Since its never too early to judge...

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Which episode in the far...of Season Three?


  • edited May 2010
    Tomb of Sammun Mak, definitely. It had a lot more interesting locations, something I was hoping for since the season began, and the story was a lot more fascinating to me, I love ancestors!
  • edited May 2010
    Tomb of Sammun Mak, definitely.
    No doubt about that.
  • edited May 2010
    Tomb of Sammun Mak, definitely. It had a lot more interesting locations, something I was hoping for since the season began, and the story was a lot more fascinating to me, I love ancestors!

    There's very little visible recycling of locations, new music, and innovative gameplay. Is it just me, or did the theatre remind anyone else of 101 and 205? you know the bits i mean ;)
  • edited May 2010
    I prefer The Penal Zone. I don’t like much the mechanics of episode 2 (with the reels)… the storytelling become confusing and not very interesting to follow. Death ? Come on… Santa ? Elves ? Abusive reuse to me. Puzzles with timing, god I hate that (someone need to meet someone else blabla). There is also Jurgen, which is the kind of character I really don’t like, and the guy who wants to liberate Yog Soggoth is really not developed enough (don’t know anything about him, he’s nobody :S)… you don’t have any feeling of crowd or anything in the theater, I really wasn’t as much into the episode as I was with The Penal Zone.

    Doesn’t mean it’s not good, it’s just not what I like ^^
    (I however LOVE the cliffhanger, even if I felt quite shocked by the picture.)
  • edited May 2010
    For me, there's no contest - the Penal Zone has the best characters, the best plot and there are lot of new locations in that as well. I found Tomb of Sammun-Mak to be too easy and the reels made the story really predictable (aside from the ending). Penal Zone was interesting throughout.
  • edited May 2010
    Penal Zone had some really bland areas, but the puzzles were ALOT better. The puzzles in ep2 were shite. Only two psychic powers? Both of which would have worked as inventory items? Twas ridiculous.
  • edited May 2010
    There were 3 psychic powers.
  • edited May 2010
    There were 3 psychic powers.

    well, one of them was pretty much just "switch reel"
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