Footage of NutriSpecs

I'm playing the game on the Mac, so I never got to find the NutriSpecs. Deos anybody have any footage of themselves using the NutriSpecs on everyone? I'd like to hear some of the jokes.


  • edited August 2010
    I fully endorse this event or product
  • edited August 2010
    As you know, they are only on the Ps3 version of the penal zone. but i got it, and it's pretty useless. However,you can unlock a bonus doing so on a certain object. and it works like the future vision, playing cards, and rhinoplasty. there are also many hilarious gags when you use on the right things. Example: (when used on stinky) Max: yikes! Sam: what? Max: if these are correct, aside from all the secrets, death, and demon stuff, stinky is chock full of, Love! Sam: you must be reading em wrong.
  • edited August 2010
    I think that was the point of them. Useless as a problem solving device (save the one), but useful for gags. Anyways, I'll see if I can find any VC equipment lying around that will work with my ps3, no promises though.

    Edit: The video quality is pretty terrible, the audio is okay, so here's a trial video until I can find a better way:

    Edit Double Combo: Quality still pretty bad (its using a standard PS2 cable after all), but here's the rest in convenient playlist form: (3xEdit: which doesn't link quite right or I'm moronic, either way: just hit playlist and you'll find it)
  • edited August 2010
    Hey! Thanks for posting those up. And I never would have known if you hadn't poked me, so thanks for that, too. I'm just downloading them quickly since I'm vacationing at a house with no wi-fi. I'll enjoy them later once I have them all downloaded.
  • edited August 2010
    As much as I would've preferred to do all the NutriSpecs events for myself, I'm just glad to finally have a way to see them. Thanks, Avel.
  • edited August 2010
    The Closed Captions are great, YouTube really has problems whenever Max speaks!

    "as I had seventy percent that's why in freetown, whatever senator has no respect for men"

    "for Iraq only trace amounts I think what does what Africa's house"

    "it's a nazi salute to fire up with those ratios"

    These subtitles alone are great, dear Telltale, in future games, include a YouTube Closed Captions version!
  • edited August 2010
    It scares me that Youtube transcribed "His synapses will never fire up with those ratios" as "It's a Nazi salute to fire up with those ratios".

    Edit: crap. Didn't see Ash735's post. But it is still pretty funny. :p
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2010
    It's very very useless. Looks fun, though. Is it really THAT much trouble to get this on PC and Mac?!?
  • edited August 2010
    um Avel what the deal whit that card that you get out of pudding liken
  • edited August 2010
    its for PS3 ver ONLY !!! trust me its useless and still i dont have the trophy for it
  • edited August 2010
    kane wrote: »
    um Avel what the deal whit that card that you get out of pudding liken

    It's never really elaborated on. Just a blue-ish looking piece of cardboard that Max holds on to. Never even flips towards the camera far as I can tell.

    @Gogeta: Um, I think that's well established. Calm, if you please.

    If you're still needing the trophy though, all you got to do is use future vision and the specs on puddin' head Lincoln then just use it to grab the card and the trophy.
  • edited August 2010
    Extra Jokes != Useless
  • edited August 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    The Closed Captions are great, YouTube really has problems whenever Max speaks!

    "as I had seventy percent that's why in freetown, whatever senator has no respect for men"

    "for Iraq only trace amounts I think what does what Africa's house"

    "it's a nazi salute to fire up with those ratios"

    These subtitles alone are great, dear Telltale, in future games, include a YouTube Closed Captions version!

    Haha yeah, what's up with all this Iraq stuff?

    "What are you doing in our car?" Translates as "What Iraq honor" too. :p

    Thanks for the gameplay videos, Avel! :)
  • edited August 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    These subtitles alone are great, dear Telltale, in future games, include a YouTube Closed Captions version!

    Reminds me of what was done with the Monty Python and the Holy Grail DVD; they had 'Subtitles for people who don't like the film'.
  • edited August 2010
    Shakespear :D.

    It was a pain to follow though, and I stopped about 50%.
  • edited August 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    It's never really elaborated on. Just a blue-ish looking piece of cardboard that Max holds on to. Never even flips towards the camera far as I can tell.

    @Gogeta: Um, I think that's well established. Calm, if you please.

    If you're still needing the trophy though, all you got to do is use future vision and the specs on puddin' head Lincoln then just use it to grab the card and the trophy.

    thanks =) im calm lool :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  • edited August 2010
    I was just flipping through and found this one of when you find the Nutrispecs. (I believe this is one of Avel's) Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (Getting the Nutrispecs)

    Thanks for this vid Avel. :) (This only shows after the 1st time you get them so I don't get to see them getting the specs the start of the game I have them automatically.)

    By the way, there was one more line after that. Check that dumpster again and Sam will say. "It's empty. Well, not EMPTY empty, but empty of anything usefull."
  • edited August 2010
    Hmmm, they used that line in 304.
  • edited August 2010
    Actually after looking through all those videos, I noticed two more 'comments after scanning with the Nutri-Specs' were left out.

    One, is after getting the card in Pudding-Head Lincoln, Check him again and Sam says: "I'm not sure what's more disturbing, The fact that you lobotomized Puding-Head Linclon, or that you did it without getting any puding on your fur." Max replies "You worry too much, Sam."

    The other was after you scan the 'ectoplasm' in BoscoTech, check it again and Sam says: "Apparently, it's the remains of Doctor Mamma Bosco's Spring Break party" Max replies: "Who knew Mamma Bosco was a 'Ghost Gone Wild'?"
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