Could we please release the trailer now, or please from now on, atleat put 1 day on all your releases, its kinda annoying time and again you are late
its now many hours into the 3 sep. dammit.
Well, we're sorry the world doesn't revolve around you, but Telltale wants to make sure that everything launches without any problems and it's still the 2nd in all of America.
It still amazes me how many people do not understand how timezones work.... EVERTIME something is released we have to go through it again.
Do the forum times display as GMT everywhere then? That kind of sucks. I Don't think anywhere is currently using GMT at the moment (the Uk's using BST (British Summer Time).
*edit*, wow, in the time it took for me read a couple of posts, and reply, 3 more people had posted.
Do the forum times display as GMT everywhere then? That kind of sucks. I Don't think anywhere is currently using GMT at the moment (the Uk's using BST (British Summer Time).
Do the forum times display as GMT everywhere then? That kind of sucks. I Don't think anywhere is currently using GMT at the moment (the Uk's using BST (British Summer Time).
You can change the time zone the board time is in for you, as well as automatically pick up daylight savings changes.
Do the forum times display as GMT everywhere then? That kind of sucks. I Don't think anywhere is currently using GMT at the moment (the Uk's using BST (British Summer Time).
All this confusion is why we should all just have one time-zone. All the americans/australians can become nocturnal, and the rest of the world can carry on, avoiding future entanglements in time!
Until 1AM! 5PM PST! Which i assume is about the end of the telltale office day. Probably not. Either way, i'm going to bed soon. I don't even know why i'm still up, I suck at card games...
This feels like waiting for a Tales of Monkey Island episode all over again. Worst part is, waiting for something that will probably be worth your while, yet not knowing that for certain.
Is there any coverage of this pre-PAX (press?) day, somewhere?
What on earth was that link before? the first time I clicked it, I got a link called http /click!/ that gave me a what might have been a malware alert(the warning only appeared for a split-second), then a standard "cannot display page" message. Now, it works fine.
What on earth was that link before? the first time I clicked it, I got a link called http /click!/ that gave me a what might have been a malware alert(the warning only appeared for a split-second), then a "cannot display page" message.
Could we please release the trailer now, or please from now on, atleat put 1 day on all your releases, its kinda annoying time and again you are late
its now many hours into the 3 sep. dammit.
See my above post. Telltale Games is based in California - there are still almost 7 hours left in September 2nd. Most of the staff is probably still in the office. I myself just got home from work a few minutes ago. (I work in San Francisco). Due to the wacky fact that we live on a globe that rotates it just can't be the same time of day (or even the same day) everywhere at once.
See my above post. Telltale Games is based in California - there are still almost 7 hours left in September 2nd. Most of the staff is probably still in the office. I myself just got home from work a few minutes ago. (I work in San Francisco). Due to the wacky fact that we live on a globe that rotates it just can't be the same time of day (or even the same day) everywhere at once.
@#!^!# timezones, how do they work?
Well, it has to appear very soon, because it's almost midnight Telltale time(12 minutes left!).
Well, we're sorry the world doesn't revolve around you, but Telltale wants to make sure that everything launches without any problems and it's still the 2nd in all of America.
No, It's 4 pm.
.....No, I'm pretty sure it's 4:40.
Look at the forum time, It's 11:39.
I love how the internet thinks the world is a disc.
Telltale is based in California. PST is GMT -8.
pro tip: type current time california into google. its more like 4:40.
I'm confused. It's 11:41 on the forums, and 7:41 where I live, but you say it's 4:41.
EDIT: Yep, 4:43 is right, but then why's the forum time wrong?
Yes, because all forums on the internet default to GMT as it's the standard.
Do the forum times display as GMT everywhere then? That kind of sucks. I Don't think anywhere is currently using GMT at the moment (the Uk's using BST (British Summer Time).
*edit*, wow, in the time it took for me read a couple of posts, and reply, 3 more people had posted.
You can change it in User CP.
You can change the time zone the board time is in for you, as well as automatically pick up daylight savings changes.
Damn, ninja'd.
Best username on the forums, bar none
Did you read that entire last page?
California is nice to the homeless
Super cool the homeless
In the city
City of Santa Monica
Lots of rich people giving change to the homeless
Until 1AM! 5PM PST! Which i assume is about the end of the telltale office day. Probably not. Either way, i'm going to bed soon. I don't even know why i'm still up, I suck at card games...
*covers thread with sheet*
Is there any coverage of this pre-PAX (press?) day, somewhere?
I hope that was an attempt at linking to this fantastic piece of modern art.
What did I just watch?...
"Oh my god its 5 PM and no announcement the games canceled it was a joke ahh my life is ruined!"
Click it again. And pay more attention this time!
I just realized I missed a magnificent chance to do a rickroll.
(Best fan-made music video EVER.)
What on earth was that link before? the first time I clicked it, I got a link called http
Whoops, sorry. There, corrected.
See my above post. Telltale Games is based in California - there are still almost 7 hours left in September 2nd. Most of the staff is probably still in the office. I myself just got home from work a few minutes ago. (I work in San Francisco). Due to the wacky fact that we live on a globe that rotates it just can't be the same time of day (or even the same day) everywhere at once.
Look, I really can't make this any clearer!