I think a woodchuck would chuck a wood more, say, passionately, while being sad. Kinda like smoking, you know.
I think it might be more like eating. When people are down, some eat a lot more, some stop eating. We need to take into account the woodchuck's personality.
I think it might be more like eating. When people are down, some eat a lot more, some stop eating. We need to take into account the woodchuck's personality.
That means digging deep into each woodchuck's childhood to understand woodchuck's personality, and analyzing his current mood to understand if he wants to chuck wood faster or slower.
So in the movies, lovers and PIs chuck wood a lot?
Well, technically, lovers and PIs are not woodchucks except some other situations, but I have to remind you that both tobacco and wood are plants, so I won't say 'no, they don't chuck wood'.
I think it would be more efficient to start the project by merely examining woodchucks in the wild. Not only will we get a better understanding of woodchuck behavior outside of a lab setting, it will allow us to create more accurate lab conditions later.
If one could chuck wood, one could also assume the ability to chuck feet would also be present. We are left with a question of #1 Are feet unchuckable #2 Are woodchucks at a natural disadvantage against feet #3 Are either the feet or the woodchuck to blame for the aforementioned murder?
Many variables.
Possible question #4 In terms of chucking, how much wood would equate to a pair of feet?
If feet /are/ in fact comparable to feet, then woodchucks /should/ be able to chuck them [in my theory.] But if not, can feet be the over all destroyer of the woodchuck population?
There is a natural disadvantage in the relationship between a foot and a woodchuck far beyond the relationship between a wood and a woodchuck, as a wood doesn't step on a woodchuck if woodchuck proves itself unable to chuck the mentioned wood.
There is a significant difference between a woodchuck chucking a foot of a dead creature, a woodchuck chucking a foot of a living creature, and a woodchuck chucking a foot of a living creature to death.
I think they should at least be able to chuck toes. But feet might be too thick. Which leads to a new question: how thick a piece of wood could they chuck if they could chuck wood?
Wait, are you saying there was a point to the original post? Because if so, I must say I am against the wanton slaying of woodchucks, by foot or otherwise :mad:
Well. It would depend on said woodchucks self-confidence and mood.
Maybe those are actual optionable valuables that may be given actual values using, you know... metric unit.
If said woodchuck were, say, depressed, I would assume it would chuck less wood.
I think it might be more like eating. When people are down, some eat a lot more, some stop eating. We need to take into account the woodchuck's personality.
So in the movies, lovers and PIs chuck wood a lot?
Sounds reasonable to me.
Well, technically, lovers and PIs are not woodchucks except some other situations, but I have to remind you that both tobacco and wood are plants, so I won't say 'no, they don't chuck wood'.
This is what makes the world go'round.
Many variables.
Possible question #4 In terms of chucking, how much wood would equate to a pair of feet?
Divide-by-zero error.
I give it about a day before this thread makes sense.
P.S. I know who did it but ... nah, you people are ok and I don't wanna spoil it :P
Someone's been....nah I won't give it away. But I know exactly what this topic is all about. and it makes me soooo happy.