Why bugs ruin a game

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
I was playing ep.4, and I had to enter to the Paperweight's office.
I noted that after I knock at the door, a cinematic sequence start and after that
he stand still behind the door
After seeing varius bugs/glitches/character disappearings/etc. through the game I thought that it was a bug! I said "Here it is again, aother bug where they forgot
to make the charachter disappear
I wouldn't have never solved it if I hadn't read the solution!
Two days stucked on that!

That's why bugs are a major problem on adventures: they mines the credibility of the puzzles themself. You never know if a bug traps you in a dead end or red herrings. When too many bugs/glitches appear you start to feel this constant impression of something "not properly working" through the game even when if it works correctly. And when you're stuck in a puzzle, you start to think that it can be a major bug in the game preventing to go further. So you try your best: to load a previously saved game, or replay some scenes, or even search for some bug report on internet, and at last you search the walkthrough to see if the game is properly running.

That's just bad.


  • edited July 2010
    Which other character disappearance/appearance bugs had you experienced in 304?
  • edited July 2010
    Te first ones that comes in my mind: If i use psychic powers from the floating platfom I can see both Sam&Max on the ground! And sometime Sam disappear in Max's 1st person view.
  • edited July 2010
    I once flung Max in the air, and he landed in the control platform in the cloning chamber.
  • edited July 2010
    nice shot.
  • edited July 2010
    I was playing ep.4, and I had to enter to the Paperweight's office.
    I noted that after I knock at the door, a cinematic sequence start and after that
    he stand still behind the door
    After seeing varius bugs/glitches/character disappearings/etc. through the game I thought that it was a bug! I said "Here it is again, aother bug where they forgot
    to make the charachter disappear
    I wouldn't have never solved it if I hadn't read the solution!
    Two days stucked on that!

    That's why bugs are a major problem on adventures: they mines the credibility of the puzzles themself. You never know if a bug traps you in a dead end or red herrings. When too many bugs/glitches appear you start to feel this constant impression of something "not properly working" through the game even when if it works correctly. And when you're stuck in a puzzle, you start to think that it can be a major bug in the game preventing to go further. So you try your best: to load a previously saved game, or replay some scenes, or even search for some bug report on internet, and at last you search the walkthrough to see if the game is properly running.

    That's just bad.

    that's what i thought about getting momma bosco to the platform
  • edited July 2010
    I once flung Max in the air, and he landed in the control platform in the cloning chamber.
    I once flung Max in the cloning chamber (before the appearance of Sal and Stinky), and he vanishes completely -- even when I try to use his psychic powers.
  • edited July 2010
    Papierwaite's office only held me back up until the point I decided to hit the Big Max Button at the top right of the screen.

    It's not a bug TC. In this case the problem solely rests with you.
  • edited July 2010
    And then there are the spelling errors (2 letters swapped), I counted two of them (but can't remember of the tip of my fedora what they were).
  • edited July 2010
    If you examine the parts of the statue while on the tablet, Max is shown at ground level again.
  • edited July 2010
    barchetta wrote: »
    And then there are the spelling errors (2 letters swapped), I counted two of them (but can't remember of the tip of my fedora what they were).
    Just two? Puh-lease, there were times it felt like every other subtitle line had a typo in it this episode. That and the still disturbing amount of glitches are getting close to actually harming my experience; I would've judged the developer pretty harshly for it if it weren't Telltale.
  • edited July 2010
    Quite a lot of people complain about the bugs, which is odd to read, because I have noticed almost none while playing. Have I been getting lucky? or is my playing style different from other people's and more like how the developers intended? Dunno about typos cos I turn subtitles off.
  • edited July 2010
    I was playing ep.4, and I had to enter to the Paperweight's office.
    I noted that after I knock at the door, a cinematic sequence start and after that
    he stand still behind the door
    After seeing varius bugs/glitches/character disappearings/etc. through the game I thought that it was a bug! I said "Here it is again, aother bug where they forgot
    to make the charachter disappear
    I wouldn't have never solved it if I hadn't read the solution!
    Two days stucked on that!

    That's why bugs are a major problem on adventures: they mines the credibility of the puzzles themself. You never know if a bug traps you in a dead end or red herrings. When too many bugs/glitches appear you start to feel this constant impression of something "not properly working" through the game even when if it works correctly. And when you're stuck in a puzzle, you start to think that it can be a major bug in the game preventing to go further. So you try your best: to load a previously saved game, or replay some scenes, or even search for some bug report on internet, and at last you search the walkthrough to see if the game is properly running.

    That's just bad.

    Honestly, Paperwaite is bowing towards something, and you can select him; when a character doesn't disappear properly as a bug they would not be selectable and in their default animation. I think this is just an oversight on your part, since it makes even more sense what you're supposed to do when you checked out the password entry system before anything else.

    While there's a fair number of glitches in every episode, if you ask me, it was obvious that this one wasn't one of them.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2010
    Didn't notice glitches in this episode (but I well believe they were there for others!); spelling errors were there and bugging me, but I really, really, really had massive problems with the psychic powers. I clicked my mouse dead by trying to read Skunkape's mind at Stinky's or Sal's later in the game, and there were several other occasions were my click on the glowing stars wasn't recognised or the option didn't even show up. I've had this problem often this season (I particularly recall biting into my keyboard when trying to simply click once on Papierwaite's telephone in Ep. 3). Getting ugly! :(
  • edited July 2010
    I thought this was a really clever puzzle. It wasn't ruined by bugs for me, because the only "bugs" I've seen were typos in the subtitles (that weren't that bad, you could understand what it said perfectly well).

    Is Telltale planning to fix the bugs and typos by the way? Do they ever release Steam updates?
  • edited July 2010
    And sometime Sam disappear in Max's 1st person view.

    Do you mean that you see him and then he disappears, or that you don't see him at all? Because sometimes you aren't supposed to see him
  • edited July 2010
    Which other character disappearance/appearance bugs had you experienced in 304?

    When I first visited the cloning chamber, Max's model was replaced by his gun. It didn't affect the gameplay, and was pretty funny anyway :)
  • edited July 2010
    Didn't notice glitches in this episode (but I well believe they were there for others!); spelling errors were there and bugging me, but I really, really, really had massive problems with the psychic powers. I clicked my mouse dead by trying to read Skunkape's mind at Stinky's or Sal's later in the game, and there were several other occasions were my click on the glowing stars wasn't recognised or the option didn't even show up. I've had this problem often this season (I particularly recall biting into my keyboard when trying to simply click once on Papierwaite's telephone in Ep. 3). Getting ugly! :(
    I also had this problem; several times the hotspots in Max mode weren't set properly, making it impossible to use psychic powers on some items.

    I'm under the impression that each new game is buggier than the previous one, and that Telltale addresses them less and less. Makes me seriously wonder if they care any more.
  • edited July 2010
    Sadly yes, it seems to be a recuring theme, what im worried about is, the bugs are getting worse, and they dont ever seems to get fixed, this sadly reminds me of Ubisoft.

    Please Telltale keep the number of games down, so you have enough people to work on them to finish them properly or atleast use enough time.

    There was alot of bugs in episode 4, and it does ruin quite alot, suddenly seeing Max in spots he shouldn be in or more spots at once, or sam & max suddenly another place.

    Ubisoft is like when the game is out the door, then litterly screw you customers we have your money.

    And i mean, update the telltale delivery system so you can easly update, on steam i know companies can update very VERY easly, i mean thats one of the big advantages of games on steam, you can patch and update even as a small company.

    I just pray this increase in bugs dont carry over to BTTF, really hate to have that experience ruined :( If you do something, do it properly, liek with Blizzard, i rather way however long it takes, to get a proper polished game. So if you need 1 week more per episode then take that :)
  • edited July 2010
    This is the first season of Sam & Max I've had graphical glitches in; the cutscenes will pause while the voices talk, then the mouths move silently. One of the elves in season 2 kept walking through Maximus in the theater, & in wpisode 1, after talking to COPS, Sam & Max had both merged & were standing in the middle of the car.

    I think it's funny, but I keep hoping I'll see that Windsock glitch a lot of games have where an NPC gets stuck in a background texture & starts flailing around like a windsock. That never gets old.

    My only complaint about this season is how dark it is; I've already got the brightness cranked as high as my monitor will go.
  • edited July 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    My only complaint about this season is how dark it is; I've already got the brightness cranked as high as my monitor will go.
    It's nighttime in the game! You're not supposed to see every nook and cranny as if it was in broad daylight! :)
  • edited July 2010
    Be that as it may, I couldn't even see that TF-style dispenser on my first playthrough.
  • edited July 2010
    DaVince wrote: »
    Honestly, Paperwaite is bowing towards something, and you can select him; when a character doesn't disappear properly as a bug they would not be selectable and in their default animation. I think this is just an oversight on your part, since it makes even more sense what you're supposed to do when you checked out the password entry system before anything else.

    While there's a fair number of glitches in every episode, if you ask me, it was obvious that this one wasn't one of them.

    I think you may be missing the point the OP. It was more that there were so many glitches that when something unexpected happened one had been somewhat conditioned to think it was a glitch. It's something experimentation should have solved, but the conditioning is what is unfortunate.

    Honestly, I usually haven't seen any glitches on any of my initial playthroughs this season aside from some obvious graphical ones (Girl Stinky's eye stalks of doomy goofy-ness come to mind), but that may be my indomitable desire to get it done covering up for any consistent technical faults.
  • edited July 2010
    Well, people have yet to report major issues with 304, like with 302 (3 gamebreaking bugs in a single episode anyone?) or 303 (The grandpa Stinky one). So while, yeah, there are plenty of smaller ones there is improvement atleast, compared to the dreaded 302.

    And I am sorry, but if one is unable to distinguish a glitch from actual intended behavior, that's all your fault. Can't blame TTG for that...
  • edited July 2010
    im using Ps3 and im didnt see any bugs in 304 except just one that it didnt let me finish the game (the control buttons were gone) that was one time only ....EP 303 i found like 2 or 3 bugs other than that everything is ok =D
  • edited August 2010
    Max got hit from the cloning platform, back to the entrance area... then when I used the lift to leave the platform... Max was there with Sam?

    I've seen inconsistencies quite a few times in Alley.
  • edited August 2010
    I had this really bizarre glitch in 303
    I brought raincloud Max to see Stinky, got the cutscene, then instead of being gone, Stinky was standing right there stock-still with one of his boxes of corndogs sort of eerily floating in his midsection

    so I talked to him again and the same cutscene played and Sam was like OKAY WE HAVE ALL THREE TIME TO GO

    so I never had to solve the toaster/gift puzzle hahaha

    I've also had weird little things like people being invisible or lines of dialog playing again and sometimes over other lines

    but as far as complaining about it ruining the experiences or whatever I won't because I find the glitches pretty entertaining and a small flaw in an otherwise superb game series
  • edited August 2010
    There were quite a few bugs on 304 for sure, at least I had trouble with quite a few of the same things mentioned by the previous posters... The worst one was during the end of the game, sometimes the game wouldn't let me alternate between Sam and Max! The back option just disappeared before I could click on it. I had to redo the final sequence quite a few times, restarting the game was the only way to fix it. That was beyond annoying.
  • edited August 2010
    I've noticed quite a few more bugs in this episode too. Heck, I've noticed more bugs in this season overall than any previous TT game. They weren't terrible though, but just annoying.

    When shooting the zeppelin in episode 3, Sam held his gun sideways. In episode 4, when shooting the lights, Max completely disappeared and in his place was a bodiless gun. They were funny glitches, but still annoying.

    My biggest gripe with this season though, is that there's no option to turn off that ugly film grain. The only episode where this makes sense to have it is #2. I understand what they were going for, but it doesn't make the game look better and it's really distracting sometimes. I just, at the very least, want the option to turn it off, which should be really easy, as in episode 1, if you leave and re-enter certain areas the film grain "glitches" and turns off on it's own.
  • edited August 2010
    I saw some bugs while on the cloning chamber control platform. Stinky's eyes suddenly floated like insect antennae above her head. Weird.

    Then when I used Max's powers on her (mind reading), you could see Sam & Max in the distance at the tunnel entrances. Then when I switched back to Sam, I was back at the tunnels myself, so I had to transport back to Stinky's cell to continue what I was doing.
  • edited August 2010
    I'll admit, bugs do get rather annoying, but they're nowhere near game-breaking.
  • edited August 2010
    And of course, strictly speaking, the entire character of Sal is a bug ...

    (har har, sorry, couldn't resist :o)
  • edited August 2010
    They can get a little annoying when trying to teleport to Stinky with Momma Bosco and it doesn't.
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