The Last Item You Purchased?



  • edited November 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    £12. But it's a present for my sister, so shhh...

    Also: @guru: the whiskey rocks sound awesome. Let me know how they are, I'm thinking of getting some for my mother for christmas.

    Where the hell did you find that.
  • edited November 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    What on earth are the toenails??

    Toenails are that bit at the bottom of your drink that are rotten for no reason other than they just are. It happens with lagers, stouts, ales, wines (particularly if you're classy like moi and drink from the bottle) and most sipping spirits. You don't really get it in cocktails or alcopops or generally sweet drinks though.

    Two reasons.

    1. The general unsavouriness

    2. That's why! Right?!
  • edited November 2011
    World of Goo for Android. Unfortunately, my phone is lying to me and telling me there's not enough room for it.
  • edited December 2011
    World of Goo for Android. Unfortunately, my phone is lying to me and telling me there's not enough room for it.

    I hate having to decide what to delete from my android... And it usually starts lagging before it's close to full anyway, so the sadness is multiplied by literally THOUSANDS.
  • edited December 2011
    After an awful ordeal in which I formatted my internal SD card (with pretty much everything backed up to my external SD card and removed from the phone first), I was told that "It looks like the app you're trying to download is larger than your device's cache partition. Your device is unable to download apps from Android Market that are larger than the cache partition even though you may have enough internal storage space available."

    So when I woke up, I found that World of Goo was the last item I unpurchased.
  • edited December 2011
    Bought some the Christmas gifts for the family. Went over budget, unfortunately. Two CDs, a DVD of an indie film mom's been wanting to own for the last two years (and was disappointed that it will never see a wider release in the US, since it is a Europe film), and an iTunes gift card.
  • edited December 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Toenails are that bit at the bottom of your drink that are rotten for no reason other than they just are. It happens with lagers, stouts, ales, wines (particularly if you're classy like moi and drink from the bottle) and most sipping spirits. You don't really get it in cocktails or alcopops or generally sweet drinks though.

    Two reasons.

    1. The general unsavouriness

    2. That's why! Right?!

    You are wise in the ways of the Booze, JedEx, as you are in all of your dealings. I once called my fiancee a Jedi Master of Booze. If this is indeed an order, and not just another drunken fancy of mine, then you must be a party to it.
  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011

    That's a far cry from the fancy Zelda 3DS. :p
  • edited December 2011
    wait wait wait. What's up with that label? Okay...either someone; A, lost their mind, created a folder for their "wishes" and decided to label it; or B, thought that the most sincere way to say "sorry about your loss" and "get well soon" was with a label from a label maker...because nothing says "I care just enough to type it out" like a label.

    ..and I just bought an A/V HD composite cable...does anybody use these anymore?
  • edited December 2011
    The newest TV in my house is old enough that it doesn't have an HDMI input. It's also not a flat panel television, so it weighs a metric fuckton. Also, when my dad purchased it, he had the option between a flat and a curved screen (he chose flat). So yes, composite is how our cable box/DVR is hooked up.
  • edited December 2011
    The newest TV in my house is old enough that it doesn't have an HDMI input. It's also not a flat panel television, so it weighs a metric fuckton. Also, when my dad purchased it, he had the option between a flat and a curved screen (he chose flat). So yes, composite is how our cable box/DVR is hooked up.

    The one I had to buy it for was a fancy rear projection(it wasnt mine, i didnt buy it, no lectures) 720p from a while ago..HDMI was brand new and it actually does have 1 port. That one has our DVR. I bought these folks a blu-ray player for christmas....had to find one with the HD comp ports too...and then buy those cables so they can hook it up. I didnt want them running it through the DVR or on a switch splitter...they are simple folk lol
  • edited December 2011
    That's a far cry from the fancy Zelda 3DS. :p

    Black Friday deals come in all shapes and sizes.
  • edited December 2011
    Black Friday deals come in all shapes and sizes.

    I feel proud to be among the select few to know the whole label maker story. I will be sure to share it with the kids. I don't have kids, but I'll find somebody's kids and tell them.

    ...I also bought Conan 3D...never seen it, I heard it was bad....but it was really cheap so I'll give it a go someday.
  • edited December 2011
    Johro wrote: »
    I feel proud to be among the select few to know the whole label maker story. I will be sure to share it with the kids. I don't have kids, but I'll find somebody's kids and tell them.

    I thought it was a bit much, so I cut it down. I posted it in the first place because I thought it might seem odd that I'm posting something I bought on Black Friday in here a week late.

    Also, I bought Supernatural season 6 on Black Friday and it just shipped. The show is awesome, but god is the DVD cover awful.
  • edited December 2011
    Where the hell did you find that.

    From the bay of e. That's not an actual picture of the lot, as the one I bought has a big sticker saying it had a free CD with it (which wasn't included in the lot), but it's in equally excellent condition. I've bought NEW games in far worse condition (case in point: skyward sword with the plastic dust jacket melted and ripped).
  • edited December 2011
    They say you can't buy love. But thats a lie what you can't buy is respect.
  • edited December 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    a big sticker saying it had a free CD with it (which wasn't included in the lot)

    I have that CD.

    Well... it doesn't work anymore.
    (Wasn't looked after, but was played a lot)

    Donkey Kong Country and Megaman X are two of my favourite games ever! :D
  • edited December 2011
    Minecraft. I finally caved.
  • edited December 2011
    Minecraft. I finally caved.
    I had it gifted to me and I've played less than an hour. I feel badly about this.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2011
    Minecraft. I finally caved.

  • edited December 2011
    Mario kart 7

    Time trialin'

    Can't seem to get the techniques right or the combos right either...

    Actually, playing time trials reminds me of a competition at my first school.
    It was during a christmas fair, and someone set up a Mario Kart 64 challenge, where the winner would recieve a selection pack.
    It was the snow level, and I remember people saying it was pretty tough.

    I paid the 50p, and gave it a go.
    (Only ever having played Mario Kart on the Snes)

    I ended up winning that chocolate! :D

    I should set up a charity games thing at uni.
    Would be nice to see a Mario Kart Wii or Brawl competition instead of Fifa tournaments... :/
  • edited December 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    From the bay of e. That's not an actual picture of the lot, as the one I bought has a big sticker saying it had a free CD with it (which wasn't included in the lot), but it's in equally excellent condition. I've bought NEW games in far worse condition (case in point: skyward sword with the plastic dust jacket melted and ripped).

    Ouch! The game and CD were still in good shape, I hope?
  • edited December 2011
    After looking on the PSN for about 2 months, and not finding anything particularily appetising, to use with my £25 PSN card, (that I got with CoDMW3 in a deal (it was my older brother's chrimbo pressie)).

    Most console games I own are on 360, so DLC would be useless.
    God of War collection was kind of tempting, but that type of game would likely get a bit dull by the second one.
    I wish they had the Sly Collection on there, I would have got that, since I hear those games are great, but alas, no digital version.

    I really wanted Chrono Cross. But thats only on the JP and US PSN, and it will likely still be a good while before it comes out here.

    After a bit of browsing I decided to get:

    Final Fantasy VII
    Final Fantasy VIII
    Vagrant Story

    Final Fantasy IX was looking lonely, and I should give VII and VII another chance at least, and Vagrant Story was always a great game.
    Outland was on sale, and I heard that was great, so I thought why not?

    At least with the PS1 games, I can play them on the vita, if I get one.
    (And my little bro might like them)
  • edited December 2011
    Dungeon Defenders, and all the DLC.
  • edited December 2011
    At least with the PS1 games, I can play them on the vita, if I get one.
    (And my little bro might like them)

    You can also play them on the PSP. I'd consider that a more viable option over the Vita at this point.
  • edited December 2011
    How do I embed photos so that they actually show up? All the Sam & Max stuff I own so far


    Act as if the Animated Series is in this picture as well, because I just got it today.
  • edited December 2011
    lovetodo22 wrote: »
    How do I embed photos so that they actually show up?
    Replace this text with the URL of your image

    Here's an example. If you're still not sure how it works, quote my post and check the code.

    'lo, Telltale. Can't see image? Bring pie.

    Last bought some DVDs (Fantastic 4, The Mighty Thor and The original Spider-Man cartoons, if you must know), some Cherry Tango, and a Turkey Baking Tray for my Mum. I'm nice when I want to be.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2011
    lovetodo, I helped out a little, I hope you don't mind. ;)

    BTW, should we make this the "The last item you purchased/got for X-mas" thread Dec. 24 to 31? I am quick with the title editing. :D
  • edited December 2011



  • edited December 2011


    That's awesome!
  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011

    Mom's Christmas gift. She saw it two years ago, loved it, and has been complaining about how it hasn't gotten a wider American release. I got tired of explaining to her the concept of an INDEPENDENT Film Fest, so hopefully now she can watch this and show it to all her friends she's been talking to about this film.
  • edited December 2011
    Some waffles and blue food dye, because tonight is all about blue waffles! (I'm so sorry.)
  • edited December 2011
    Some waffles and blue food dye, because tonight is all about blue waffles! (I'm so sorry.)

    But everyone knows that green eggs are supposed to be the best breakfast food...
  • edited December 2011
    Bastion's soundtrack. Shouldn't have, but whatever.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2011
    Zeek wrote: »

    Mom's Christmas gift.

    Oh hellooooo, my Mum's next X-mas gift. That is, if manages to deliver this fast enough (1 to 3 weeks delivery time, those *******). Thanks for the hint!! ;)
    Bastion's soundtrack. Shouldn't have, but whatever.

    Oh yes you should. That thing is pure joy. Just the digital one or did you STILL manage to get those Korb-signed CDs?? Those should've been long gone by early September...
  • edited December 2011
    Bastion for the Soundtrack
    Defense Grid complete

    3 Single Cds (Lady GaGa, Scooter & Wir Sind Helden)
  • edited December 2011
    Some Christmas presents I'm not telling you, seeing as people use the internet. And stuff.

    That is, unless you also count other stuff I bought, like groceries. Then my last purchase was pandan rice and tiger bread.
  • edited December 2011




    Just curious, where'd you get that copy of Effigy Mound from? The only place I could find it was on Amazon for between $180 and $350. And I'd really like to find a copy too. :(
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