Wishlist for possible Puzzle Agent Season

Use this thread for specific things you would like to see in a Puzzle Agent season if there is one.


A few things that I would like to see would be (at least) two difficulty settings, a final scoreboard that summarizes how you performed overall (i.e. amount of puzzles completed perfectly, % of puzzles that you used hints, ect.), and varying tax payer prices. For some reason the tax payer dollars was just a hilarious little detail to me and I would like to see it be a random amount of numbers.

Now, discuss and say what changes you would like to see if Puzzle Agent was developed into an entire season.


  • edited July 2010
    I think it would be good if they could somehow incorporate some of the grickle youtube cartoons in. Like maybe Nelson is called to solve something out by the cabin where the guy was attacked by the hidden people, just after it occured.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm curious to see more weird cases in other parts of the States. Some sort of voodoo-related murders in New Orleans, cow mutilations in a small Texas town, people disappearing in a motel on Route 66, A sasquatch causing problems in Oregon, something sabotaging the NASA space shuttles, etc. Throw in some gremlins, an Elder God, aliens, a government conspiracy and maybe a bear with antlers and I'm in.
  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    I'm curious to see more weird cases in other parts of the States. Some sort of voodoo-related murders in New Orleans, cow mutilations in a small Texas town, people disappearing in a motel on Route 66, A sasquatch causing problems in Oregon, something sabotaging the NASA space shuttles, etc. Throw in some gremlins, an Elder God, aliens, a government conspiracy and maybe a bear with antlers and I'm in.
    We take those cow mutilaitions very seriously!

    I jest.

    But on topic, I'd like to see the Tax payer wasted scale how you did. Like the longer you take, more tries, and such increases the amount of money you waste. Also just for the fun of it, be able to upload your puzzle scores (or tax payer money) and see how you rank? Or when you beat the game have it do that.
  • edited July 2010
    Just thought of another thing that seems pretty important to me - Cinematic Mode.
    It would be really nice once you finish the game to be able to just sit back, grab some popcorn and simply watch the whole thing without the puzzles as it was a Grickle cartoon.
  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    Just thought of another thing that seems pretty important to me - Cinematic Mode.
    It would be really nice once you finish the game to be able to just sit back, grab some popcorn and simply watch the whole thing without the puzzles as it was a Grickle cartoon.

    Oh man, I would 'ave wanted this when I replayed the game today so I could enjoy the story again...

    Oh, and off topic: The story makes a lot more sense when played through a second time.
  • edited July 2010
    My one worry is that as much as I like the Hidden People, the whole season will end up with them being the only enemy...we need some variety.
  • edited July 2010
    What I think is that, if they make an entire season, they should completely remove the Hidden People for the first four episodes. They should use completely different Grickle subjects. Sasquatch, the aliens, maybe that creepy family from "Don't Mess with Delaware." And then, once we get to the end of episode four, something should happen to bring the subject back to the Hidden People. Then, the final episode can be sort of a return to Nelson's original case as he has to solve the mystery of the Hidden People once and for all.
  • edited July 2010
    plrichard wrote: »
    , and varying tax payer prices. For some reason the tax payer dollars was just a hilarious little detail to me and I would like to see it be a random amount of numbers.
    I actually really liked that the cost was the exact same each time. It adds to the sense of over-the-top bureaucratic pencil-pushing imo.
  • edited July 2010
    Nelson's freaky space-related dreams need to be the recurring element of Season One. The final episode should reveal the true source and meaning behind them (
    as much as the pilot revealed the secret of the Hidden People, at least - just enough to be effective
  • edited July 2010
    I don't know why it is so many people want future episodes to leave the Hidden People out. I for one find them amusingly creepy and thoroughly mysterious... don't you want to find out *what* they're whispering? It seems quite clear that there is already a fairly complex storyline planned that will have plenty of surprises to offer. And I don't think this story is going to stay bound in Scoggins for long.

    As for puzzles... I'd also like to see multiple difficulty levels, although a really good puzzle isn't the result of an algorithm where you can just increase the difficulty setting and out pops a well-crafted puzzle. However, a larger bank of puzzle variations would do the trick. Maybe the game could even automatically throw harder (or easier) variations at you based on how well (or poorly) you perform.
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