I Just ordered this case from Amazon. I'm going to Microcenter next weekend to get the motherboard, PSU, Ram and CPU. Hopefully I don't mess up too badly seeing that this my first time building a computer, though I feel fairly confident that everything should go as planned because I've read and watched a bunch of how howto's on building computers for first time builders.
Gods I need to build a new computer. I'm so unfamiliar with the experience and friends have given me a fair amount of advice, but I just can't get over how damned expensive it all is. There's no way I can build a decent computer for less than $600, even though I've been told repeatedly (even shown once) that it's possible. I just don't have the nose for deals or the cash to throw around.
Well, the nice thing about building your own computer, is you can choose some cheaper maybe-not-so-decent components, but upgrade them as required and as money permits. Pick a good motherboard with enough expandability to allow you to do this. For the past few decades, components have always gotten better and cheaper (though there's currently a problem with hard drives), so whatever you can't afford now might work out in the future.
<snip> I'm going to Microcenter next weekend to get the motherboard, PSU, Ram and CPU. Hopefully I don't mess up too badly seeing that this my first time building a computer, though I feel fairly confident that everything should go as planned because I've read and watched a bunch of how howto's on building computers for first time builders.
There's no reason to be worried about building a computer, it's actually quite easy these days. Everything goes together nicely. For what its worth, the best and longest-lasting computer I've ever owned is the one I built myself and use now. There's just a couple things to be careful of:
- Make sure you wear a grounding bracelet at all times, you really do not want to shock a part and render it useless.
- Make sure you buy the correct motherboard for the CPU you are getting (Intel vs. AMD, # of pins). Motherboards are not universal.
- Get a pair of pliers for when you inevitably drop screws into the case.
- Since you bought a mid-tower, make sure you don't try to buy a video card that is too big for it.
Also, you'll probably get ripped off on parts at Microcenter (at least if it's the store I'm familiar with), and won't be able to find top-of-the-line stuff, if that's what you're looking for, but I imagine that's probably done already. Newegg.com is usually your best bet if you're in the US.
There's no way I can build a decent computer for less than $600, even though I've been told repeatedly (even shown once) that it's possible. I just don't have the nose for deals or the cash to throw around.
It's simple. First, work out the items that you need:
[edit:] Power Supply (may be bought bundled with case) [/edit]
CPU (may be bought bundled with motherboard)
Video Card
HDD (optional, depending on your current HDD specs)
DVD Burner
-- HDD and DVD Burner must be SATA
-- Motherboard must have onboard audio and ethernet ports.
-- [edit:]Power Supply must have high enough output wattage to support combined wattage of components.[/edit]
-- Buy OEM hardware parts whenever possible. "Retail" means you're paying for an unopened retail box. "OEM" (original equipment manufacturer) means you only get a part in a cardboard box. But you only require the part, so there is no need to pay for everything else that comes when buying retail.
I built a decent desktop computer from parts I bought from TigerDirect for ~$450 a few years ago.
This list does not include RAM. I suggest always buying RAM from Crucial.com, because they are the retail end of Micron (and Micron actually builds RAM), their site is easy to use (just input your branded computer model number or your motherboard model number), and they have reasonable prices.
In any case, finding parts with which to build a computer for a reasonable price isn't really diffiicult.
Microcenter currently has the cheapest prices on Intel processors from what I've seen and I'm undecided as of yet but I'm 90% certain I'm going with this motherboard I'm not going to buy a new graphics card for a while because my Nvidia 9800GT can still play games on medium (for the most part) and the I'm currently unsure of how large of an hdd I want to use
Thats pretty amazing when you think about it. MicroSD's are very handy, (a lot of devices use them, and they fit in a few converters as well), and having massive 32gb ones are even better!
I think I might use one for my Caanoo. Just load it up with PS1 games to play on the go.
The Muppets Soundtrack and the Latest Meat Loaf album.
Did you know: I absolutely love musicals!
As for the Meat Loaf album, so far its doesn't seem to be quite as good as Hang Cool Teddy Bear, but that album was probably his best work since Bat out of Hell 3.
(Likewise I didn't think Megadeth's Th13rteen was as good as their last album, but its certainly not bad by any means)
Hell if I know, I haven't played them. My comment was based on the fact that it's called "Recurring Evil".
Oh, as for my most recent purchase:
I've managed to avoid being sucked into that game so far, (by playing it a few sessions every couple of weeks), but my older brother has been playing it religously for the past two weeks!
(Seriously, I need my laptop for stuff! >:/ Cheeky bugger is using MY laptop, with MY game, with MY subscription!! RAAAAAGGEE!!!)
Oh boy, are you in for a treat. Best. Blu-Ray set. Ever.
The transfers for 'Alien' and 'Aliens' are phenomenal, the picture is incredibly crisp and the colours have real depth.
The already superb assembly cut for 'Alien 3' has had new special effects made for it and they brought back some of the cast to re-record their dialogue especially for the Blu-Ray, making for the ultimate version of this highly underrated gem.
The special features are so comprehensive, as to the point of being ludicrous! There's tens of hours worth of documentaries, deleted scenes, audio commentaries and more.
... Gosh darn it, I sound like I'm working for Fox! Um... the transfer for 'Alien: Resurrection' isn't anything special but who gives a damn because that film is shit anyway. On top of that, the Star Wars prequels are a bloody disgrace and Fox is run by a bunch of incompetent chimps dressed in suits, pretending to be human beings. Phew, that's better!
Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the 'Blade Runner' 5 disc Blu-Ray set as well. It's made by the same guy who put together the 'Alien Anthology' set, so you know it's amazing. It contains all 3 versions of the film itself, as well as the work-print. It also boasts a 4 hour 'making of' and that's just the tip of the ice berg of special features.
... Ah nuts, now it sounds like I'm employed in the marketing department for Warner Bros!
I find it strange that you say Bioware can suck it, but then buy The Old Republic.
Star Wars is, sadly, something of a franchise weakness of mine. I had a limited window to buy it for $30, and I buckled.
Besides, an MMO is more about actually being able to play a game with people you know. There are only so many months a person can wait around for people to "get more practice" in Frozen Synapse before submitting to the path of least resistance becomes an attractive option.
Oh boy, are you in for a treat. Best. Blu-Ray set. Ever.
The transfers for 'Alien' and 'Aliens' are phenomenal, the picture is incredibly crisp and the colours have real depth.
The already superb assembly cut for 'Alien 3' has had new special effects made for it and they brought back some of the cast to re-record their dialogue especially for the Blu-Ray, making for the ultimate version of this highly underrated gem.
The special features are so comprehensive, as to the point of being ludicrous! There's tens of hours worth of documentaries, deleted scenes, audio commentaries and more.
... Gosh darn it, I sound like I'm working for Fox! Um... the transfer for 'Alien: Resurrection' isn't anything special but who gives a damn because that film is shit anyway. On top of that, the Star Wars prequels are a bloody disgrace and Fox is run by a bunch of incompetent chimps dressed in suits, pretending to be human beings. Phew, that's better!
Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the 'Blade Runner' 5 disc Blu-Ray set as well. It's made by the same guy who put together the 'Alien Anthology' set, so you know it's amazing.
I think you're a bit based on this one Davies :P Blade Runner is my rave pick.
I think you're a bit based on this one Davies :P Blade Runner is my rave pick.
Have you been raiding the drinks cabinet again, Daishi? You've been warned about that by the police! Remember what happened the last time you got drunk? It took over 1200 people 57 man-hours to clear up that mess. Honestly, fancy releasing all of the animals out of the zoo and riding the back of a bengal tiger, all the whilst shouting "I am the lord of the tigers and my name is vengeance"!
To this day, not all of the komodo dragons have been accounted for.
Have you been raiding the drinks cabinet again, Daishi? You've been warned about that by the police! Remember what happened the last time you got drunk? It took over 1200 people 57 man-hours to clear up that mess. Honestly, fancy releasing all of the animals out of the zoo and riding the back of a bengal tiger, all the whilst shouting "I am the lord of the tigers and my name is vengeance"!
To this day, not all of the komodo dragons have been accounted for.
I'm going to kick myself for doing so but I bought Etrian Odyssey.
£12 (+ £2.50 postage)
I just REALLY fancied an old school RPG, but one that I can play in relative comfort.
(I've played it before, and it is HARD. Extremely Hard! O.L.D.S.C.H.O.O.L)
As much as I love Might and Magic, its hard to get enthusiasm to play it on my laptop sometimes.
Just wish now that we had the other two games over here in the UK...
(Trying to get hold of used US copies on ebay is pretty frustrating!)
Skyrim Collector's Edition. My giftcard finally showed from IGN and my local store was having a sale. The dragon statue is sitting on top of my shelf right now looking remarkably badass.
Should I ask why?
How lovely, you must be preparing for a combined craft/mountaineering/culinary class!
Well, I've already got Halo 3 and ODST, I thought might as well start getting the rest of the series.
Yep, spot on.
I'm going to be crafting some lovely chairs out of human bones oak.
I'm going to climbing a mountain in order to hide the evidence go skiing.
I'm going to be cooking and consuming the flesh ingredients, provided by my poor victims good friends.
I Just ordered this case from Amazon. I'm going to Microcenter next weekend to get the motherboard, PSU, Ram and CPU. Hopefully I don't mess up too badly seeing that this my first time building a computer, though I feel fairly confident that everything should go as planned because I've read and watched a bunch of how howto's on building computers for first time builders.
There's no reason to be worried about building a computer, it's actually quite easy these days. Everything goes together nicely. For what its worth, the best and longest-lasting computer I've ever owned is the one I built myself and use now. There's just a couple things to be careful of:
- Make sure you wear a grounding bracelet at all times, you really do not want to shock a part and render it useless.
- Make sure you buy the correct motherboard for the CPU you are getting (Intel vs. AMD, # of pins). Motherboards are not universal.
- Get a pair of pliers for when you inevitably drop screws into the case.
- Since you bought a mid-tower, make sure you don't try to buy a video card that is too big for it.
Also, you'll probably get ripped off on parts at Microcenter (at least if it's the store I'm familiar with), and won't be able to find top-of-the-line stuff, if that's what you're looking for, but I imagine that's probably done already. Newegg.com is usually your best bet if you're in the US.
It's simple. First, work out the items that you need:
-- Motherboard must have onboard audio and ethernet ports.
-- [edit:]Power Supply must have high enough output wattage to support combined wattage of components.[/edit]
-- Buy OEM hardware parts whenever possible. "Retail" means you're paying for an unopened retail box. "OEM" (original equipment manufacturer) means you only get a part in a cardboard box. But you only require the part, so there is no need to pay for everything else that comes when buying retail.
I built a decent desktop computer from parts I bought from TigerDirect for ~$450 a few years ago.
This list does not include RAM. I suggest always buying RAM from Crucial.com, because they are the retail end of Micron (and Micron actually builds RAM), their site is easy to use (just input your branded computer model number or your motherboard model number), and they have reasonable prices.
In any case, finding parts with which to build a computer for a reasonable price isn't really diffiicult.
edit: ah it's bundled in your invoice. Those specs are important to note though for your cards' needs.
Remind me not to invite you over for dinner... :eek:
Too late. Didn't you see the my location, underneath my avatar...
Or perhaps some of these:
I think the idea is that you refuse any invitations to be had for dinner.
Apples, kiwifruit, greek yoghurt, frozen mango slices, peanut butter, instant coffee, and chai.
£18 each!
Thats pretty amazing when you think about it. MicroSD's are very handy, (a lot of devices use them, and they fit in a few converters as well), and having massive 32gb ones are even better!
I think I might use one for my Caanoo. Just load it up with PS1 games to play on the go.
I did, I did... I checked out my window just in case. You must've been on a tea break.
Heh, that too...
Did you know: I absolutely love musicals!
As for the Meat Loaf album, so far its doesn't seem to be quite as good as Hang Cool Teddy Bear, but that album was probably his best work since Bat out of Hell 3.
(Likewise I didn't think Megadeth's Th13rteen was as good as their last album, but its certainly not bad by any means)
For £1.68.
Oh, and Lost Planet: Extreme Edition: Colonies. But that wasn't quite as good a bargain.
Haha, thank you, I needed that laugh. Just leave it to you to spurt out comedy.
But on another note, I have all the Painkiller in the series, just now I found out they released a new.
Are the Painkiller sequels really this bad?
Oh, as for my most recent purchase:
I've managed to avoid being sucked into that game so far, (by playing it a few sessions every couple of weeks), but my older brother has been playing it religously for the past two weeks!
(Seriously, I need my laptop for stuff! >:/ Cheeky bugger is using MY laptop, with MY game, with MY subscription!! RAAAAAGGEE!!!)
I find it strange that you say Bioware can suck it, but then buy The Old Republic.
Oh boy, are you in for a treat. Best. Blu-Ray set. Ever.
The transfers for 'Alien' and 'Aliens' are phenomenal, the picture is incredibly crisp and the colours have real depth.
The already superb assembly cut for 'Alien 3' has had new special effects made for it and they brought back some of the cast to re-record their dialogue especially for the Blu-Ray, making for the ultimate version of this highly underrated gem.
The special features are so comprehensive, as to the point of being ludicrous! There's tens of hours worth of documentaries, deleted scenes, audio commentaries and more.
... Gosh darn it, I sound like I'm working for Fox! Um... the transfer for 'Alien: Resurrection' isn't anything special but who gives a damn because that film is shit anyway. On top of that, the Star Wars prequels are a bloody disgrace and Fox is run by a bunch of incompetent chimps dressed in suits, pretending to be human beings. Phew, that's better!
Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the 'Blade Runner' 5 disc Blu-Ray set as well. It's made by the same guy who put together the 'Alien Anthology' set, so you know it's amazing. It contains all 3 versions of the film itself, as well as the work-print. It also boasts a 4 hour 'making of' and that's just the tip of the ice berg of special features.
... Ah nuts, now it sounds like I'm employed in the marketing department for Warner Bros!
Besides, an MMO is more about actually being able to play a game with people you know. There are only so many months a person can wait around for people to "get more practice" in Frozen Synapse before submitting to the path of least resistance becomes an attractive option.
I think you're a bit based on this one Davies :P Blade Runner is my rave pick.
Have you been raiding the drinks cabinet again, Daishi? You've been warned about that by the police! Remember what happened the last time you got drunk? It took over 1200 people 57 man-hours to clear up that mess. Honestly, fancy releasing all of the animals out of the zoo and riding the back of a bengal tiger, all the whilst shouting "I am the lord of the tigers and my name is vengeance"!
To this day, not all of the komodo dragons have been accounted for.
Damn it I have to stop posting from my phone.
£12 (+ £2.50 postage)
I just REALLY fancied an old school RPG, but one that I can play in relative comfort.
(I've played it before, and it is HARD. Extremely Hard! O.L.D.S.C.H.O.O.L)
As much as I love Might and Magic, its hard to get enthusiasm to play it on my laptop sometimes.
Just wish now that we had the other two games over here in the UK...
(Trying to get hold of used US copies on ebay is pretty frustrating!)