I just started watching one of the Texas Hold 'Em youtube videos and um, I really hope the game doesn't look like that because well, that animation was revolting.
Telltale's grown up quite a bit. The dialogue seemed good though, and it would be even better with the line up of great characters they got! 8D ***optimisim***
It's september 2nd...
I just started watching one of the Texas Hold 'Em youtube videos and um, I really hope the game dosn't look like that because well, that animation was revolting.
Of course it won't. The first game was from years ago. Before Bone.
Not for the people who matter in this case: the ones making the announcement. You can't say the date was a lie when not even half the day has passed for them.
...Well, obviously, you can say it. But it's going to make me go "oh, come on!"
It's 2 20 here. And I've been banging my head against my desk all day. And Strong Bad, take it from the Homestar Runner fan, has a rocket launcher and access to "the world's greatest athlete," strong mad who could beat heavy in a fist fight anyday, and other awesome people.
Matt. 5:27, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery'; but I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart."
I tried the same but it gave me 4.5
Now seriously, spill the beans!
Ah, what the hell. Fifthded
Sixided? or Sixed?
Come on TellTale, Reveal what is this weird character blender game ... TellTale's version of "Drawn Together"?
AHHHH!! I got rickroll'd. I was so excited when I clicked that too haha
Ha that would be awesome!
I...I...Had to click!!
Haha, that is funny
I clicked the rickroll link anyway though, it's a kickass song.
Oh man that is too hilarious!!
Awww, Son of a--
But Son of a Blam seems fine too, so...sure, why not?
Telltale's grown up quite a bit. The dialogue seemed good though, and it would be even better with the line up of great characters they got! 8D ***optimisim***
It's september 2nd...
Of course it won't. The first game was from years ago. Before Bone.
It is for some people...
Not for the people who matter in this case: the ones making the announcement. You can't say the date was a lie when not even half the day has passed for them.
...Well, obviously, you can say it. But it's going to make me go "oh, come on!"
Was just a pun on stupid internet memes Anistew ...
Also, you going "oh, come on!" is not gonna stop me do that, bwahahahaha!
Not even you going like this stupid LOL cats meme↓
e.g. It's not time yet.
No, this one's real.
I've been pronouncing English so wrong.
Anyone have any good ways to pass time?
EDIT: Scrap that. Instead, participate in Guess the Costume.
Yeah I saw that. Guess I'll give it another shot.
Play some Telltale games!
Might just do that. Sam and Max Save the World hasn't been in my Wii for a while.
Look for an interesting, long-running internet series you haven't followed, be it webcomic, youtube show, etc. and watch/read from beginning to end.