Took me two weeks. This was one of the compositional ideas for a planned acrylic BTTF "I wonder what happens" comic. Good thing I didn't really try, I probably would have finished that in 2015!
Just some acrylic experiments, again (just as my last ToMI endeavour) made with 16 year old Citadel acrylic colors (and some brand new Lukas acrylic white).
Vainamoinen (Vaina? Any shorthand names you prefer?), that looks fantastic. I like how Marty's skin looks, honestly. Just the blending of the colors makes it stand out to me.
You used acrylics, eh? Did you water them down first in order to get that watercolor-y/gouache look?
It seems as if Jennifer was bending over for something....hmmm...
Deep in my heart, in all the two weeks I painted that piece, I knew someone had to say that. Still, with Marty's pants still on, we may safely assume that she's just wincing from an unexpected event.
Vainamoinen (Vaina? Any shorthand names you prefer?), that looks fantastic.
You used acrylics, eh? Did you water them down first in order to get that watercolor-y/gouache look?
Thanks! Vaina is OK!
The colors are not as high-quality as I want them to be. I can't water them down as much as I want for a "proper" glaze, as this inescapably leaves an ugly pigment trail at the edges of the brush stroke. I compromised by making the glaze color at least close to the final color I'd want to achieve, then I only very slightly watered the paint down. But nonetheless, getting the skin tones at least acceptable took me two attempts, as the first one was wayyyy too yellow.
This is slightly off topic, but as previous BTTF LEGO discussion has gone here, I though other LEGO junkies might like to see the lineup for the 4th collectible minifig series.
Looks like a near-perfect costume in amongst that lot for 'Darth Vader from the Planet Vulcan', even if the hazmat suit is orange, not yellow.
The colors are not as high-quality as I want them to be. I can't water them down as much as I want for a "proper" glaze, as this inescapably leaves an ugly pigment trail at the edges of the brush stroke. I compromised by making the glaze color at least close to the final color I'd want to achieve, then I only very slightly watered the paint down. But nonetheless, getting the skin tones at least acceptable took me two attempts, as the first one was wayyyy too yellow.
Hmmmm.... fascinating! (You'll have to forgive me. I'm a bit of a nerd for art techniques, heh) I have to say I'm surprised it's acrylic, honestly speaking. It came off as watercolor-ish to me, hence me asking if it was watered down.
Still, for 15-odd year old acrylics as you called 'em, that's not bad. =]
Deep in my heart, in all the two weeks I painted that piece, I knew someone had to say that. Still, with Marty's pants still on, we may safely assume that she's just wincing from an unexpected event.
Smokey Guys, this is not Vietnam 4CHAN this is bowling TTG Forums, there are rules ...
-Walter Sobchak Milkman08
Hmmmm.... fascinating! (You'll have to forgive me. I'm a bit of a nerd for art techniques, heh) I have to say I'm surprised it's acrylic, honestly speaking. It came off as watercolor-ish to me, hence me asking if it was watered down.
Still, for 15-odd year old acrylics as you called 'em, that's not bad. =]
I'm sorry, I was referring exclusively to the skin color technique. On the sleeves, pants and jacket, and of course Jennifer's dress, this is indeed massively watered-down acrylics. It shows.
Looks like a near-perfect costume in amongst that lot for 'Darth Vader from the Planet Vulcan', even if the hazmat suit is orange, not yellow.
This is epic. I mean, the suit is one thing. But there's a guitar, a skateboard and with a slight bit of interpretation, even a hoverboard. This is almost BTTF-themed.
Yesss! Colors & lighting in this piece is so great. Did you take some inspiration from the sunset/orange tones as seen in the trailer?
Gesture is perfect, anatomy fits, Einstein is OK. And one of these days, you will probably give Doc a decent nasolabial fold, making him look way older.
/edit: Soooooo.... what's the "December project"??
Oh, the 'December Project' was/is me doing full-scene drawings based upon what people voted for on my DA page a couple months back. Mostly thing that -at the time- I've never considered drawing (Michael Bay*Transformers, Robocop hey man a friend put me up to it) or like but never really got around to doing so (Knights of the Old Republic, Final Fantasy 6). BttF was one of them, as were a couple other series, so now I've got stuff to work on for the rest of the month, hehe.
... Although I'm going to weep like a baby when I get around to the Michael Bay*Transformers. *sobs* too many spikey things!!!
Kaldire: All 100% computer. Like I mentioned a few pages back, I do draw on paper some of the time, but I've had to switch to computer full stop out of necessity/preservation of my sanity since our scanner won't cooperate anymore. Without going into a long process list thing, I did a greyscale rendering of the shadows under the line art, did a flat color layer on top of it and then just went to town from there.
Vainia: Nasola... what? I'm a lunch lady, not an anatomy expert. D; Hehe. I'm still learning!
EDIT: Ohhhhh. I see what you mean. Hm. Well, seeing as I do still have the raw picture file, I can easily add it in there.
And yes! I did indeed draw color inspiration from the trailer. I eyeballed a few screenshots and just kinda went off on my own from there. I'm a glutton for warm, semi-saturated colors. >=
Laserschwert I thank you, I saw SOOOOO many great wall papers and so, HOWEVER yours was the one I saved, While I wont wallpaper it, I DO plan to get a poster made for my room, you crossed mixed the 2 things I like. BTTF and Sam and Max. Ty alot.
Also Vainamoinen, the Doc brown will build a time machine picture. This is the type of facial expression I wish telltale would add for the game. The more happy looking type.
Hey guys....cant believe im so new here....Back to the Future has been my life. This is the pic that i submitted to the fan-art contest....what do you think???
I've got a few other BTTF related pieces in my gallery, including a large Doc Brown Shrinky-Plastic necklace I made for a trilogy screening I attended where Lloyd made a special appearance.
Hi, tried posting a little while ago, but it never showed up. I'm going to hopefully be posting some arts here soon! I noticed a few of my older sketches ended up being direct linked from DeviantArt in people's earlier posts, so I might as well join in!
Here's a run at Marty sketches-- From right to left, are the earliest to the last one I did this morning. I look at the concept art and try to get a feel for the shape of the character and then keep drawing it over and over.
It's not close to the style this time, but I've drawn so little Marty compared to Doc, so it was a little slower to get used to what he looks like.
I do like the concept's style with the thin lines and color blending into it, and I may try something like that eventually.
Gentlemen and Vaina, I present to you the pinnacle of artistic uncreativity:
Full-Size (and I do mean full-size) can be found right here and on DA over here.
Mind you, the full-size is about 50% of the original size I worked at. Also, drawing without contour lines/line art is a pain in the ass. I think it really shows in his face, but I spent maybe a good hour or two trying to get it to look passable. There's probably 1.21 jigowatts worth of errors, but I'm in such a rut I'm happy I got it to look this decent, at least.
Maybe one of these days I'll actually, yanno, draw Marty or something. Never was much of a Marty fan for one reason or another (I pretty much only watched the movies for Doc, hence why Parts 2 and 3 are my favorites) but maybe the game will change that.
... to this thread to deliver this picture:
I now will begin calling the BttF card came 'Back to the Future: Part 5Ds'
if you must know the real context...
Thanks to doggans for inspiring this idea.
My pleasure. Very awesome!
They look like they've looked into the future and seen Atlantis.
Took me two weeks. This was one of the compositional ideas for a planned acrylic BTTF "I wonder what happens" comic. Good thing I didn't really try, I probably would have finished that in 2015!
Just some acrylic experiments, again (just as my last ToMI endeavour) made with 16 year old Citadel acrylic colors (and some brand new Lukas acrylic white).
It seems as if Jennifer was bending over for something....hmmm...
You used acrylics, eh? Did you water them down first in order to get that watercolor-y/gouache look?
And that's not even Jennifer, is it? It looks like Lorraine. :eek:
...but you have so_many_other talents! Including the musical one, which my entire family has, but I do not. At least in the practicing vein.
Thank you!!
Deep in my heart, in all the two weeks I painted that piece, I knew someone had to say that. Still, with Marty's pants still on, we may safely assume that she's just wincing from an unexpected event.
Thanks! Vaina is OK!
The colors are not as high-quality as I want them to be. I can't water them down as much as I want for a "proper" glaze, as this inescapably leaves an ugly pigment trail at the edges of the brush stroke. I compromised by making the glaze color at least close to the final color I'd want to achieve, then I only very slightly watered the paint down. But nonetheless, getting the skin tones at least acceptable took me two attempts, as the first one was wayyyy too yellow.
In such a cartoony state, they look rather similar. Either Marty prefers girls who look like his mother, or Bob Gale prefers a certain type of woman.
It's JENNIFER, of course!
Looks like a near-perfect costume in amongst that lot for 'Darth Vader from the Planet Vulcan', even if the hazmat suit is orange, not yellow.
Hmmmm.... fascinating! (You'll have to forgive me. I'm a bit of a nerd for art techniques, heh) I have to say I'm surprised it's acrylic, honestly speaking. It came off as watercolor-ish to me, hence me asking if it was watered down.
Still, for 15-odd year old acrylics as you called 'em, that's not bad. =]
-Walter Sobchak Milkman08
Nice work Vaina
I'm sorry, I was referring exclusively to the skin color technique. On the sleeves, pants and jacket, and of course Jennifer's dress, this is indeed massively watered-down acrylics. It shows.
This is epic. I mean, the suit is one thing. But there's a guitar, a skateboard and with a slight bit of interpretation, even a hoverboard. This is almost BTTF-themed.
Better angle on some of them here.
Only the Teen Wolf is a little off-BTTF.
The hoverboard's even PINK!
Fullsize here and on DeviantArt.
There is a bajillion things wrong with this probably, so er'body focus on how good Einie looks, ha.
is that art+computer gen mix or mostly art then added effect? its niiiiice
Yesss! Colors & lighting in this piece is so great. Did you take some inspiration from the sunset/orange tones as seen in the trailer?
Gesture is perfect, anatomy fits, Einstein is OK. And one of these days, you will probably give Doc a decent nasolabial fold, making him look way older.
/edit: Soooooo.... what's the "December project"??
... Although I'm going to weep like a baby when I get around to the Michael Bay*Transformers. *sobs* too many spikey things!!!
Kaldire: All 100% computer. Like I mentioned a few pages back, I do draw on paper some of the time, but I've had to switch to computer full stop out of necessity/preservation of my sanity since our scanner won't cooperate anymore. Without going into a long process list thing, I did a greyscale rendering of the shadows under the line art, did a flat color layer on top of it and then just went to town from there.
Vainia: Nasola... what? I'm a lunch lady, not an anatomy expert. D; Hehe. I'm still learning!
EDIT: Ohhhhh. I see what you mean. Hm. Well, seeing as I do still have the raw picture file, I can easily add it in there.
And yes! I did indeed draw color inspiration from the trailer. I eyeballed a few screenshots and just kinda went off on my own from there. I'm a glutton for warm, semi-saturated colors. >=
Also Vainamoinen, the Doc brown will build a time machine picture. This is the type of facial expression I wish telltale would add for the game. The more happy looking type.
That reminds me of the Minimates DeLorean
Hi! OMGBTTF I'm flattered you found some of my sketches on my DA page!
You may want to link to the Deviation page itself--
Temporal Displacement & You
Doc Pencil Sketch
I've got a few other BTTF related pieces in my gallery, including a large Doc Brown Shrinky-Plastic necklace I made for a trilogy screening I attended where Lloyd made a special appearance.
I'll see about making some more art to post here!
Here's a Doc Brown shrinky-plastic necklace I made for a trilogy showing a little while back.
And here's the start of what will be a bunch of sketches in reference to this game's style
Awh man, I love your style. So envious of people who can do expressive stuff like that, hehe.
Hope to see more from you soon. =]
Thanks! I'm going to try more drawings to pin the style down, but they tend to become a little cutesy when I have a go at a particular look.
Not really sure what that entails-- I can try to help, though my schedule is usually a bit busy.
It's not close to the style this time, but I've drawn so little Marty compared to Doc, so it was a little slower to get used to what he looks like.
I do like the concept's style with the thin lines and color blending into it, and I may try something like that eventually.
Tonnido's Back to the Future metal remix
Worth listening to.
Full-Size (and I do mean full-size) can be found right here and on DA over here.
Mind you, the full-size is about 50% of the original size I worked at. Also, drawing without contour lines/line art is a pain in the ass. I think it really shows in his face, but I spent maybe a good hour or two trying to get it to look passable. There's probably 1.21 jigowatts worth of errors, but I'm in such a rut I'm happy I got it to look this decent, at least.
Maybe one of these days I'll actually, yanno, draw Marty or something. Never was much of a Marty fan for one reason or another (I pretty much only watched the movies for Doc, hence why Parts 2 and 3 are my favorites) but maybe the game will change that.
I kid you not. Being a fan of both, this is the most epically awesome shirt ever! I've already ordered one!