If There Is A Fourth Season...

How similar will it be to The Devil's Playhouse? The way the season's going, it seems like Max might have to give up the Toys of Power and The Devil's Toybox to save the world, and I don't want to see that happen. I love the Toy-oriented puzzles, as well as the inventory oriented puzzles Sam is so accustomed to, and I want to see more of it in future seasons. I'm hoping to actually be able to control Max's movement (not just his toys) in future seasons, and I enjoy making Max talk to people as well (the end of Tomb of Sammun-Mak and the second and third parts of They Stole Max's Brain were very good). I kind of miss switching between Sam and Max's dialogue options to solve puzzles, like they did in Season One.

Still, all this is assuming a fourth season is over the horizon. I guess you could call it the Sam and Max Season Four Speculation Thread...


  • edited July 2010
    Well based on the huge sales on TDP (currently the company's top seller, 2nd being Tales of MI) there is a high chance for a 4th season in the future :D. I also think Max's pyschic powers should return in a 4th season someway or another.
  • edited July 2010
    4th season um yes ps telltale wood be stupid if they don't and they are not stupid.
  • edited July 2010
    kane wrote: »
    4th season um yes ps telltale wood be stupid if they don't and they are not stupid.

    Yeah, it seems to be becoming increasingly popular with each season, so why not? And ideas for this franchise/series are almost endless, so I can't see Telltale ever running out of ideas for this dynamic duo.
  • edited July 2010
    I do feel that new games based on different things are good, but at the same time, Sam and Max is amazing, and as long as it continues to be amazing, I see no reason to stop.
  • edited July 2010
    I do feel that new games based on different things are good, but at the same time, Sam and Max is amazing, and as long as it continues to be amazing, I see no reason to stop.

    I agree, but as of now I kind of want each Season after this to stand on it's own, have it's own plot, ideas. You know.
  • edited July 2010
    I don't mind them being loosely related, with returning characters and environments and all that, but I do agree. However, isn't that basically what we've already had with the first three seasons?
  • edited July 2010
    I do feel that new games based on different things are good, but at the same time, Sam and Max is amazing, and as long as it continues to be amazing, I see no reason to stop.

    Yes! Never stop, always progressing; such is the power of Sam & Max
  • edited July 2010
    They would probably be able to create a new way for Max to interact with environment instead of the toys of power or some kind of new twist. The appearance of the toys shows that Telltale have recognised that the game needs a new gimmick.
  • edited July 2010
    Loose the psychic powers in season 4 and give us the ability to switch between Sam and Max. Maybe even separate them from time to time so they can solve puzzles on their own. Probably good idea to give the inventory to Sam, while Max can have an icon-based interaction (like the cursors in most old-school Sierra quests).
  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    Loose the psychic powers in season 4 and give us the ability to switch between Sam and Max. Maybe even separate them from time to time so they can solve puzzles on their own. Probably good idea to give the inventory to Sam, while Max can have an icon-based interaction (like the cursors in most old-school Sierra quests).

    Apart from the misspelling of 'lose', I completely agree with post.

    I'd love to see this done; it could, and probably would, work brilliantly. And as for the separation thing, that could be really cool, especially if each character would be able to visit the same location (at different times) and see the the effects that each one had on the environment.

    Or perhaps Flint Paper could even be included as a playable character, and the game could be set out like the Simpsons episode "Trilogy of Error", where the episode is separated into three parts - Lisa's Day, Homer's Day and Bart's Day. The game could focus on the same story and locations, but show it from the perspectives of each of the characters.
  • edited July 2010
    The problem is that we might face a system similiar to that in Wallace and Gromit - you play as both but the two actually are completely the same.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    I agree, but as of now I kind of want each Season after this to stand on it's [sic!] own, have it's [sic!] own plot, ideas. You know.

    Well, of course! What is as of yet missing in the Sam & Max games - and I really hope for that to happen in a fourth installment - is a "road movie" type season. I think that it is very much in the spirit of the Sam & Max comics, and recurring characters could appear in one episode only, while the season begins and ends in the office. Also, they just have to go to Vegas and meet up with Bosco. :D

    (Oh, and "it's" means "it is". Here, it's just "its". ;) )
  • edited July 2010
    I'd enjoy the ability to control Max himself for some puzzles, I think that would open up a whole world of opportunities.
  • edited July 2010
    It'd be nice if they were in two completely different places with their own inventories, you can switch between them at will, and they have to learn information and send it to one another to help with the other's puzzles. Kind of like the reel system in 302.
  • edited July 2010
    if there is a fourth season, I really hope that Bosco makes a return.
  • edited July 2010
    It'd be nice if they were in two completely different places with their own inventories, you can switch between them at will, and they have to learn information and send it to one another to help with the other's puzzles.
    I'd rather not. Besides missing out on all the jokes they bounce off each other, it's also very uncharacteristic for them to willingly split up for any reason. That's why Telltale had to
    make Sam go to the bathroom
    at the end of 302.
  • edited July 2010
    Look, the Toys of Power need to be sacrificed so that, next season, we can have adventures within the surreal minature dimension hiding just inside Jimmy's rathole. Also that rathole will totally exist again when the office is reinstated using a space-time contimuum...thing. Probably caused by the minature dimension inside Jimmy's rathole. I'm not faux-scientist, they can figure it out.
  • edited July 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    I'd rather not. Besides missing out on all the jokes they bounce off each other, it's also very uncharacteristic for them to willingly split up for any reason. That's why Telltale had to
    make Sam go to the bathroom
    at the end of 302.

    They don't necessarily have to split up. I just want to be able to switch between the two of them to solve different puzzles. I'd like for there to be different dialogue options, inventory items, and abilities for each character in order to solve the puzzles. (Telltale's already heading in a good direction with that one: Many episodes require Max to say or do something independent of Sam in order to solve the puzzles, such as "Are you threatening us with a pop gun?")

    I'd also like to see more of the "use Max" icon from Hit the Road in future games.
  • edited July 2010
    "Use Max" is something I've wanted as a possible option in a real social situation for a long time. It would simultaneously create and solve so many of life's problems.
  • edited July 2010
    They don't necessarily have to split up. ...
    Well the guy I was quoting did say that. More generally, yes I think something like this season's Max mode would be nice to keep. Instead of psychic toys, I envision some combination of one or a few inventory items (at least his Luger) and some basic interaction options along the lines of mouth for talking/biting/licking, hands for taking/using/etc, feet for jumping/kicking. The only potential issue is that Max can't really carry focus very long, so it's better to have only Sam able to initiate dialog trees and walk deliberately.
    Picking Max dialog options was always good for a laugh, so more of that is always welcome. As for a Use Max, I tend to agree with the designer who once said that that was just too arbitrary and doesn't make you feel smart for solving a puzzle with it.
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