The City That Dares Not Sleep Trailer!

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Trailer's up!

Can I get a round of applause to Shauntron for all the great trailers/videos this season?


  • edited August 2010
    Bravo! Encore! Encore! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba!
  • edited August 2010
    August 30th!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited August 2010



    except for the flaming floating max heads
  • edited August 2010
    Falanca wrote: »



    except for the flaming floating max heads
    I know! I got my wish!! That made me happy!:D
  • edited August 2010
    Can't wait to download it!
  • edited August 2010
    WOOT!! At long last, only 5 days of waiting to go!
  • edited August 2010
    I'm really excited! Anyway, at 1:46 you can see Skun-ka'pe's spaceship! I thought it wouldn't be working...
    So that trailer and release date has me really excited, I'm off to see if I can find more things in the trailer.

    I just spotted more! Good news Sal fans, I've spotted him! At 1:49 if you look really close at the door down the alley, you can see him. Blurry though...
  • edited August 2010
    Yes, you poor diluted soul, Sal is in the door near the alley in your mind. You have to stop fooling yourself and except he's gone now.
  • edited August 2010
    Sal? Saaalllll! :D
  • edited August 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    I just spotted more! Good news Sal fans, I've spotted him! At 1:49 if you look really close at the door down the alley, you can see him. Blurry though...

    He's alive? Awwww. :(
    Maybe he'll get stomped on by giant max.
  • edited August 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    He's alive? Awwww. :(
    Maybe he'll get stomped on by giant max.

  • edited August 2010
    Originally posted by Sausy Gibbon
    Yes, you poor diluted soul, Sal is in the door near the alley in your mind. You have to stop fooling yourself and except he's gone now.

    I take it you think I'm rather happy about Sal returning? I'm not really. I was just pointing it out. When I think of Sal, the word "meh" crosses my mind. I don't talk about him much, like him much (he is okay, not awesome) and didn't shout "NOOOOO!" when he fell. Papierwaite's death however, made me feel sad. The reason being, that I like Papierwaite a lot more. Anyway, Sal will get a small role again I bet...
  • edited August 2010
    Blasphemy! *Everyone* has to love Sal!

    Henceforth, I draw a line down the center of this forum. The side YOU'RE on is for heathen Papierwaite-loving dogs. THIS side is for the disciples of Sal, best character ever made. The fridge is on my side, and so is god.

    ...sorry, I've been reading a lot of Penny Arcade...
  • edited August 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Blasphemy! *Everyone* has to love Sal!

    Henceforth, I draw a line down the center of this forum. The side YOU'RE on is for heathen Papierwaite-loving dogs. THIS side is for the disciples of Sal, best character ever made. The fridge is on my side, and so is god.

    ...sorry, I've been reading a lot of Penny Arcade...

    Noone told me we were opposing Papierwaite fans!
  • edited August 2010
    The revolution begins today! All hail Sal!
  • edited August 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Blasphemy! *Everyone* has to love Sal!

    Henceforth, I draw a line down the center of this forum. The side YOU'RE on is for heathen Papierwaite-loving dogs. THIS side is for the disciples of Sal, best character ever made. The fridge is on my side, and so is god.

    ...sorry, I've been reading a lot of Penny Arcade...

    I hate Sal. He's a bland character, no amusing dialoge, I think his best moments are when he gets beaten up, mauled by clones and dropped a few hundred feet.
  • edited August 2010
    Me too, actually. Which is weird. I think I only like him because it's fun to watch him getting hurt.
  • edited August 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Me too, actually. Which is weird. I think I only like him because it's fun to watch him getting hurt.

    Great minds think alike. :D
  • edited August 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Blasphemy! *Everyone* has to love Sal!

    Henceforth, I draw a line down the center of this forum. The side YOU'RE on is for heathen Papierwaite-loving dogs. THIS side is for the disciples of Sal, best character ever made. The fridge is on my side, and so is god.

    ...sorry, I've been reading a lot of Penny Arcade...

    Where do I go if I like Sal and Papierwaite equally?
  • edited August 2010
    That music...OH THAT MUSIC.

    Please pleaaaase Telltale, release that one track, just that one. I'll still buy the soundtrack if you do it!! But I must have it!!

    everythign else of the trailer seems freaking badass, I can't wait.
  • edited August 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Where do I go if I like Sal and Papierwaite equally?

    Two words: Splinter group. We can get together on Fridays in the Rec Center on 83rd and Maple. You bring a hot dish and I'll bring a salad.
  • edited August 2010
    Two words: Splinter group. We can get together on Fridays in the Rec Center on 83rd and Maple. You bring a hot dish and I'll bring a salad.

    And I'll bring the donuts!
  • edited August 2010
    Well someone wants Max dead. (Whoever that is also probably put the future vision in the ally, and is also superball's superior)
  • edited August 2010
    Two words: Splinter group. We can get together on Fridays in the Rec Center on 83rd and Maple. You bring a hot dish and I'll bring a salad.
    Hot dish.. hot dish.. Weasel on a stick with a Hot Pocket on the side?
  • edited August 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Where do I go if I like Sal and Papierwaite equally?
    But you should already know that, Brady Culture!
  • edited August 2010
    But you should already know that, Brady Culture!

    Can I wait until a few months after the finale comes out? Otherwise my personal Hell will have me endlessly waiting for a secret sixth episode.
  • edited August 2010
    That music...OH THAT MUSIC.

    Please pleaaaase Telltale, release that one track, just that one. I'll still buy the soundtrack if you do it!! But I must have it!!

    everythign else of the trailer seems freaking badass, I can't wait.
    I second that!
  • edited August 2010
    toa1995 wrote: »
    Well someone wants Max dead. (Whoever that is also probably put the future vision in the ally, and is also superball's superior)

    Well in the trailer he said he said "as President" so I think he is near the top right now and he probably just wants whats best for the country and if that means killing a giant monsterous lagamorph that would probably be his best option.
  • edited August 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Where do I go if I like Sal and Papierwaite equally?

    In a Black Hole
  • edited August 2010
    Back on topic, the right portrait behind the Narrator when he is talking about Episode 5 will probably be a location in the episode as all the other pictures of places have been... And the living room Sam is talking to the Max heads in also seems to be somewhere new.
  • edited August 2010
    actually the topic is about how awesome shaun finney is, but you know, that's ok.
  • edited August 2010
    Judging by the trailer music, I believe that it will be from the final battle and it will take place in the streets or outside Momma Bosco's.
  • edited August 2010
    Looks like flint is back ! , and now he with sam , I wonder if max will replaced by flint ..
  • edited August 2010
    The portrait sort of looks like a filing facilty or library.
  • edited August 2010
    The portrait sort of looks like a filing facilty or library.


    Thought it had more of a storage space look. Memory storage maybe?
  • edited August 2010
    Is that the Sphunx on one of those shelves? And you know who built the Sphunx...

    EDIT: I've spotted Skunkape in the trailer. When Flint is punching the henchmen, he is standing on the control panel platform far off in the background.
  • edited August 2010
    Avel wrote: »

    Thought it had more of a storage space look. Memory storage maybe?

    It kinda resembles the warehouse where the Ark is stored at the end of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the lost ark.
  • edited August 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Hot dish.. hot dish.. Weasel on a stick with a Hot Pocket on the side?

    And why not?
    Cheri wrote: »
    And I'll bring the donuts!

    Please do! I highly recommend those from The Fractured Prune.
    Hatley wrote: »
    It kinda resembles the warehouse where the Ark is stored at the end of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the lost ark.

    I hope so. I'd love to see Max mentioning that top men have hidden away the Devil's Toybox and/or Junior's carcass, and when Sam asks him to elaborate Max just says "TOP. MEN."
  • edited August 2010
    Originally posted by tabstis
    EDIT: I've spotted Skunkape in the trailer. When Flint is punching the henchmen, he is standing on the control panel platform far off in the background.

    I can sort of make him out, but if he is in it then please make Papierwaite return!!! Maybe as a ghost or something! Please Telltale don't let Skun-ka'pe return (if he is) and not let Papierwaite have a part!

    Edit: Just saw something on Sam &!
    What do you think is happening?
    Mamma B telling Stinky to do something? Skun-ka'pe instead?
  • edited August 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    I can sort of make him out, but if he is in it then please make Papierwaite return!!! Maybe as a ghost or something! Please Telltale don't let Skun-ka'pe return (if he is) and not let Papierwaite have a part!

    Edit: Just saw something on Sam &!
    What do you think is happening?
    Mamma B telling Stinky to do something? Skun-ka'pe instead?

    If you remember the end of "Beyond the Alley of the Dolls," Stinky wakes up abandoned on the Clone Control Panel. At the very least, she's going to need to push some buttons to get herself out. Also, the Clone Master did say that she was good at maintaining and repairing the clone chamber. I wonder if that means Sam clones will be used, and possibly controlled by Stinky, to keep Junior Max at bay until Sam brings the real Max back?
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