302: Too Easy? What do you think?



  • edited May 2010
    I found it moderately difficult, to the point I ended up having to look for a walkthrough to get started. (Mainly because the tongue didn't have a hotspot, so it didn't occur to me to walk onto it.) I think that maybe the puzzles could be a little bit harder (as I don't think there's many - if any - of S&M or ToMI episodes that I didn't need one at some point, so it's not going to make much difference to me). But only if you could highlight the hotspots like in ToMI. I don't mind so much when having to resort to a walkthrough if the solution to a puzzle is one I'd never have thought of (as sometimes happens), but I do find it annoying when I look up the walkthrough and find it's just because I missed one hotspot (as with the tongue at the start and the torch at the end), as usually, armed with that knowledge, I could have probably worked it out myself.
  • edited May 2010
    I agree that seasons 1 and 2 were harder, but I feel Tales was much easier. With Season 3 I never got stuck, but y first idea wasn't always right. With Tales my first idea would be right pretty much all the time, and often the annoying part would be getting Guybrush to let me do what I knew I had to do but that he hadn't figured out yet for some reason, or going through a complicated series of events or walking a LOT to solve a puzzle, making it more about walking around than thinking.

    Honestly, Tales is probably the Telltale game I enjoyed least.

    However, I think Season 3 is "easier" than Seasons 1 and 2 because it's more logical. 1&2 still had puzzles that made a bit less sense, while the Devil's Playhouse makes sense from start to finish. And it makes up for being "easy" (that is, not making you stuck constantly) by being longer. Definitely a more than decent size for the price. And its length isn't about making you move for ages to get to where you want, which is appreciated.
  • edited May 2010
    I really like it when a adventures flows,without longer stuck or use everything on everything moments.
  • edited May 2010
    I found the game 4+ easy, it wasn't medium or hard just moderatly easy. The only parts I got stock on were at the
    Summoning of Yogg-Soggoth
    cutting the Bust in half

    Other things that were hard were figuring out how to use certain
    but once I did one I figured out the rest. The Toys were to easy for me in those puzzles.
    It was like in The Penal Zone,
    I knew what to use the Toys for even before the cutscene ended.

    But it caught my interest for the six hours it took to finish that game. I just hope Episode 3 gives me more challenge.
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