I've been picking up deals on vidya games all over the show
I gots - DogFighter, Tale of Tales bundle, Amnesia, Trine, Frontlines: Fuel of War and ShodanFreeman was kind enough to gift me Nation Red for the promise of a kiss
Props to Rather Douche-ing for pointing out the deals on the Tale of Tales bundle and Amnesia
Onimusha 1-3, the first professor layton game, a PS1 controller (to mod my fiance's arcade stick to work with both PS2 and PS3), Conker's Pocket Tails, and the first Mario and Luigi game.
I was originally going to ask "a what?", but decided that I could just as easily ask Google, and find the wiki page.
And, might I say, that's one cool invention! I wish the damn thing were on the market a little earlier - I always hated throwing around a ball in the pool and having it just land on the water with a splat and stay there...
Thanks to TellTale my BttF love has been rekindled and that's not always a good thing. >.>
I bought this:
I was contemplating getting the EU Blu-Ray Delorean edition which doesn't come in a Tin-box but does have a small Delorean model. But as it turns out this edition would be released in the UK too but because of the poor quality of the model Universal Studios cancelled it a week before release.
Well, I won't have dutch subtitles but the UK release has the Turkish and Japanese audio track. :D:D
So yeah.....I went through with buying this.
They are worth the money. And I'll consider it an investent as I'll probably be able to sell them for more then that I purchased them for. But really...who'd want to sell them ^_^
So yeah.....I went through with buying this.
They are worth the money. And I'll consider it an investent as I'll probably be able to sell them for more then that I purchased them for. But really...who'd want to sell them ^_^
I've owned that poster for three years now. Got it because my apartment in Santa Barbara was boring and God damnit if the BttF poster isn't five kinds of awesome.
For some reason, I feel the urge to congratulate you.
Anyway, enjoy that game. It's an absolute classic in my eyes. You're bound to love it if you enjoy Tales.
I think I mentioned somewhere else that Curse was my first MI game (thus my favorite), and I had a copy, but both disks broke during my move the U.K. (I blame Virgin Atlantic). I didn't find out they were busted until this week and have spent the free time since trying to find a replacement copy.
FOUND A COPY! It was in a charity shop of all things, but the disks are in great condition.
How long have you been looking? I remember looking for about a year for a copy, before tracking down a copy in PC world... and not having any money with me. (My mum went back in at some point, and I got it for me birthday though!) That would have been... 8/9 years ago now. It's one of the few games I remember getting. Fantastic game.
I think I mentioned somewhere else that Curse was my first MI game (thus my favorite), and I had a copy, but both disks broke during my move the U.K. (I blame Virgin Atlantic). I didn't find out they were busted until this week and have spent the free time since trying to find a replacement copy.
Hey, same here. Except, for me, Curse was actually my first ever adventure game, so even if it were a terrible game it would still be special to me. Luckily, it's one of best adventure games of all time, so I guess it makes it even more special .
I didn't know it was up for pre-order.
Just bought it too.
I gots - DogFighter, Tale of Tales bundle, Amnesia, Trine, Frontlines: Fuel of War and ShodanFreeman was kind enough to gift me Nation Red for the promise of a kiss
Props to Rather Douche-ing for pointing out the deals on the Tale of Tales bundle and Amnesia
That I still haven't received. :mad:
I was originally going to ask "a what?", but decided that I could just as easily ask Google, and find the wiki page.
And, might I say, that's one cool invention! I wish the damn thing were on the market a little earlier - I always hated throwing around a ball in the pool and having it just land on the water with a splat and stay there...
I bought this:
I was contemplating getting the EU Blu-Ray Delorean edition which doesn't come in a Tin-box but does have a small Delorean model. But as it turns out this edition would be released in the UK too but because of the poor quality of the model Universal Studios cancelled it a week before release.
Well, I won't have dutch subtitles but the UK release has the Turkish and Japanese audio track.
(my parents are turkish >.>)
Good horror will come back around eventually. It always does, just like Dracula, who never stays dead.
I could not resist that Plasma Cutter.
They are worth the money. And I'll consider it an investent as I'll probably be able to sell them for more then that I purchased them for. But really...who'd want to sell them ^_^
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuA7BaF4iH0
The logos on the side look like they're peeling off.
If that's true I'll see what I can do about that.
But I am not planning on wearing them really.
Maybe some cosplay pictures that's it
I've owned that poster for three years now. Got it because my apartment in Santa Barbara was boring and God damnit if the BttF poster isn't five kinds of awesome.
Ack, my Best Buy sucks so I can't get that yet.
Preorder'd, bitch!
Well the music is even creepier.
Especially the Ding Dong Song.
bought today:
preordered today:
*types ding-dong song into spotify, fires up the song*
Is this supposed to be funny?
Are we listening to the same song?
Oh, there are some worse ones. Much worse.
Warning: click link at own risk.
I like this one.
Yes it is not supposed to be taken seriously. And I love it.
FOUND A COPY! It was in a charity shop of all things, but the disks are in great condition.
For some reason, I feel the urge to congratulate you.
Anyway, enjoy that game. It's an absolute classic in my eyes. You're bound to love it if you enjoy Tales.
I think I mentioned somewhere else that Curse was my first MI game (thus my favorite), and I had a copy, but both disks broke during my move the U.K. (I blame Virgin Atlantic). I didn't find out they were busted until this week and have spent the free time since trying to find a replacement copy.
Yes. I'm sureI could say the same thing to you too.
Hey, same here. Except, for me, Curse was actually my first ever adventure game, so even if it were a terrible game it would still be special to me. Luckily, it's one of best adventure games of all time, so I guess it makes it even more special