Christopher Lloyd confirms: He'd get involved in making a BTTF game



  • edited June 2010
    Chris Lloyd has never been great with interviews. Because of that, he hasn't always given them.
  • edited June 2010
    Wow he must have had somewhere else to be...... GOOD LORD.... SANTA BUDDIES?.... TTG save that man from straight to video hell and make him relevant again..
  • edited June 2010
    Personally I loved him as Uncle Fester


    Addams family Point N Click !
  • edited June 2010
    An Addams Family game I could get behind, as long as it was based off of Addams' comics and the 60's TV show.

    Seriously though, do you think it would work if they could get Lloyd to voice Doc, but couldn't get Fox to voice Marty? Would it be weird to have just half of the duo on the project?
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    An Addams Family game I could get behind, as long as it was based off of Addams' comics and the 60's TV show.

    How can it be based on both at once?
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Seriously though, do you think it would work if they could get Lloyd to voice Doc, but couldn't get Fox to voice Marty? Would it be weird to have just half of the duo on the project?

    Why would that be weird?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2010
    Of course it would be weird, but we'll have to go with what is actually possible.

    At the time, it might be realistic to put our money on Lloyd, but not on Fox... :(
  • edited June 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    How can it be based on both at once?

    The original comics that feature the "Addams Family" characters are different from the show in that they are nowhere near as codified and are more fluid in character roles and interaction, it's true, but Addams also worked extensively with the original shows producers on the series bible so they are essentially the same in spirit. I'd like to see a game that follows the rules laid out in the series bible, but utilizing the design aesthetic of the comics and honoring their more macabre spirit.

    Also, the later movies show the family as more of the stereotypically dysfunctional, modern family, whereas Addams originally stressed the family was actually very loving and close; they just enjoyed lying on beds of nails and blowing things up. A greater stress on the Victorian Gothic, slightly sad and faded atmosphere would also be wonderful. You know, keep the giggles but add a dash more Poe.
    Pale Man wrote: »
    Why would that be weird?

    When you're really used to a duo acting together, replacing just one of the characters can be very disconcerting. For example, while I did grow to love Bill Corbett's portrayal of Crow, it took me a long time to get used to him.
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    When you're really used to a duo acting together, replacing just one of the characters can be very disconcerting. For example, while I did grow to love Bill Corbett's portrayal of Crow, it took me a long time to get used to him.

    I loved every replacement on MST3K immediately, maybe I'm just weird?
  • edited December 2010
    Telltale Games Presents ... A TTG exclusive Premier:

    "The Addams Family - Fester's PNC Revenge of the Baldness!"
  • edited December 2010
    Dage wrote: »
    Personally I loved him as Uncle Fester


    Addams family Point N Click !

    Ahaha! I completely forgot about that film! Man, BTTF maybe the only movie where Christopher Lloyd doesn't traumatize me as a kid!

    Seriously, My Favorite Martian freaked me out.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Thanks, Steven, for digging out a thread from the beginning of this forum, at a time when Silverwolfpet had opened 13% of the existing threads. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    That guy was talking about a mod for a first person shooter, Crysis. I don't think Lloyd knew about it or really cared. Hell, I don't even care about Crysis.
  • edited December 2010
    What do you wanna bet that after seeing the video somebody at Telltale got the great idea to make the game? I would bet money on it, but anyway, I followed the making of thet Delorean at the crysis forums, anybody that has seen the thread will know I am a huge Delorean nut, like almost everyone else here. :)

    Anyway, speaking of Deloreans that look fantastic, did you folks see that Forza is getting an 82 Delorean? I would like to see what the community does and tries to make a BTTF Delorean skin for it.


    Also, if you guys would like to see the Delorean in another racing game coming out soon, show your support at the TDU2 forums, it is already up to 17 pages long, but we need all the support we can get!
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