All I'm saying is that while it can happen it won't happen for everyone. It's foolhardy to tell someone to just wait for love instead of ever actively pursuing it.
They might, gasp, ACTUALLY DO IT. Which would be bad.
I'm not arguing man. I'm just putting my side into it. I read what you had to say. Believe me I tend to second guess myself when I'm just doing guess work.
You could be right. We don't have to "argue" to share different sides to something. That's a social construct of some sort.
I read your replies and appreciate them.
I was not "disagreeing" with you, I was just being creative and putting my own words down.
So, Fawful, how do you pursue it? You go to bars and hit on everyone there? I just don't get you. I'd never ask a guy out before developping feelings for him.
Anyway, I wouldn't go to a bar. All I'm saying is you need to go out and meet people all the time, make friends, and interact with people every chance you get. Enjoy yourself. That's an active way of finding love, not sitting at home and waiting for it to walk in your door.
So, Fawful, how do you pursue it? You go to bars and hit on everyone there? I just don't get you. I'd never ask a guy out before developping feelings for him.
I think it's the way you guys are using your words that made the "argument".
I don't think that's what Fawful meant. As some one who is very shy and introverted I see what he could possibly mean.
Guys like me can crush on a women never even get her name...Guys like me don't have many friends, don't talk often, affection makes us feel sick, fearful, uncomfortable. I could go a whole 4 years, and I have, evading some one I had strong feelings for, never having a real conversation directly.
Guys like me, if we don't "change" we can end up alone.
I think that is the point he is trying to make, to do something, as in simply start opening up and talking and getting to know people.
If I just sit around and wait and be myself that means avoiding people and evading women. Which probably means being scared and alone my whole life.
Anyway, I wouldn't go to a bar. All I'm saying is you need to go out and meet people all the time, make friends, and interact with people every chance you get. Enjoy yourself. That's an active way of finding love, not sitting at home and waiting for it to walk in your door.
That sounds EXACTLY like what I said though. Except, don't do it thinking you'll find love, because you'll just end up being depressed. Have a full social life because that's enjoyable, meet new people, if you fall in love with one of them you'll have time to notice when that happens.
I don't think anyone should wait for love. I don't think anyone should look for love, either. I think people should live their lives, make friends, have fun, and love will find them, or not, but at least they'll have fun in the meantime.
That sounds EXACTLY like what I said though. Except, don't do it thinking you'll find love, because you'll just end up being depressed. Have a full social life because that's enjoyable, meet new people, if you fall in love with one of them you'll have time to notice when that happens.
I don't think anyone should wait for love. I don't think anyone should look for love, either. I think people should live their lives, make friends, have fun, and love will find them, or not, but at least they'll have fun in the meantime.
I think you guys are wired a little differently
The honest truth is that there's a little of everybody in anyone you meet. LOL, I can see both sides to this and I think it's important to consider both.
Isn't it amazing that the same ideas, the same conversation by different people is the same ideas and conversation but different ideas and a different conversation?
Yet, yes, it's the same! But different! I love you guys!
Gary, but if you're a nudist and you want to meet a nudist, then why not? I mean if you're not gonna be yourself and lie about it, than what's the point?
Prancing around naked will still get you into jail, though, so my point still stands.
Actually, it's "be yourself, but not too much". Not everybody will appreciate it if you like to be a nudist for example.
As there are many naturist/nudist (what's the correct term?) colonies and towns all over the world, if that is your thing, it's probably best to be open about it right away so you can find someone who is okay with that lifestyle. Aren't there entire cities that are clothing optional?
If I just sit around and wait and be myself that means avoiding people and evading women. Which probably means being scared and alone my whole life.
You can't be a hermit, but sometimes its nice to just stop trying to date, and find new friends instead. It's too easy to get fixated on finding someone and then you don't enjoy your daily life.
I know, for myself, I went out with a couple of guys in college, and the whole "dating" thing was awful. I would much rather get to know a guy without any pressures, and then if I was attracted to him, start going out with him afterwards.
I know, for myself, I went out with a couple of guys in college, and the whole "dating" thing was awful. I would much rather get to know a guy without any pressures, and then if I was attracted to him, start going out with him afterwards.
I second this. In highschool, the best formal I ever went to was when I went with my slightly agoraphobic guy friend (it was extremely surprising that he agreed). True, I asked him after we'd been friends years, but it was much more fun than when I went out with guys that I didn't know very well.
As there are many naturist/nudist (what's the correct term?) colonies and towns all over the world, if that is your thing, it's probably best to be open about it right away so you can find someone who is okay with that lifestyle. Aren't there entire cities that are clothing optional?
I think nudist just refers to liking being naked, while naturist insinuates a connection with nature. In France thought I'm pretty sure "naturist" is the usual term, although I wouldn't think either is offensive. You'd have to ask someone who actually is one I guess
But if you look at the wikipedia article (not sure I can link it since it shows naked people) they use "naturism" for the name of the page but do mention that "nudism" is the more common term in the US, so I'd say they're probably pretty much interchangeable.
And yes, there are entire towns that are... well, clothing optional might not be the best way to put it, since in many countries you're allowed to be naked anywhere in a non-sexual context, making all cities in these countries clothing-optional. But usually everyone wears clothes, although I've seen stuff like organised naked bike rides, and there is a famous music video that has 3 naked girls in it walking in Paris (in succession, not at once) so it still does happen. And nobody was warned for the latter I'm pretty sure, as the passerbys in the video seems surprised.
I'd say "where people usually don't wear clothes at all" would be a closer definition. France also has many camping sites like that, although people who wear clothes and go there are frowned upon, since their motivations seem to be looking at naked people rather than being free to go around without clothes and not stand out.
Seconding the "stop looking and just be yourself" option. The great thing about this approach is that if you do not in fact find your soulmate this way, you still wind up having a more enjoyable life than if you were still making yourself miserable looking.
I agree, being miserable and lonely by design is better than by accident of fate, but still....
On the other hand, people fall into the trap of assuming that the solution to loneliness is to meet people, as though lonely people had, y'know, like never thought of that or anything.
I agree, being miserable and lonely by design is better than by accident of fate, but still....
On the other hand, people fall into the trap of assuming that the solution to loneliness is to meet people, as though lonely people had, y'know, like never thought of that or anything.
I think the idea is to not be miserable and lonely, whether you have someone or not. There are people that have the world and aren't happy, and vice versa. You choose whether you are happy or not. It is more under your control than many realize.
And although just meeting people is not going to guarantee anything, if you don't push yourself out into the world, well than, it is easier to remain lonely. If someone has a reclusive/shy personality and they don't like being lonely they have to change the way they act, force themselves to talk to people.
Maybe that sounds harsh, but I've been there myself. When I was in high school, I was very shy and introverted and it was painful to change the way I interacted with people at first, but it was worth it in the long run. Now I have some wonderful friends who know the "real" me. I don't hide anything from them, to the point where they sometimes find I'm too open. But whatever, I like being that way. I'm not embarrassed by anything I say anymore, because I stopped censoring myself, and nothing catastrophic happened.
It is easier to make close friendships in college (because you're actually living with tons of people). But it's not impossible to form close bonds with people afterwards either. You have to talk to the people you work with, or if you literally have no one near you, join a club of some sort. Or as long as you have 1 friend get him/her to introduce you to their friends. There are billions of people in the world to choose from. Maybe move to a larger city if nothing else works.
I think the idea is to not be miserable and lonely, whether you have someone or not. There are people that have the world and aren't happy, and vice versa. You choose whether you are happy or not. It is more under your control than many realize.
I suppose you aren't clinically depressed like me? Seriously, if I could choose to be happy I would, but no such luck.
It's like saving having a relation is your own choice, not that of 2 people. Sadly, it doesn't work that way. And that's pretty much the cause of many sadness and sorrow around the world, and about the #1 reason for murders and suicides...
I don't know about that. On several occasions when I've been extremely depressed and miserable, I've had to pretend that I was happy and everything was hunky-dory. After awhile, I realized that I wasn't pretending anymore and I actually was happy and whatever I was depressed about didn't really matter anymore.:D
I suppose you aren't clinically depressed like me? Seriously, if I could choose to be happy I would, but no such luck..
Well, I was too... I just forced myself into happiness, and eventually I did. But to be perfectly fair, my case was minor, but my sister had a much more severe case and did the same, along with the help of medication and such. Now she's doing pretty well and off the meds.
Forcing yourself to be happy is hard, but it's well worth the effort.
but... that's probably not in my place to say. Sorry bout that though.
Depression is a medical condition. Saying "if you want to be happy, you'll be happy" is like telling an amputee "if your arm grew back you'd have an arm again": it's true, but it's not going to happen. Being unable to want to be happy is part of the definition of clinical depression. That's why you need a treatment for it.
It's a very annoying thing to hear, because while it's true for things like being in a bad mood and stuff, the medical issue called depression just does not work that way. And blaming people who are suffering from it, basically telling them it's their fault if they're not getting better, isn't going to help.
When you start wanting to be happy again, you're already on the way back to recovery. It's not what starts your recovery, it's an effect of your going better.
Then yes, if that happens, you're gonna be in the clear in not too long. Still gonna take some effort, but it becomes possible. But you can't just spontaneously will it to happen.
I think depression can be hard to define. I honestly have said I was depressed or full of anxiety,I've said lots of things about my struggles with people.
I know some depression is a chemical imbalance but I never had that.
Though i think in my case it personally comes down to not believing in myself. I don't mean not having confidence, not being tough, I mean believing in who I am. We are all really born more or less the same, sure we are different and very unique and all very special but we are source energy. All of us are connected, we are all energy, we are energy in a new and changing form and we come from the origin of energy.We can not exist without one another, and others exist around you so that you will be as you are and they will be as they are.
We're all connected to our parents, to one another, to the waves of the universe.
We are all as we are intended to be, should be and will be, can be. Humanity is the same animal, the same manifestation all over. We have something special about all of us but the universe connects us all.
In a moment, if you realize your potential, your purpose, yourself, you can live in the next moment believing in your own free will.
To the extent allowed, of course you can't do everything but we aren't everything, we are all human and have limitations and some times things don't go the way we want them to go.
Life is a learning experience though.
Something just snapped in me today, something just got set off. I don't know if it's permanent or only temporarily but I'm am surprised by how right everything feels right now.
It's a very annoying thing to hear, because while it's true for things like being in a bad mood and stuff, the medical issue called depression just does not work that way. And blaming people who are suffering from it, basically telling them it's their fault if they're not getting better, isn't going to help.
Of course if someone has clinical depression that is another situation altogether. And for someone with that type of condition, they should go see a doctor and get professional help, and possibly medication (depending upon the causes and how severe it is). I didn't mean to include those people in my previous statement. I apologize to anyone who may be clinically depressed and I hope you are getting help for it.
But for people that don't have a physical reason for their depression, there is a lot you can do on your own, or with a small amount of therapy. I have seen too many people, that don't have clinical depression, just situational feelings of sadness and yet feel as though they are depressed. Many of the effects on your life can be the same as someone who is clinically depressed, but the causes are different. My comments were directed toward those people (of which I was one of for several years).
Something just snapped in me today, something just got set off. I don't know if it's permanent or only temporarily but I'm am surprised by how right everything feels right now.
That's wonderful. I have had several of those "snapping" feelings and they do help, it's like you shed off something or go to a different place within yourself.
I always thought of these feelings as battles. You have to have a fighting spirit and want to defeat what is stopping you from living the way you want. At least that is how I imagine it for myself.
I agree with you, Jenny, and I personally understood it as such. I just wanted to comment because sadly, a lot of people can only relate to their own experience of how things normally are and don't realise that depression works differently. And a lot of depressed people have to put up with being told by everyone around them that it's "all in their heads" and they should just shrug it off.
I use quotation marks for "all in their heads" because seriously, what kind of argument is that? Many things are "all in your head", such as love, phobias or stress, and they have a real effect on your life, and often physical consequences too. Something isn't negligible just because it has emotional or psychological roots rather than physical ones, nor can you always control them. In the examples above, you have limited control over love, phobias and stress, and while you can get over them it takes a lot of work.
Anyways, as far as I'm concerned we're good, Jenny, and I wasn't addressing my post to you specifically.
Yeah. I still get pissed off with the general thought about dips (is that the proper english word?) being actually called depression. Like some people saying "I had a small depression yesterday, but am all fine now". That just isn't the way it works, and it annoys me to no end.
I really wish people could use the correct term, but that's probably a lost battle already.
Especially if said people then go about and tell me how I should threat my depression.
I have the same problem. A lot of people just... Like, they have a headache and say it's a migraine. Mh, if you had a migraine, you'd be in bed away from any source of light and trying not to throw up, and possibly unable to see from one eye. You wouldn't be playing video games and joking around with friends.
Or they have a cold or gastroenteritis and they say it's the flu. Sorry, the flu's much more serious than what you have, man.
And so on, and so on. I think it comes from exaggerating stuff, but as a result people tend to really minimize it when it's the real thing.
It depends on the migraine. I have gotten migraines all the time ever since I was six, so much so that I have grown tolerant and sometimes don't even notice that I'm having one until it gets really bad. I have medication, but hardly ever take it anymore because my perception of a "bad" headache (which would require meds) is much different than pretty much anyone else I know. So, while seven years ago I would be curled up in a dark room trying not to think of food, now I just get a bit tetchy and impatient and maybe go to bed a bit early (alright, maybe five or six hours early...).
Well, I didn't mean you HAVE to be in bed. I've even had to work through one, on a screen and all. Just... You can tell from someone's face and attitude, you know what I mean? When they're using the word without knowing what it means, it's pretty obvious.
It's mostly a problem in France though. "Migraine" has almost become the normal way to say you have a headache. It does get annoying because when you really have one, people don't understand why you're making "such a fuss" about it and go isolate yourself instead of taking an aspirin and being fine.
I think the opposite exists too though. My in-laws are... over-empathic at times haha. Once I just mentioned in passing that I had cut my nail too short, so I had that annoying feeling, and everyone was all "oh no!", "I hate when that happens" and "poor you!". It was a bit of an over-reaction .
Still better than the reaction my family would have, though ("well, it's your own fault" or "cool story bro").
Yeah, it is annoying when you're in pain and no one really understands. My family just sort of waved my migraines off until I started missing school because of them. Now every relative and family friend is always giving me advice and telling me not to eat chocolate (not gonna happen) or whatever even though they have no idea what is actually going on. The best thing that I learned is that people who get migraines are significantly less likely to go senile. Yay.
Haha my mom also got the "don't eat chocolate" thing, what the heck?
I haven't had migraines in years now, and I have no clue why but I'm not going to complain. From what I hear it was hormone related.
I think the worst part for me wasn't that it's very painful, but that I'd usually become blind in the opposite eye. Sometimes I just stopped seeing from one eye and I knew a migraine was coming. It was very scary because I was always afraid I might never get the sight back. And it's just... confusing, to lose part of a sense, I guess.
Also, it's annoying that being unable to see from that eye didn't stop it from being hypersensitive to light.
For me, I become hypersensitive not just to light, but also smell and sound (I can barely be in the same building as any type of food). And strangely enough, my reflexes are much sharper when I have a migraine. Or at least, this is what I surmised because I always fence better when I have one.
Sound too, definitely... Never thought about smell, but since I tend to get nauseated it's quite possible. I guess you just become hypersensitive to lots of things.
Erm, so, back on topic... Anyone else realised that the topic can be read to mean women are ugly?
Like, "how can I actually find someone to love if I open my eyes and actually look at her?"
Anyways, as far as I'm concerned we're good, Jenny, and I wasn't addressing my post to you specifically.
Thanks, and I thought as much. I just wanted to make sure anyone else reading knew what I meant too.
I definitely agree how psychological things can effect the physical body. There is so much that the mind controls (automatically) that many times it can do more harm than good. Stress, anxiety, anger can all wreak havoc on the body.
Comments helped me cope.
I'm not arguing man. I'm just putting my side into it. I read what you had to say. Believe me I tend to second guess myself when I'm just doing guess work.
You could be right.
I read your replies and appreciate them.
I was not "disagreeing" with you, I was just being creative and putting my own words down.
Which makes my suggestion to you... avoid. it. at. all. cost.
But apparently it's already too late for you, join the club.
Anyway, I wouldn't go to a bar. All I'm saying is you need to go out and meet people all the time, make friends, and interact with people every chance you get. Enjoy yourself. That's an active way of finding love, not sitting at home and waiting for it to walk in your door.
I think it's the way you guys are using your words that made the "argument".
I don't think that's what Fawful meant. As some one who is very shy and introverted I see what he could possibly mean.
Guys like me can crush on a women never even get her name...Guys like me don't have many friends, don't talk often, affection makes us feel sick, fearful, uncomfortable. I could go a whole 4 years, and I have, evading some one I had strong feelings for, never having a real conversation directly.
Guys like me, if we don't "change" we can end up alone.
I think that is the point he is trying to make, to do something, as in simply start opening up and talking and getting to know people.
If I just sit around and wait and be myself that means avoiding people and evading women. Which probably means being scared and alone my whole life.
That sounds EXACTLY like what I said though. Except, don't do it thinking you'll find love, because you'll just end up being depressed. Have a full social life because that's enjoyable, meet new people, if you fall in love with one of them you'll have time to notice when that happens.
I don't think anyone should wait for love. I don't think anyone should look for love, either. I think people should live their lives, make friends, have fun, and love will find them, or not, but at least they'll have fun in the meantime.
Inspiring . Thanks for having different opinions, while keeping a open mind, guys.
I think I'm going to take this all as advice.
Yeah, this was good. I love a mature conversation. Thanks guys.
King of the Hill is on.
I think you guys are wired a little differently
The honest truth is that there's a little of everybody in anyone you meet. LOL, I can see both sides to this and I think it's important to consider both.
Isn't it amazing that the same ideas, the same conversation by different people is the same ideas and conversation but different ideas and a different conversation?
Yet, yes, it's the same! But different! I love you guys!
King of the Hill is on...
Prancing around naked will still get you into jail, though, so my point still stands.
Thanks, I'm glad I summed up well.
As there are many naturist/nudist (what's the correct term?) colonies and towns all over the world, if that is your thing, it's probably best to be open about it right away so you can find someone who is okay with that lifestyle. Aren't there entire cities that are clothing optional?
Yep, that site got me through my first year of college. So much melancholy.
You can't be a hermit, but sometimes its nice to just stop trying to date, and find new friends instead. It's too easy to get fixated on finding someone and then you don't enjoy your daily life.
I know, for myself, I went out with a couple of guys in college, and the whole "dating" thing was awful. I would much rather get to know a guy without any pressures, and then if I was attracted to him, start going out with him afterwards.
I second this. In highschool, the best formal I ever went to was when I went with my slightly agoraphobic guy friend (it was extremely surprising that he agreed). True, I asked him after we'd been friends years, but it was much more fun than when I went out with guys that I didn't know very well.
I think nudist just refers to liking being naked, while naturist insinuates a connection with nature. In France thought I'm pretty sure "naturist" is the usual term, although I wouldn't think either is offensive. You'd have to ask someone who actually is one I guess
But if you look at the wikipedia article (not sure I can link it since it shows naked people) they use "naturism" for the name of the page but do mention that "nudism" is the more common term in the US, so I'd say they're probably pretty much interchangeable.
And yes, there are entire towns that are... well, clothing optional might not be the best way to put it, since in many countries you're allowed to be naked anywhere in a non-sexual context, making all cities in these countries clothing-optional. But usually everyone wears clothes, although I've seen stuff like organised naked bike rides, and there is a famous music video that has 3 naked girls in it walking in Paris (in succession, not at once) so it still does happen. And nobody was warned for the latter I'm pretty sure, as the passerbys in the video seems surprised.
I'd say "where people usually don't wear clothes at all" would be a closer definition. France also has many camping sites like that, although people who wear clothes and go there are frowned upon, since their motivations seem to be looking at naked people rather than being free to go around without clothes and not stand out.
I agree, being miserable and lonely by design is better than by accident of fate, but still....
On the other hand, people fall into the trap of assuming that the solution to loneliness is to meet people, as though lonely people had, y'know, like never thought of that or anything.
I think the idea is to not be miserable and lonely, whether you have someone or not. There are people that have the world and aren't happy, and vice versa. You choose whether you are happy or not. It is more under your control than many realize.
And although just meeting people is not going to guarantee anything, if you don't push yourself out into the world, well than, it is easier to remain lonely. If someone has a reclusive/shy personality and they don't like being lonely they have to change the way they act, force themselves to talk to people.
Maybe that sounds harsh, but I've been there myself. When I was in high school, I was very shy and introverted and it was painful to change the way I interacted with people at first, but it was worth it in the long run. Now I have some wonderful friends who know the "real" me. I don't hide anything from them, to the point where they sometimes find I'm too open. But whatever, I like being that way. I'm not embarrassed by anything I say anymore, because I stopped censoring myself, and nothing catastrophic happened.
It is easier to make close friendships in college (because you're actually living with tons of people). But it's not impossible to form close bonds with people afterwards either. You have to talk to the people you work with, or if you literally have no one near you, join a club of some sort. Or as long as you have 1 friend get him/her to introduce you to their friends. There are billions of people in the world to choose from. Maybe move to a larger city if nothing else works.
I suppose you aren't clinically depressed like me? Seriously, if I could choose to be happy I would, but no such luck.
It's like saving having a relation is your own choice, not that of 2 people. Sadly, it doesn't work that way. And that's pretty much the cause of many sadness and sorrow around the world, and about the #1 reason for murders and suicides...
Well, I was too... I just forced myself into happiness, and eventually I did. But to be perfectly fair, my case was minor, but my sister had a much more severe case and did the same, along with the help of medication and such. Now she's doing pretty well and off the meds.
Forcing yourself to be happy is hard, but it's well worth the effort.
but... that's probably not in my place to say. Sorry bout that though.
It's a very annoying thing to hear, because while it's true for things like being in a bad mood and stuff, the medical issue called depression just does not work that way. And blaming people who are suffering from it, basically telling them it's their fault if they're not getting better, isn't going to help.
When you start wanting to be happy again, you're already on the way back to recovery. It's not what starts your recovery, it's an effect of your going better.
Then yes, if that happens, you're gonna be in the clear in not too long. Still gonna take some effort, but it becomes possible. But you can't just spontaneously will it to happen.
I know some depression is a chemical imbalance but I never had that.
Though i think in my case it personally comes down to not believing in myself. I don't mean not having confidence, not being tough, I mean believing in who I am. We are all really born more or less the same, sure we are different and very unique and all very special but we are source energy. All of us are connected, we are all energy, we are energy in a new and changing form and we come from the origin of energy.We can not exist without one another, and others exist around you so that you will be as you are and they will be as they are.
We're all connected to our parents, to one another, to the waves of the universe.
We are all as we are intended to be, should be and will be, can be. Humanity is the same animal, the same manifestation all over. We have something special about all of us but the universe connects us all.
In a moment, if you realize your potential, your purpose, yourself, you can live in the next moment believing in your own free will.
To the extent allowed, of course you can't do everything but we aren't everything, we are all human and have limitations and some times things don't go the way we want them to go.
Life is a learning experience though.
Something just snapped in me today, something just got set off. I don't know if it's permanent or only temporarily but I'm am surprised by how right everything feels right now.
Of course if someone has clinical depression that is another situation altogether. And for someone with that type of condition, they should go see a doctor and get professional help, and possibly medication (depending upon the causes and how severe it is). I didn't mean to include those people in my previous statement. I apologize to anyone who may be clinically depressed and I hope you are getting help for it.
But for people that don't have a physical reason for their depression, there is a lot you can do on your own, or with a small amount of therapy. I have seen too many people, that don't have clinical depression, just situational feelings of sadness and yet feel as though they are depressed. Many of the effects on your life can be the same as someone who is clinically depressed, but the causes are different. My comments were directed toward those people (of which I was one of for several years).
That's wonderful. I have had several of those "snapping" feelings and they do help, it's like you shed off something or go to a different place within yourself.
I always thought of these feelings as battles. You have to have a fighting spirit and want to defeat what is stopping you from living the way you want. At least that is how I imagine it for myself.
Maybe it's interesting for you to read Péter Esterházy's She loves me.
And, no, a Vuvuzela does not count!
I use quotation marks for "all in their heads" because seriously, what kind of argument is that? Many things are "all in your head", such as love, phobias or stress, and they have a real effect on your life, and often physical consequences too. Something isn't negligible just because it has emotional or psychological roots rather than physical ones, nor can you always control them. In the examples above, you have limited control over love, phobias and stress, and while you can get over them it takes a lot of work.
Anyways, as far as I'm concerned we're good, Jenny, and I wasn't addressing my post to you specifically.
I really wish people could use the correct term, but that's probably a lost battle already.
Especially if said people then go about and tell me how I should threat my depression.
Or they have a cold or gastroenteritis and they say it's the flu. Sorry, the flu's much more serious than what you have, man.
And so on, and so on. I think it comes from exaggerating stuff, but as a result people tend to really minimize it when it's the real thing.
I kid I kid. You're shy, it's so over used...
It's mostly a problem in France though. "Migraine" has almost become the normal way to say you have a headache. It does get annoying because when you really have one, people don't understand why you're making "such a fuss" about it and go isolate yourself instead of taking an aspirin and being fine.
I think the opposite exists too though. My in-laws are... over-empathic at times haha. Once I just mentioned in passing that I had cut my nail too short, so I had that annoying feeling, and everyone was all "oh no!", "I hate when that happens" and "poor you!". It was a bit of an over-reaction
Still better than the reaction my family would have, though ("well, it's your own fault" or "cool story bro").
I haven't had migraines in years now, and I have no clue why but I'm not going to complain. From what I hear it was hormone related.
I think the worst part for me wasn't that it's very painful, but that I'd usually become blind in the opposite eye. Sometimes I just stopped seeing from one eye and I knew a migraine was coming. It was very scary because I was always afraid I might never get the sight back. And it's just... confusing, to lose part of a sense, I guess.
Also, it's annoying that being unable to see from that eye didn't stop it from being hypersensitive to light.
Erm, so, back on topic... Anyone else realised that the topic can be read to mean women are ugly?
Like, "how can I actually find someone to love if I open my eyes and actually look at her?"
I found that funny.
Thanks, and I thought as much. I just wanted to make sure anyone else reading knew what I meant too.
I definitely agree how psychological things can effect the physical body. There is so much that the mind controls (automatically) that many times it can do more harm than good. Stress, anxiety, anger can all wreak havoc on the body.