They Stole Max's Brain! Speculation Thread!

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
Even though there are several threads scattered all over the forums about different subjects on the next Chapter.
I just thought I should make an official place to make speculations on the strange thing that happened at the end of Episode 2...
Sam returns from "The Woods" to find a finished movie and a silent bunnie..
Turning around and looking at Max, Sam gets no answer and as he turns... Max's skull has been severed; and his brain cut out!

And now, to speculate!


  • edited May 2010
    Firstly, can we be sure someone actually stole his brain? Maybe it's still in there, maybe too tiny for the human eye to spot? No no, as far as we can deduct, someone cut open his head- but for all we know, this can just be one of Max's many childish pranks.

    So the question is: are there any cicrumstances under which Max would cut himself open? I think the answer is a fairly resounding "yes", with several exclamation marks after it.
  • edited May 2010
    I'm sure there would be, but would watching his great-grandpappy's final demise be one of them?... maybe.

    plus, it looks more unzipped than severed, his head is threaded for easy access remember, so maybe Mack Salmon stole his brain
  • edited May 2010
    Why do I have this irrational feeling that Sal and the Stinkys stole Max's brain and are for whatever reason hoping to use it to create an army of Max clones with the gift, and that the episode will end with something going wrong and an army of Sam clones being created?
  • edited May 2010
    Firstly, can we be sure someone actually stole his brain? Maybe it's still in there, maybe too tiny for the human eye to spot? No no, as far as we can deduct, someone cut open his head- but for all we know, this can just be one of Max's many childish pranks.

    Chilidish pranks?! Childish PRANKS?!

    Does this look, like a childish prank to you?

    Max's Brain GONE

    It's under link for spoiler reason.
  • edited May 2010
    I checked the character lineup again, and Papierweight isn't a ghost, but he is in black and white. Maybe he came out of the projector? And stole Max's brain?
  • edited May 2010
    They're only B&W so you can't see their faces or their bodies. You used to be able to adjust the picture's darkness and make it bright, but I can't do it anymore...
  • edited May 2010
    That's what I did. After I did that, everyone was in colour except for Paper whoever. And the character that I think is Kringle is slightly transparent. I thought he was Santa. His face is covered, so maybe it's not him.
  • edited May 2010
    The person who stole Max's brain is in this very forum site none other then avistews !!!! I have proof!

    This picture on TTG blog of Max's empty skull that was sent in by her!
  • edited May 2010
    That is a good point.
  • edited May 2010
    The person who stole Max's brain is in this very forum site none other then avistews !!!! I have proof!

    This picture on TTG blog of Max's empty skull that was sent in by her!

    How could she?! Well there goes the ending of Episode 3, we already know who the villian is!
  • edited May 2010
    I don't thing that is a zipper like look. It looks more like the surrounding fur is just sticking up.
  • edited May 2010
    You know, I have to say, I kindof wish they had kept the title of ep3 secret. As a twist ending, it kindof lacked punch for having been a completely foregone conclusion.
  • edited May 2010
    Argh! I've been discovered!
    It's only fair, though. When I put the hat on he tried to eat MY brain. So we're even now.
  • edited May 2010
    Maybe they didn't steal it? Maybe someone just borrowed it? But still...a president without a brain? That's just a cheap ripoff from the period of the Bush administration.
  • edited May 2010
    I can't say much, but I'm pretty sure we'll get to revisit Skun-ka'pe's ship. I remember one of Max's future visions on Sam in the ship, featured our canine companion looking pretty badass while mentioning the loss of his little buddy, I mean Max. I can't remember the line, though.
  • edited May 2010
    "I'm not gonna rest until I find the guy that killed my partner", or something like that. After seeing the vision, Sam comments that's he's going to sound really cool in the future.
  • edited May 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    "I'm not gonna rest until I find the guy that killed my partner", or something like that.

    Interesting how he's not naming Max, then.
  • edited May 2010
    Maybe they blow up Max's brain, leaving him dead for the rest of time. So Sam then sounds cool in the future! I'm so clever. :)
  • edited May 2010
    There are several other future visions about that.
  • edited May 2010
    I think max died but satin brings him back as a won of for the help in 205
  • edited May 2010
    So let's see what we know... Sometime between when the 4th reel began and the entire movie ended, Max was savagely attacked and brain-napped. His skull was ripped open in a zig-zag fashion, and he was left standing up, the top of his oddly-shaped skull dangling off the back of his fluffy white head. The culprit couldn't have gotten very far, though, even with Max's limited teleportation, so the culprit will be somewhere in the city. In the first episode, it was revealed that not only could Max see the future, but Sam could, too. Could this possibly mean that Sam has psychic abilities, too? (Don't forget, In Episode 2, Sameth could fit in the Can 'O Nuts with Maximus.) From hints dropped through concept art and prior knowledge,we have found out that the main villain of Episode 3 will likely be a giant cockroach named Sal, who works as a chef at the diner, and may or may not be in cahoots with the Stinkys, and is the most likely candidate to have performed such a daring feat. Judging from a Mysterious note signed by a mister "S," Sal could also be in love with Girl Stinky.

    These are some of my ideas. Anything I'm missing?
  • edited May 2010
    One cookie on the Narrator having stolen Max's brain. Just look at his last scene before it gets stolen, and his scene immediately after.

    If he did do it, however, we probably won't discover until TCTDNS (TSMB only ending with Max getting his brain back), as the only way the Narrator would work as an antagonist is if he is the Final Villain.
  • edited May 2010
    So let's see what we know... Sometime between when the 4th reel began and the entire movie ended, Max was savagely attacked and brain-napped. His skull was ripped open in a zig-zag fashion, and he was left standing up, the top of his oddly-shaped skull dangling off the back of his fluffy white head. The culprit couldn't have gotten very far, though, even with Max's limited teleportation, so the culprit will be somewhere in the city. In the first episode, it was revealed that not only could Max see the future, but Sam could, too. Could this possibly mean that Sam has psychic abilities, too? (Don't forget, In Episode 2, Sameth could fit in the Can 'O Nuts with Maximus.) From hints dropped through concept art and prior knowledge,we have found out that the main villain of Episode 3 will likely be a giant cockroach named Sal, who works as a chef at the diner, and may or may not be in cahoots with the Stinkys, and is the most likely candidate to have performed such a daring feat. Judging from a Mysterious note signed by a mister "S," Sal could also be in love with Girl Stinky.

    These are some of my ideas. Anything I'm missing?

    My thoughts:

    Sam having "The Gift" isn't likely, he probably has that weird thing where
    people get quick glimpses of the future, preminision isn't it called? (Without the bad spelling) and Future Vision triggers it. I think, that Sam & Max and their ancestors, have been sharing their psychic
    gifts for hundreds of years; so it's possible that Max's Gift won't work without Sam.

    I think it is Sal, if it was Skun-ka'pe then Stinky wouldn't answer the phone. Stinky & Sal are the villians of 303, which is kinda cool but I want the return of Papierwaite early.
  • edited May 2010
    I am looking forward to Sal as the main villain in 303. Papierwaite wasn't physically attractive enough for a good sam and max villain.
  • edited May 2010
    I am looking forward to Sal as the main villain in 303. Papierwaite wasn't physically attractive enough for a good sam and max villain.

    But he had a small beard, and a fez! He was cool looking, he was the perfect villian!
  • edited May 2010
    I also don't think Sam has the gift. He never showed any reaction when touching a toy. And he never actively uses a power, Max just "let's him take part".

    pluizig wrote: »
    One cookie on the Narrator having stolen Max's brain. Just look at his last scene before it gets stolen, and his scene immediately after.

    The scene gave me the exact same feeling. And I had him in mind as the main villain from the very start. Though Yog Soggoth might be an option for the main villain now, too. Or Paiperwaite? Or all three of them? @_@

    Anyhow, I can't imagine it taking more than one episode to find Max's brain. The series is called Sam and MAX, after all. You just can't take the Max out of the game.
    Actually I'm even wondering about the third episode. I can't imagine Sam running around alone the whole time. Maybe...
    maybe Sam temporarely insert's the brain from Skunk'ape's spaceship into Max's body in order to have a companion that can use the powers?!?
    That would result in a ... uhm ... very "out-of-character" version of Max... XD
  • edited May 2010
    Exceeept Gordon is dead, so far as we know.
  • edited May 2010
    Hm, I don't remember the details of the death, can we really be 100% sure?
    But well, it's more like a trash theory, anyway. Just a possible way to avoid Sam being alone and without psychic powers. But not a thing I'm sure of.
  • What I'd like to know is what toys will be used in the next game? Some new ones were introduced in the final showdown with Paperwaite, and I'm wonder which ones do which. I'm also betting 303 will feature the return of Rhinoplasty and the Playing Cards; they can't just be made for the first scene of The Penal Zone, that would be too much of a tease! (Besides, Mind Reading was funny! Everyone had such hilarious thoughts!)
  • edited May 2010
    Sal was wearing a security guard's uniform so I think his current job will connect to the last episode and a billboard in 301, a guard in the Museum of Mostly Natural History.

    As for the Stinky's I don't think Grandpa knows anything, Girl Stinky right now for me is 50/50
  • edited May 2010
    I'm kinda hoping that we'll still be able to switch between Sam and Max throughout the game.

    It's just that the Max scenes would be from the perspective of his disembodied brain. Possibly inside of a vat of greenish fluid. Or maybe hooked up to a computer somewhere. Or, terror of all terrors, purely inside his own mind.
  • edited May 2010
    What I'd like to know is what toys will be used in the next game? Some new ones were introduced in the final showdown with Paperwaite, and I'm wonder which ones do which. I'm also betting 303 will feature the return of Rhinoplasty and the Playing Cards; they can't just be made for the first scene of The Penal Zone, that would be too much of a tease! (Besides, Mind Reading was funny! Everyone had such hilarious thoughts!)

    Skunka'pe was sucked into the Office Penal Zone while holding them, so I doubt it.
  • edited May 2010
    Sam could also join up with Max almost instantly again by finding a few walnuts. As these walnuts kind of look like brains, they somehow also work like them, after some little puzzle tech vooodoo has been involved. Now each walnut has it's own personality and so special limited abilities - afterall it's just a walnut -, you need to swap ( after you obtained them) them in order to solve certain situations. Maybe this goes a little bit astray but eating walnuts just reminds me of brains.
  • edited May 2010
    Lemme use my Miles Edgeworth Logic Ability.

    Hmm... Max's brain was stolen in the end of episode 2...
    The title of episode 3 is "They stole Max's Brain...

    I speculate... that Max's brain was stolen, and that Sam has to find it.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2010
    Many thoughts here... just to fuel the discussion.

    It's "THEY stole Max' brain", not "Someone stole Max' brain". It's likely that there is more than one villain in episode 3. Still, I don't think Stinky and Sal did it. They probably do not have that role in the scheme of things. I'd rather assume they are the modern, perverted Romeo and Juliet side story arc, who will serve as likely suspects in the following game. Also, I assume we meet Sal hiding in the sewers; that's the only place we've had a glimpse of him in the season trailer.

    Skunkape probably took Max' brain. While other, new villains might wonder where the hell Sam&Max are at the time, Skunkape knows. "But he's trapped in the Penal Zone" doesn't count. He escaped once without anybody knowing how, he will have escaped another time. It's like the cannibals trying to imprison Guybrush again: He obviously has a secret escape route.
    I can't say much, but I'm pretty sure we'll get to revisit Skun-ka'pe's ship.

    That would of course be the most logical step if this villain returns. As for the Season's main villain, I presume that Yog Soggoth will make an appearance. Also, I wouldn't be too surprised if Yog and Satan are one and the same person. It's the DEVIL's toybox. He'd want it back, don't you think?
    Skunka'pe was sucked into the Office Penal Zone while holding them, so I doubt it.

    If Skunkape returns, he will bring his toys back into the game. I really wonder how many "new" toys we will still get to see. The design plan is hopefully that we get introduced to the powers one by one, doing rather basic things with them, then going for the really wild and complex combinations in episodes 4 and 5.

    /update: I watched the first trailer again. In the silhouettes of the probable "villains" at 1:42 minutes, Sal is definitly visible. However, so are the Molemen... and Skunkape is front and center. ;)
  • edited May 2010
    Since Skun-ka'pe and Papierwaite has been in the icons of its Episode, we have no reason to not think Sal is going to be the main villian of this episode. How probably is, no idea.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Since Skun-ka'pe and Papierwaite has been in the icons of its Episode, we have no reason to not think Sal is going to be the main villian of this episode. How probably is, no idea.

    The episode icon equals villain equation is undoubtedly a strong argument for this season! Looking back at the previous season icons, I still do not consider this set in stone. For season one, four of six icons presented the episode's villain. In season two, it's arguably three out of five. Santa and Satan were only considered villains first, but turned out to be quite agreable pals (more or less). The very same thing could be true for Sal...

    ...and, honestly, I think Girl Stinky likes the good guys. It's her tragic flaw. ;)
  • edited May 2010
    Especially because the Icon from Episode 4 has Sam with a dumb face ^^!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Especially because the Icon from Episode 4 has Sam with a dumb face ^^!

    No, we'll be up against Sam clones then, so Sam WILL be the main villain(s). Or something like that... I fear this episode, to be honest... ;)
  • edited May 2010
    No, we'll be up against Sam clones then, so Sam WILL be the main villain(s). Or something like that... I fear this episode, to be honest... ;)

    And that's WHY I wanna play that episode!
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