knew that Papierwaite was pure evil the minute I saw his face. :p
  • edited May 2010
    I actually never suspected Papier Waite. Toy Tycoon turned out to be a red herring.

    Can't wait to see how sam saves max's brain.
  • edited May 2010
    I suspected Papierwaite was up to something from the start, but I just assumed he was after the toybox for riches and/or glory. The whole Yog Soggoth thing a complete surprise.
  • edited May 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    I suspected Papierwaite was up to something from the start, but I just assumed he was after the toybox for riches and/or glory. The whole Yog Soggoth thing a complete surprise.

    When I first heard the name "Yog-Soggoth", I just thought it was nothing more than a name for the
    Future Vision... And then Gordan started chanting his name. Made even more suspicious. And then the puzzle started pasting together... Jurgen's idol in the closet, the giant statue in the Tomb; and The Brotherhood of Yog-Saggoth.

    And then "The Summoning".... Papierwaite is evil, and is obsessed with that damn tentacle beast thing; but he's got to be my favorite villian in all of S&M.
  • edited May 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    obsessed with that damn tentacle beast thing

    Oh shit. It just hit me that Yog is probably the main villain of the entire season; what with the teaser image for episode 5 being a mass of tentacles.
  • edited May 2010
    Steve2911 wrote: »
    Oh shit. It just hit me that Yog is probably the main villain of the entire season; what with the teaser image for episode 5 being a mass of tentacles.

    Better that than a stupid whiny midget with two identical brothers.

    You know who I'm talking about.
  • edited May 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    Better that than a stupid whiny midget with two identical brothers.

    You know who I'm talking about.

    Midget.. brothers.. whiny... Strong Sad? Wait, no, not a midget. Got me stumped.
  • edited May 2010
    Actually I bet you anything that Cthulu will show up at some point. Elder Gods, after all
  • edited May 2010
    I'm guessing Max' mind is going to be a safer place now that his brain is gone.
  • edited May 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    You know who I'm talking about.
    I was going to answer this, but I can't, this being a E10+ forum...
  • edited May 2010
    I always thought there was something fishy about Paperwaite(or however you spell it), dunno why, he just had that whole aladdin-y feel. (Go through all the puzzles for the prize and then I'll kill you for it, which, is exactly what happened.)
    I wouldn't have been suprised if he wasn't though. He kind of looks like a guy I know. Should I be wary of him?
  • edited May 2010
    I'm a little confused. His face was the villain image for episode 2, so weren't we supposed to know he was evil all along?
  • edited May 2010
    I didn't know it was for the villain. Save the world had sam and max on a few icons, and the enemy in Ice Station Santa was really more Shambling Corporate Presence
  • joeldeejoeldee Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Papierwaite is awesome!
  • edited May 2010
    joeldee wrote: »
    Papierwaite is awesome!

    I just crack up.

  • tom at telltaletom at telltale Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    joeldee wrote: »
    Papierwaite is awesome!

    Yeah, all you Papierhaiters, listen up, Papierwaite is the awesomest
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, all you Papierhaiters, listen up, Papierwaite is the awesomest
    Yeah! Papier is the best S&M character since Jurgen's debut in 203!
  • edited May 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Actually I bet you anything that Cthulu will show up at some point. Elder Gods, after all

    Suddenly, those tentacles on the Episode 5 portrait are starting to make sense.

    If we called the villian this early in the season, does this mean that TTG has another Hugh Bliss scenario on their hands?
  • edited May 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    Suddenly, those tentacles on the Episode 5 portrait are starting to make sense.

    If we called the villian this early in the season, does this mean that TTG has another Hugh Bliss scenario on their hands?
    Probably not Cthulhu but "Yog-Sogoth" himself: after all, "Yog-Sothoth" was the name of another Elder God, much akin to Cthulhu, in the Lovecraft mythos.
  • edited May 2010
    ah, but what about more than one Elder God was my thinking. I have no doubt the Yog Sogoth will show up at some point, but why have just one, ya know?

    Userfriendly has both Cthulu and Hastur. Hastur? Hastur. *IS killed*
  • edited May 2010
    Since Charlie Hotep is in the villains lineup from the trailer, I'm gonna be the first to guess that Papierwaite comes back and possesses Charlie in an effort to finally summon Yog Soggoth after 109 years.
  • edited May 2010
    What, where?

    If you mean the guy next to the Sams, that's not the dummy. It's a char we have yet to meet...
  • edited May 2010
    What, where?

    If you mean the guy next to the Sams, that's not the dummy. It's a char we have yet to meet...
    Looks a lot like Charlie to me. :/
  • edited May 2010
    Lindsay wrote: »

    I don't know what is more surprising: The fact he disguised as Papierwaite for Halloween, or the fact you posted that.
  • edited May 2010
    I'd start a new thread about this but the title would be spoilerific. Compare the faces of Sammun-Mak and Mr Papierwaite.
    If you take away the fake goatee thing, they're hugely similar. The nose, the eyebrows, to a lesser extent the ears, the forehead, even the having something on the head to make it look taller. I'm thinking Mr Papierwaite's hiding even more than has been revealed.
  • edited May 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    If you take away the fake goatee thing, they're hugely similar. The nose, the eyebrows, to a lesser extent the ears, the forehead, even the having something on the head to make it look taller. I'm thinking Mr Papierwaite's hiding even more than has been revealed.

    Alternately, Telltale reuse character models/designs. :p

    But nah, you've got a good point. It could also explain
    how Papierwaite came up with an exact replica of the tomb entrance (although it doesn't explain why he couldn't retrieve the toybox himself, aside from the deathtraps).
    Oh, and Sammun-Mak's corpse is firmly placed within his coffin, but I guess he could be a descendant or something...
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