What time periods would you like to see?



  • edited June 2010
    the good things about the film's is that marty explores times that are completely alien to him. im agreeing with the people who mentioned 1935. that or meet up with the dudes who founded america
  • edited June 2010
    Crrash wrote: »
    65,000,000,000 B.C., 12,000 B.C., 600 A.D., 1000 A.D., 1999 A.D. and 2300 A.D.

    i'd love to visit all time periods from the movies at least for a bit. 1955 and 1985 obviously because everything revolves around both those years. 2015 because it's so awesome. and the old west... hey, why not?

  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I'd like them to go back in time and meet the founding fathers, and 200 years in the future when evil aliens have overtaken the Earth and force Humans to enter beauty contests! The game would start off at Doc's mansion though, of course. And Marty's girlfriend could be a playable character! And maybe give him a lovable loser friend, a roadie type for his band? That'd be cool.


    Why not call it "Day of the Tenuous Plot Reference" ? ;)
  • edited June 2010
    1985 please!!!

    Games with a proper 80's atmosphere are really rare, GTA Vice City does this really well.

    2010 could be funny for the 1985 characters to go to.
  • edited June 2010
    Yep. Nothing like the 80s. It was the next phase of people wanting to be *futuristic*. The threat of people with their hands too close to "The Button" which would cause a nuclear holocaust, quickly subsided in our minds when some hot new Nintendo game was about to come out, or a great fantasy movie was ready to take us on some journey. We had our big stars, all over the place, and the sensations of the times (entertainment) was the big healing factor. Anything to take our minds off the cold war, for a bit.

    I mean, you could be here watching as the drama of U.S. and Soviet relations unfold, listening for whether you should worry about finding a shelter to hide in. Or you could put on some parachute pants, go out and party. Watch as colorful (and perhaps a little flamboyant) outfits became the *trend* for the next two weeks. But if you had it, you were 'IN fashion' for the time. Contemplate the 'chic' aspect of getting watches that left out various Numbers on the face. When getting a Guess (or Swatch) watch actually had the meaning, "Guess what time it is, because I'm not gonna tell you. It's somewhere on this artistic triangle on the face, and it won't point to a number for hours." (Analogue watches, before then, always had proper clock markings across the entire face.) And life or death depended on getting that Zelda, Pacman, or Mario game, that was announced months prior, and you *had* to have it on release. Top 40s hits talking about a major videogame was cool. People had "Pacman fever" and "Did the Donkey Kong". We all wanted to know 'Where's the beef'? Most musical groups got known for using some unusual sounds in their music, to make them sound unique. Often due to the discovery of so many waveforms that could be created with Keyboards, at the time.

    Ahh yes. And while that's just a snippet of what it was like to be in the 80's, they were mandatory parts of it.
  • edited June 2010
    Id perfer to go to the future more then to the past.
    First thing ill check is when earth will be destroyed :D
  • edited July 2010
    Follow the movie time periods!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    How many different Biff incarnations could they use ?
    Pirate Biff ? Dark Night Beef ? First life cells ever Biff ? Hitler Biff :eek: ?

    That's actually a crucial question for the game to be believable. The movies had MJF play Marty, one of his ancestors and two of his siblings, that's about as far as this should ever go. Tom Wilson played Biff, Griff and Buford (and Griff was already pretty much of an exaggeration). If every single time period has the same Tannen stereotype, the game might feel far too much like the animated series.

    As for the time periods I'd like to see, Telltale will get rather close with 1935-1945.

    From there, I'm blanking. It would be nice to revisit 1955 and (the movies'!) 2015, but that would be mere repetition. What is the time period that hasn't been visited to death in the BTTF movies, but also from other time travellers in other time-travel franchises? Where can Marty actually go where no time-traveller has gone before?

    Also, consider the following limitations: When was Hill Valley established? Would it ruin the mood if they went to a time when the city did not even exist? How far into the future could they go and still make sense?
  • edited November 2010
    2085. We've seen Hill Valley 100 years in the past, how about 100 years in the future?
  • edited November 2010
    Well 1985 and roughly 1945 are probably guaranteed to be in it judging from the character designs.

    I'd like to explore two timeperiods that are really close to eachother like a week or so or visit one period two times..
    Then there'd be two Marty's and we'd know before-hand what he's going to do since we played that already and the puzzles are solved by taking advantage of this situation.

    Also I'd like to have one or two time periods included that are really waaaay back or waaaay into the future and will exploit the 'fish-out-of-water' situation to the fullest. =)
  • edited November 2010
    As mentioned in the answers from Bob Gale the prohibition maybe in Christie Time
  • edited November 2010
    I dont really care about which time period, only wanted the 80s for sure,
    I just hope the times, have coherence with the characters and the story, not just a travel in time random thing...

    I love to play with a same time in differente moments, trying to stop yourself from doing what you did in last episode...jajja

    Really dont make the game disney or like the animated series...please... kill clara and the kids...please...kill the train...make it more like the first movie, with things of the second...

    I dont care about stopping WWII i have 100 games about that...please...be close to martys personal life, his family, high school, parents, girls, rockstar...
    his truck, explode 80s cool stuff like hair metal, mullets, lenguaje, slangs of the time...make it personal...not like a universal time travel with a excuse to search for doc, that ends saving the world...fuck the world i want only martys life!
  • edited November 2010
    Middle ages. Imagine Doc at a jousting tournament

    Great Scott! Marty, it's the Black Knight!
  • edited November 2010
    As Bob and Bob constructed their time-machine as a vehicle that can travel through time but not space, the likelihood of Marty shipping the DeLorean to Europe to get involved in some jousting is kinda unlikely. I mean it's possible, but, yeah unlikely.

    Personally, I am really excited about the idea of 1930's Hill Valley.
  • edited November 2010
    1969, 11179 and 1234567890.
  • edited November 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    An in-movie-timeline 2010 would be great, with a time shift that put the timeline into actual 2010 for extra giggles.

    If you're suggesting what I think you are, I think this would be a really good idea.

    Marty and Doc doing something that leads to a shift in the timeline to account for the over the top part 2 version of 2015 changing to a more likely one.

    Might lead to the hoverboard disappearing though :(
  • edited November 2010
    I would like him to go back to the Old West again, the 3'rd film in the Trilogy has always been my favourite. :)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    the 3'rd film in the Trilogy has always been my favourite. :)

    16.79% of the forum members like this post. :D
  • edited November 2010
    Taking into consideration that the game starts out in 1986 (October 1985 + 6 months - 1986 :p ) and that I think that each episode will have a new unique time period (maybe not, but who knows?), also taking into consideration where Marty already has been, here are years of Hill Valley I would've liked to see:

    1986 (obviously :p )
    1936 (obviously :p It's a very unique period)
    2006A or 2016A (well, our 'realistic' 2006/2016, with the 2016A being closer to our 2010 than the BTTF2 variant. With the future always changing, I see this as a totally plausible variant to go to the future, plus Marty can always be surprised at how many things are different from the last time he actually was here)
    1976 (Marty meeting his younger self, anyone?)
    2086 (I agree about going 100 years into the future. Besides, it's not 30 years later, most of us will be dead by the time it comes so nobody will care if it will come true or not :p )
    1906 (seems like a good on-the-edge period to choose between 1885 and 1936, it's pretty distinctive too, historically)
  • edited November 2010
    Times like 10.0000 bc will probably not happen. It doesn't fit on the time cuircits. And really, what is there to go back to. >.>
  • edited November 2010
    Oh, really? :D

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Back to the Future, Episode 3: The Making of the Tomb of Sammun-Mak ;)
  • edited November 2010
    Then Sammun-Mak gets an update where if you look in the background, you can see Doc and Marty running around. Then, the entire episode is completely different, and the following S+M episodes fade from the site....
  • edited November 2010
    Then Sammun-Mak gets an update where if you look in the background, you can see Doc and Marty running around. Then, the entire episode is completely different, and the following S+M episodes fade from the site....

    no, they will all change and we have completely new episodes to play. YAY!! :D
  • edited November 2010
    Yes. Then they can have Doc and Marty fix it, and the old episodes will be back, except Sam will be an orangutan, and Max a Centipede!
  • edited November 2010
    Oh, really? :D
    Just have to ask: is that a screencap of 10,000 BC?
    egaaaaad I hated that movie. So wanted to be Apocalypto, so failed.

    sorry, back to topic, back to topic
  • edited November 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Times like 10.0000 bc will probably not happen. It doesn't fit on the time cuircits. And really, what is there to go back to. >.>

    Maybe there's no more than one visitable point in history before 999 BC (per episode, at most), and the time circuits just show the year as -999. Marty could joke about the limitations of the displays and the possibility of a millenium bug in Y10K.

    And as for what there is to go back to, two words, buddy: Jurassic Era. Although you'd have to watch for continental drift, since the time jumps only take the car through time and not space.
  • edited November 2010
    What time-periods hmm that's a interesting one.

    Well it depends whether the world is mainly involved around the BTTF character's or not.

    if it is i say make a date where the very last of the "McFly or Browns" will exist.
    That way that would be a cool story to keep the McFly or Browns alive even longer. Say like the year 2100 - 2400 or so.

    Same as part 3 movies where u see the very first McFly family.

    And if its not character based then well you basically just could go anywhere i guess.. from -9999999BC till 99999999.. It just depends on how far the imagination goes.
  • edited December 2010
    At one point in the game, Doc mentions that he plans to visit Marty and Jennifer in 2011,which is approximately the same time that was visited in bttf part 2 . Could this be a time period visited in a later episode? If so, do you think they will show the high-tech version of the future that was seen in Bttf part 2 or will it be a more accurate version?
  • edited December 2010
    I assume to keep in with continuity, it'll be the BTTF2 version, because present day in the game is 1986 so they should still have that "oooh by 2000 and x we'll have flying cars" motto.
  • edited December 2010
    What if avoiding that car accident has caused Marty to create the timeline as we know it for us?
  • edited December 2010
    Nekoai-kun wrote: »
    What if avoiding that car accident has caused Marty to create the timeline as we know it for us?

    Yes, I'm guessing that 2015 Marty's life won't be so bad after the events of the third film...but something tells me that events in these games are going to change the future in much more drastic ways anyway.

    We'll probably see a completely different version of the future based on our actions in the 1930s (or whenever).
  • edited December 2010
    I really hope so. Even if it's just for a little bit, I would love to explore the futuristic Hill Valley courthouse square. I always dreamed of that! :)
  • edited December 2010
    The synopsis for the fifth episode says yes.
  • edited December 2010
    Look at the concept art for episode 3, YES! YES YES!
  • edited December 2010
    It wasn't 2011, it was 2015 he visited them. :)
  • edited December 2010
    It wasn't 2011, it was 2015 he visited them. :)
    In BTTFII, yes. In the game, Doc says he's planning on visiting Marty and Jennifer in 2011. Marty questions him, but Doc quickly says something like "Never mind that!".
  • edited December 2010
    Not to mention, that
    a) Doc said in the end of BttFI that he'll go 25 years into the future, so he could still visit them in 2010/2011
    b) We don't know what chain of events led to the BttF2 2015, but with the past being constantly tangled with, it's no surprise if a small change in the timeline would lead to 2010-2015 being as we know them now (which I think will most likely be the case in the game if we'll ever see the 2010s... and I think it was actually confirmed by someone from TT, but I can't say for sure).
  • edited December 2010
    What time periods would you like to see Marty and Doc go to in the series? I think Ancient Rome could be interesting, with Emperor Biff, or maybe some alternate reality eras. America if we had never won the War For Independence, or the world under the rule of an aged Hitler of the future. All sorts of possibilities are open when you're dealing with time travel. So what would you like to see?
    BTTF meets Gladiator. I got a semi... my two favorite movies rolled up in to one, ohhhh.
  • edited December 2010
    Come on guys,.. its an Easter Egg.
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