Hopeless Inquiry

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Yo guys, I massively missed the boat on the Anniversary edition of Surfin' the Highway, but does anybody know a crazy person selling a hardcover edition? They can have my left leg if they so desire...


  • edited August 2010
    They can have my left leg if they so desire...

    I wouldn't make such statements among the internet (and S&M, more importantly) community if I were you... Just saying...

    On the other hand, I also do wish I had what you seek.
  • edited August 2010
    I'm afraid I'm not the crazy person you're looking for. Nor do I know one. I think. :(

    BUT! I do know Rather Dashing is willing to part with one to the tune of ONE MILLION DOLLARS! :guybrush:

    ... Seriously, though; as someone who missed out on The Age of S&M, I feel for you. Keep your ears to the ground, and good luck! (And please don't lose your left leg in the process. You might want that back later. D: )
  • edited August 2010
    dont get surfing the highway get this
  • edited August 2010
    hamza721 wrote: »
    dont get surfing the highway get this

    Not gonna cut it. It's great as a companion to Surfin' the Highway for colored versions you can't find elsewhere, but we're talking about 64 pages of content versus 197 in the current edition of StH. It's no replacement.

    (Also, citing my sources! Because noting whatever else I consult for information beyond the cobweb-infested recesses of my memory is the right thing to do!)
  • edited August 2010
    You might get crazy-lucky with this auction:


    Why own the anniversary edition when you can have the original? :^)

    Edit: Never mind. I guess that one's a paperback. I didn't realize it was ever released in anything but the hard cover I have.
  • edited August 2010
    It is out of stock.
  • edited August 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    It is out of stock.

    There are Marketplace sellers with it.

    But it's the paperback isn't it?
  • edited August 2010
    I'm sure it's the hardcover, but I really don't think the TC would like to pay 8 or 60 times what it costs ($1,250? That must be a joke).
  • edited August 2010
    I got that much money dot no what to do wife it do
  • edited August 2010
    Frenchie! :D
    At least I think it's you.

    I can paper mache mine and sell it to you for $50. ;)
  • edited August 2010
    BUT! I do know Rather Dashing is willing to part with one to the tune of ONE MILLION DOLLARS! :guybrush:
    It's true, I do have two copies of the hardcover. That second copy is going to pay off my college debt someday!


  • edited August 2010
    Originallly posted by guitarsareboring
    There are Marketplace sellers with it.

    But it's the paperback isn't it?

    Ah. I only buy on the marketplace sometimes (I got a present for my brother, the disc starting freezing and such. It works now though) Anyway. Someone is selling a new one for $1,249! Rather Dashing, keep that book in good condition and yes, you could probably get a lot a money for it!
  • edited August 2010
    Just because someone is selling one for $1,249 doesn't mean that someone is going to buy one for $1,249.

    Of course, I'm sure that somewhere out there there's a Sam & Max fan with a ridiculous bank account just waiting to spend a crazy amount on the book, so who knows.
  • edited August 2010
    Just because someone is selling one for $1,249 doesn't mean that someone is going to buy one for $1,249.

    Of course, I'm sure that somewhere out there there's a Sam & Max fan with a ridiculous bank account just waiting to spend a crazy amount on the book, so who knows.

    Sup Guys?
  • edited August 2010
    I might sell my 2nd copy in a few years... WHEN THE PRICES TRIPLE! MUHAHAHAHA!
  • edited August 2010
    See, i'd probably be willing to part with the age of S&M and the other one, but my hardcover surfing the highway? I went through hell to get it man! HELL! Well.... HM Revenue and Customs lol. God I hate them, so so so much...
    We walked several miles to go pay them monies they were gouging us for, but I got my books! Then we had to walk home again. Ahh, I remember it well... I wasn't impressed with hubby about the suggestion "hey, it's not far, we could walk it"

    Then again, I could use a left leg... <_< Nah, husband would get upset if I randomly came home with body parts.
  • edited August 2010
    See, i'd probably be willing to part with the age of S&M and the other one, but my hardcover surfing the highway? I went through hell to get it man! HELL! Well.... HM Revenue and Customs lol. God I hate them, so so so much...
    We walked several miles to go pay them monies they were gouging us for, but I got my books! Then we had to walk home again. Ahh, I remember it well... I wasn't impressed with hubby about the suggestion "hey, it's not far, we could walk it"

    Then again, I could use a left leg... <_< Nah, husband would get upset if I randomly came home with body parts.

    Part with the Age! Please!
  • edited August 2010
    Well, I've got one, (and two copies each of the other S&M books TT released) but I don't know if I could part with any of them. How much could I get anyway?
  • edited August 2010
    Well, I've got one, (and two copies each of the other S&M books TT released) but I don't know if I could part with any of them. How much could I get anyway?

    You could get US$50 - US$70 from me probably for the Age of S&M
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