Who will help Sam in 305?

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max

"Junior" Max is on the loose in New York City, the other villians are either dead or lobomitized, and the Toybox, and the Toys of Power are gone! Who will save the City, and who is pulling the strings behind all of these events?
(My guess is GORDON THE BRAIN!!!!)

And what about Sameth & Maximus? They're not really dead.
Or Sammun-Mak! His brain might still be alive!
Sal might have survive the fall, and Skunkape might have escaped the clones.
Come to think of it, what of the clones? The last clone is still alive!


  • edited August 2010
    JasonDK wrote: »
    And what about Sameth & Maximus? They're not really dead.


    How are they not really dead?
  • edited August 2010
    he could be a ghost in 305
  • edited August 2010
    Well the film reel did say "The End?" once you finish. Maximus might come back.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't see it happening. But I wouldn't be opposed to it, either.

  • edited August 2010
    There is supposed to be that easter egg in 301 where you see Maximus walking around if you go into Max mode at the end (did anyone ever actually manage to see that, by the way?), and it has been established that ghosts exist in this series, so Maximus wouldn't be that far out there. The only major problem if they did go that route is either dealing with Maximus's limited toy arsenal (seeing as he only ever came into contact with two of them and there's none left for him to get new ones) or explaining how he's able to use Max's old toys. Well, that and explaining how he's still able to use the Toys of Power as a ghost.
  • edited August 2010
    My guess is that the mole-people will rise to the occasion -- after all, they have stood against the eldritch gods before the time of humans. Nefertiti is probably still alive at this point.
  • edited August 2010
    Well, that and explaining how he's still able to use the Toys of Power as a ghost.

    A potential workaround to that: we have a) cloning pods, and b) the proper remains from which one might be able to harvest viable DNA. Just Add One (1) Soul, and ...
    Randulf wrote: »
    My guess is that the mole-people will rise to the occasion -- after all, they have stood against the eldritch gods before the time of humans. Nefertiti is probably still alive at this point.

    She was still alive in 303's alternate timeline, so unless Sammun-Mak's meddling with the space/time continuum directly ensured her survival into old age, there's a good chance she's still kicking around.
  • edited August 2010

    How are they not really dead?

    That is not death! That is a sort of a form of slumber or hypothetically cryogenic status! They can be cloned or the molemen can REVERSE the protection spell! The mystery of their past was never resolved.
  • edited August 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    My guess is that the mole-people will rise to the occasion -- after all, they have stood against the eldritch gods before the time of humans. Nefertiti is probably still alive at this point.

    What about Harry? He's a molemen and he possibly have dormant powers.
  • edited August 2010
    JasonDK wrote: »
    That is not death! That is a sort of a form of slumber or hypothetically cryogenic status! They can be cloned or the molemen can REVERSE the protection spell! The mystery of their past was never resolved.

    If you try to touch the Toybox in 302 while the protection spell is on it, they die. I'd assume the same thing happens with this. And if they could reverse it, I think they already would have when it happened. Though the cloning is definitely possible...
  • edited August 2010
    By the way, talking about Sammeth and Maximus, who was the one who put the note in Sammeth and Maximus Skeletons? I don't remember exactly what that said sadly. At the beggining I thought it was Dr. Norrington, but know, with the fact he probably knows about the same amount of Information as Papierwaite and they didn't know the location of the Toybox until the last act of the Tomb of Sammun-Mak, so, I wonder who.
  • edited August 2010
    Everyone seems so sure that Sameth and Maximus are gonna come back somehow. Don't get me wrong, I'd love that, but that thought didn't even cross my mind. I can sort of see it working, though...I mean, it'd be cool.
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    they didn't know the location of the Toybox until the last act of the Tomb of Sammun-Mak, so, I wonder who.

    It wasn't that they didn't know the location, it was that they couldn't get into the location because Papierwaite can't use the Toys.
  • edited August 2010
    It wasn't that they didn't know the location, it was that they couldn't get into the location because Papierwaite can't use the Toys.

    Ok, but my original question still stand: Who's put that paper there?
  • edited August 2010
    I always though it was the moleman family.
  • edited August 2010
    I always though it was the moleman family.

    No because they acted pretty surprised at sammeth and maximus.

    Also how did the film thing get there. There was an easter egg in 302 stating that random people have started filming other people's lives so that explains who did that but also why did max get a strange vibe from the film reel. Plus in the preorder forums for episode 4(not 5) i asked if any toys of power from 302 excluding astral projection would appear(to those who doesnt know what toys appeared from that episode yet it was the doll) and got the reply
    who said that astral projection wouldent return
    i thought it was a joke but who knows.
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Ok, but my original question still stand: Who's put that paper there?

    ...I honestly don't even remember a paper. :p Anyone remember what it said?

    Just realized another thing: Papierwaite wouldn't have even had Norrington before or during the events of 302.
  • edited August 2010
    Does no-one remember the train to hell being in Straight & Narrow's subway? It's possible that Satan might release someone from hell to help Sam as he does owe S&M a favour due to them helping him get rid of the $%&£! Poppers.
  • edited August 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    Does no-one remember the train to hell being in Straight & Narrow's subway? It's possible that Satan might release someone from hell to help Sam as he does owe S&M a favour due to them helping him get rid of the $%&£! Poppers.

    When you say "someone" you're referring to Hugh Bliss, right? :D
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    By the way, talking about Sammeth and Maximus, who was the one who put the note in Sammeth and Maximus Skeletons? I don't remember exactly what that said sadly.

    I don't know who put it there but the note said "There's a story behind this grisly tableu." My guess of who put the note there are one of the mole men.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't know who put it there but the note said "There's a story behind this grisly tableu." My guess of who put the note there are one of the mole men.

    And the hilarious thing about it is, it's exactly the same opinion as Sam's, even before he read the paper. I really thought that was fun. (And weird)
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    And the hilarious thing about it is, it's exactly the same opinion as Sam's, even before he read the paper. I really thought that was fun. (And weird)

    One of the clones did it! :eek: Forget that it doesn't work chronologically or that none of them seem smart enough to pull it off, it's the only thing that makes sense!!

    Actually, I'm leaning towards the molepeople too. Including the possibility that they had a hand in setting up the Astral Projector and supplying the film reels. What that may or may not mean I'm still trying to parse.
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Everyone seems so sure that Sameth and Maximus are gonna come back somehow. Don't get me wrong, I'd love that, but that thought didn't even cross my mind. I can sort of see it working, though...I mean, it'd be cool.

    Though I like the idea (with qualifications, best summed up as: "I like it better as a 'what if?', side-story idea than something I'd want to happen in-game."), I'm not at all sure myself. In fact, I would almost be willing to bet money against it. The conversation happened in Sammun-Mak's alternate reality, sure, and it could just be me, but I sensed a certain finality in the way Nefertiti promised Max to give Sameth and Maximus' remains a proper burial. Like an implied, "Their story is over."
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    No because they acted pretty surprised at sammeth and maximus.

    You'll have to refresh me on that. Do you mean the part where Sam and Max first meet the molepeople in the alternate reality (the scene I just talked about above, in fact)?

    In any case, I'm not sure their reaction is trustworthy. The cultists lied to Noir!Sam's face, after all.
    Also how did the film thing get there. There was an easter egg in 302 stating that random people have started filming other people's lives so that explains who did that but also why did max get a strange vibe from the film reel.

    Ah, but Max was touching the projector when he sensed the psychic vibes, not the film reels. I suspect the reels are perfectly ordinary; it's the Astral Projector -- a bona fide Toy of Power -- that gives their content "life," so to speak.
  • edited August 2010
    You'll have to refresh me on that. Do you mean the part where Sam and Max first meet the molepeople in the alternate reality (the scene I just talked about above, in fact)?

    The End of the Penal Zone. They reacted surprised and ran away inmediatly.

    By the way, my money goes with Harry having an awaking of his Mole Powers and been key in this problem.

    But still, I hope we got to know who put that paper on Sameth and Maximus skeletons. Just curious.
  • edited August 2010
    Probably Bosco, Nobody one the planet of Sam un Max. has the money, the skill, the crazy tech to have a crazed frenzy rabbit.

    Bosco and Superball!.
  • edited August 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Bosco and Superball!.

    Superball is part of the Great Evil.
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Superball is part of the Great Evil.
    And Bosco is dead broke.
  • edited August 2010
    Nobody mentioned Mama Bosco yet. Helping Sam would a good step towards remission for the events of 304. She also has to repay both of them for reviving her because (for some reason) she couldn't do it herself.
  • edited August 2010
    Breakman wrote: »
    Nobody mentioned Mama Bosco yet. Helping Sam would a good step towards remission for the events of 304. She also has to repay both of them for reviving her because (for some reason) she couldn't do it herself.

    Sam & Mama Bosco: (Temporary) Freelance Police. I like it. :p
  • edited August 2010
    A gibbon?

    Steve's dream finally comes true... :D
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    The End of the Penal Zone. They reacted surprised and ran away inmediatly.

    Ah, okay! For some reason I didn't really consider them, but rather just the other possible molepeople aware of the Toybox. Hmm ... I'll give the tea leaves another stir, but I'm going to hang on to that hunch in the meantime.
    By the way, my money goes with Harry having an awaking of his Mole Powers and been key in this problem.

    But still, I hope we got to know who put that paper on Sameth and Maximus skeletons. Just curious.

    Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me. But I would consider it a really good (even great) non-surprise -- if Max gets a chance to be a really-for-real hero this season, so should Harry, I say. And ditto about the note.
    Breakman wrote: »
    Nobody mentioned Mama Bosco yet. Helping Sam would a good step towards remission for the events of 304. She also has to repay both of them for reviving her because (for some reason) she couldn't do it herself.

    Which would be funny, since technically they're square: Sam and Max were responsible for her death in Chariots of the Dogs, so it seems only fair they would be the ones to rectify it. Not that Mama Bosco knows that, but hey.

    On the other hand, she did get a younger body out of the deal than she would have if she had never died, so she might owe them at least a little something on that count after all. :p

    ... Ah. It doesn't appear I've weighed in. Who do I think will help Sam?

    Pfft. Easy.


    Whether they know it or not.


  • edited August 2010
    ... Ah. It doesn't appear I've weighed in. Who do I think will help Sam?

    Pfft. Easy.


    Whether they know it or not.

    Even me?
  • edited August 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Even me?

    The guy with the hair keeps telling us we're now "in control," so sure, why not?
  • edited August 2010
    ... Flint Paper?
  • edited August 2010
    The guy with the hair keeps telling us we're now "in control," so sure, why not?

    Naw, if I was really "in control", I'd be making Sam and Papierwaite sing a duet of "Why Can't We Be Friends?" right about now.

    All you people at the fan art thread, make it happen.
  • edited August 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Naw, if I was really "in control", I'd be making Sam and Papierwaite sing a duet of "Why Can't We Be Friends?" right about now.

    All you people at the fan art thread, make it happen.

    I am incredibly tempted by this suggestion.
  • edited August 2010
    Sam & Mama Bosco: (Temporary) Freelance Police. I like it. :p

    I sure do. I want to see Mama B kick some more butt. Who knew she had a great hook punch? ^^
    ... Ah. It doesn't appear I've weighed in. Who do I think will help Sam?

    Pfft. Easy.


    So does that mean when or if Max dies, we will have to clap our hands and chant "we believe"? :p
  • edited August 2010
    Breakman wrote: »
    I sure do. I want to see Mama B kick some more butt. Who knew she had a great hook punch? ^^

    I knew she was awesome, so I figured if she tried she could pull out a great left hook.
    So does that mean when or if Max dies, we will have to clap our hands and chant "we believe"? :p

    I don't believe whatever they make us think we should believe, but we don't believe what they think we should try to believe. So no, I'm sure by the end EVERYONE will die. Not just Sam & Max and Junior, all life in the universe.
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    By the way, my money goes with Harry having an awaking of his Mole Powers and been key in this problem.
    That would be neat from a story-telling perspective: remember the first thing Harry says was "Psychic power? There is no such thing."
  • edited August 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Naw, if I was really "in control", I'd be making Sam and Papierwaite sing a duet of "Why Can't We Be Friends?" right about now.

    Thanks a lot. I can't get that image out of my head now, and everyone's looking at me funny while I quietly giggle to myself. :D

    EDIT: Seriously, though, I'm kind of wondering how the hell they're gonna work their way around this for 305. When the basic premise of a franchise revolves around the interactions between two characters, getting rid of one of them kind of destroys it. I'm scared this is gonna be the New Moon of the Sam & Max games.
  • edited August 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    I am incredibly tempted by this suggestion.
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Thanks a lot. I can't get that image out of my head now, and everyone's looking at me funny while I quietly giggle to myself. :D

    Happy to help!
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