There is a massive Good Old Game sale going on.
I bought like 10 games for 34 quid.
(Definately worth it, as most of those were the Atari D'n'D titles! )
Now I only have 11 games on the wishlist, (3 activision, and 8 Interplay games!).
Got a few more GOGs off my wishlist now that the Activision games are on sale.
Just wish Interplay games were on sale, (fingers crossed that they might be! ), as they are the only games left on my wishlist, (which has now been slashed to just 8 now! ).
Ummm.... a chocolate bar. It was just pretty much your standard chocolate bar. Yep, pretty boring. But it was good, cause I was hungry, so... I'll have to come back when I have something better that I just bought...
My sister's gift and a crapton of bubblewrap for the Mead I bought my dad earlier in the week. Trying to transport booze via luggage back to the states is a pain in the ass.
10 books for around €250, pretty pricey but for once I gave a gift to myself heh. Eight books were "The Art of __________" and two about human anatomy, had to buy them from outside my county (U.S.A. and England), cool stuff never gets published here XD
-Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
-The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
-Sam & Max Soundtrack Bundle
-Sam & Max Symbiotes Figure Set
-Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures + Collector's DVD
for 20 something dollars.
Today my Christmas presents...
-Golden Sun Dark Dawn
-3000 MS Points
-A 1y XBL Gold subscription
I just picked up Sam & Max the Devil's Playhouse over PSN today. Also, Yesterday, my local Rogers video store had a going out of business type sale so I got 3 used games for the price of 1: Star Wars Force Unleashed II (PS3), Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (PS3), and Theme Park (DS).
I'm pretty happy with my purchases. I'm stuck in Ep 1 of Sam & Max, though, trying to get Stinky's badge... don't give me any hints... I'll probably get it through trial and error eventually.
Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time reminds me of Crash Bandicoot only better graphics and more refined gameplay. It's great.
Force Unleashed II seems sorta like inFamous only non-sandbox. I'd say it's fun, but challenging.
I got Theme Park 'cause I loved Sim Theme Park back in the day and thought, "wouldn't it be great to have a handheld version?". It's kinda fun, but it doesn't really seem to have the same charm as Sim Theme Park.
I'm stuck in Ep 1 of Sam & Max, though, trying to get Stinky's badge... don't give me any hints... I'll probably get it through trial and error eventually.
Ugh must give hint so bad. Must resist, you must use max.
Dragon Age Ultimate Edition
Its currently 50% off on Steam. (About £12.50 here)
I already have the Vanilla package on Xbox, but the Complete PC version for that price is just INSANE!!!
(All the DLC. Heck even if they were all on sale for the Xbox, I'd still pay double what I'm paying here)
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures Collector's DVD
Sam & Max Season Two Case File
Ode to the Stuff in the Sink
Wallace & Gromit Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees
Wallace & Gromit Episode 4: The Bogey Man
Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway (Paperback)
Mass Effect II
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
Runaway: A Road Adventure
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Director's Cut
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (I already owned an original large-box copy as well)
Broken Sword III: The Sleeping Dragon
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysey
Penumbra: Overture (gift for a friend)
Penumbra: Black Plague Gold Edition (gift for a friend)
I've spent too much on myself over the past week (Steam sale!! Damn you!):
PC Games:
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
PoP: Forgotten Sands
PoP: Warrior Within
PoP: Two Thrones
Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition
From Amazon Today (great sale going on today):
The Office Season 6
30 Rock Season 4
Toy Story
Bruce Dickinson - 'The Chemical Wedding' (I had to buy this after hearing "Book of Thel") Bruce Dickinson - 'Tyranny of Souls' 'The Blackwell Legacy' 'Blackwell Unbound' 'Blackwell Convergence' (I bought all three of these games since the Blackwell Bundle is on sale for $10.00 up until Jan 1) 'Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World' (from the Adventure Shop while it's half price; I've been meaning to buy it ever since I first read about it on AdventureGamers) 'Space Quest Collection' (from eBay for practically nothing... plus shipping)
(Mostly for Star Fox 64 3D. I....LOVE...THAT GAME!!)
I bought Dead Rising Case West (I love the dead rising games), hydro thunder (its a pretty good racer for the sale price), and the Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2
(I have to complete the first game yet. But at least I'll have the complete Mass Effect 2 waiting for me to sink my teeth into! )
I bought like 10 games for 34 quid.
(Definately worth it, as most of those were the Atari D'n'D titles!
Now I only have 11 games on the wishlist, (3 activision, and 8 Interplay games!).
Just wish Interplay games were on sale, (fingers crossed that they might be!
And for Dad-
-Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
-The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
-Sam & Max Soundtrack Bundle
-Sam & Max Symbiotes Figure Set
-Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures + Collector's DVD
for 20 something dollars.
Today my Christmas presents...
-Golden Sun Dark Dawn
-3000 MS Points
-A 1y XBL Gold subscription
The Bitcher 2 on Steam for Rather Dashing.
I just picked up Sam & Max the Devil's Playhouse over PSN today. Also, Yesterday, my local Rogers video store had a going out of business type sale so I got 3 used games for the price of 1: Star Wars Force Unleashed II (PS3), Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (PS3), and Theme Park (DS).
I'm pretty happy with my purchases. I'm stuck in Ep 1 of Sam & Max, though, trying to get Stinky's badge... don't give me any hints... I'll probably get it through trial and error eventually.
Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time reminds me of Crash Bandicoot only better graphics and more refined gameplay. It's great.
Force Unleashed II seems sorta like inFamous only non-sandbox. I'd say it's fun, but challenging.
I got Theme Park 'cause I loved Sim Theme Park back in the day and thought, "wouldn't it be great to have a handheld version?". It's kinda fun, but it doesn't really seem to have the same charm as Sim Theme Park.
Ugh must give hint so bad. Must resist, you must use max.
Yeah, it's an awesome game actually. Never thought it would be. Awesome that is. The game.
Its currently 50% off on Steam. (About £12.50 here)
I already have the Vanilla package on Xbox, but the Complete PC version for that price is just INSANE!!!
(All the DLC. Heck even if they were all on sale for the Xbox, I'd still pay double what I'm paying here)
Sam & Max Season Two Case File
Ode to the Stuff in the Sink
Wallace & Gromit Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees
Wallace & Gromit Episode 4: The Bogey Man
Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway (Paperback)
Mass Effect II
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
Runaway: A Road Adventure
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Director's Cut
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (I already owned an original large-box copy as well)
Broken Sword III: The Sleeping Dragon
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysey
Penumbra: Overture (gift for a friend)
Penumbra: Black Plague Gold Edition (gift for a friend)
PC Games:
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
PoP: Forgotten Sands
PoP: Warrior Within
PoP: Two Thrones
Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition
From Amazon Today (great sale going on today):
The Office Season 6
30 Rock Season 4
Toy Story
Now we only need to know when it will come out.
We'll know on January 19th. After that, you have to go back to Gamestop and pick your color.
Hmph pick your color.
Im going for that red black color like that one crimson black ds lite.
Assuming that ends up being a launch color, of course (but I hope it is, because that's the one I want too.
Bruce Dickinson - 'Tyranny of Souls'
'The Blackwell Legacy'
'Blackwell Unbound'
'Blackwell Convergence' (I bought all three of these games since the Blackwell Bundle is on sale for $10.00 up until Jan 1)
'Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World' (from the Adventure Shop while it's half price; I've been meaning to buy it ever since I first read about it on AdventureGamers)
'Space Quest Collection' (from eBay for practically nothing... plus shipping)
Why did people have to mention the 3DS??!
Man I want one so bad!!
(Mostly for Star Fox 64 3D. I....LOVE...THAT GAME!!)
I bought Dead Rising Case West (I love the dead rising games), hydro thunder (its a pretty good racer for the sale price), and the Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2
(I have to complete the first game yet. But at least I'll have the complete Mass Effect 2 waiting for me to sink my teeth into!
Why dont you preorder one. You only have to pay $50 on gamestop and the rest the day it comes out.