Okay smarty pants, and just how does one obtain this "money" you speak of? Oh I know, maybe we could like, do stuff for other people that would make them a whole bunch of this "money," and then as a thank you they'd give us some of the leftovers, like, once a week or something. But wait, there's another problem. If this "money" is all you need to buy stuff, then surely some bad person is going to try and take it from you. So we're gonna need some kind of big metal room to keep it safe in. And by the way, who's going to manufacture and regulate the value of all this "money" for us? it's almost like we'd need some kind of, I don't know, reserve on the federal level. Keep dreaming, Johro.
2 Magic Boosters
Avengers Vs X-men #0 (I think its the first one. Not sure... (Its got Scarlet Witch in it!)
Metroid Prime Trilogy £30
(Its pretty rare. Well.. I'll easily resell it for most of the dosh! XD)
Overall spend was about £40 (a stupid amount! But can't say I haven't had a good day! )
Also, comic book shop needs more Deadpool.
I spent waaaay too long looking for Deadpool comics in there.
I am a little disappointed. (But not too much, since I thought I would give the Avengers vs X-men a shot, and I have to say the comic I read is pretty good. (At least I knew who most of the characters are! XD) (But it was a bit out of context since I haven't read up on recent comic history)
OH MY GOD do you at least have enough space to store all those men? I mean, what if he doesn't get along with the guy who brought the Sherlock Holmes book along?
We're doing our best to try and keep knocking them down. To that end, you guys have been a big help by reporting posts. Even when it's an obvious attack on the main page in General Chat, those reports help call attention to the problem if there's no mods looking at the forum, so you guys keep reporting and we'll keep banning!
Yes. We get achievements on both services.
I know. Not what you meant. Not at all.
I just saw. I was hoping it would be like Arkham City.
I couldn't resist... they can join Spidey, Woody, Buzz, Elvis, Darth and the Spudtrooper...
What have I gotten myself into... ;p
"Money can be exchanged for goods and services."
That's all I remember.
Somebody remove me from Ebay please... The kicker is that I went on to find an Indiana Jones spud... which I still don't have.
Click the picture to buy it yourself, comrades!
Avengers Vs X-men #0 (I think its the first one. Not sure... (Its got Scarlet Witch in it!)
Metroid Prime Trilogy £30
(Its pretty rare. Well.. I'll easily resell it for most of the dosh! XD)
Overall spend was about £40 (a stupid amount! But can't say I haven't had a good day!
Also, comic book shop needs more Deadpool.
I spent waaaay too long looking for Deadpool comics in there.
I am a little disappointed. (But not too much, since I thought I would give the Avengers vs X-men a shot, and I have to say the comic I read is pretty good. (At least I knew who most of the characters are! XD) (But it was a bit out of context since I haven't read up on recent comic history)
Man not included
Mine didn't include the shirt.
OH MY GOD do you at least have enough space to store all those men? I mean, what if he doesn't get along with the guy who brought the Sherlock Holmes book along?
A penny over £17. Nice.
(And if anyone's wondering why Gladiator/Deadlocked isn't on there - it'll be a separate digital release)
I'm going to make a screenshot how the forum looks for mods after an attack. It ain't pretty.