Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: The City That Dares Not Sleep... Is here!



  • edited September 2010
    sorry, i've just read about a different ending? what's this story? I didn't know anything. I'm from the ones that liked story in season 3 but that was shocked by the end
  • edited September 2010
    6/10? Huh. That's a bit higher than I'd rate it.

    Looking back though, here's what they gave the episodes:

    The Penal Zone: 9/10
    The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 9/10
    They Stole Max's Brain: 5/10
    Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: Did Not Review
    The City That Dares Not Sleep: 6/10

    The Overall score comes out as 7.25/10.

    Then again they gave Moai Better Blues an 8/10.
  • edited September 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Looking back though, here's what they gave the episodes:

    The Penal Zone: 9/10
    The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 9/10
    They Stole Max's Brain: 5/10
    Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: Did Not Review
    The City That Dares Not Sleep: 6/10

    The Overall score comes out as 7.25/10.

    Then again they gave Moai Better Blues an 8/10.
    If we're going with the absolutely idiotic idea that 7 is "average", then all of those scores make sense I suppose. And I never disliked Moai Better Blues, for either the portal puzzles or the lost babies.
  • edited September 2010
    Moai Better Blues is at least a couple notches higher than 305 IMO. I'd rate 303 higher than 305, though.
  • edited September 2010
    If we're going with the absolutely idiotic idea that 7 is "average", then all of those scores make sense I suppose. And I never disliked Moai Better Blues, for either the portal puzzles or the lost babies.

    I wonder why people don't think 7/10 is average? If I got 50% of the answers right on a test, or 5/10, I quite clearly failed (an F in the american grading system). If I got 70% of them right, I was average (a C). In my trade school, there wasn't even a C to speak of for our core classes. If you did "average", you failed. It was A, B, F. Good times.

    So anyways if I hated half the's not worthy of a pass. Whereas if I liked most of the game but a few key factors brought it down, that's average to me.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm sorry. No matter how weak the finale is, surely you can't say that 202 was better?! Maybe it wasn't quite what you were expecting but that is going a bit too far, I think...
  • edited September 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    I'm sorry. No matter how weak the finale is, surely you can't say that 202 was better?!

    That's exactly what I'm saying (IMO, as I stated before). There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio...
  • edited September 2010
    I have to admit, I wasn't blown away by the finale at all. To me it had too many subplots I didn't care much for and the ending with Max's ego was just a cop out, no big climactic ending at all.
    Again, i also thought it suffered from the usual lack of resources where we only have a couple new locations and recycling what they already have by writing a story around that.
    I give them credit for being innovative, though.
  • edited September 2010
    I didn't really have any problems with Season 3. You know why? Because I didn't give it any thought and I don't plan to.
  • edited October 2010
    The episode was ok. (much better than Moah better blues!)
    It ended brilliantly though.

    The ending was superb - really good stuff.
    Can't say i've been so impressed by a games ending for a long time.
  • edited October 2010
    I'm Really late ,just finished is ..

    good episode with incredible ending , when the credits is on I just start screaming all over the house ! , I really can't beleve max die ! if he dies sam & max will be finished that was all what I think about, unfortunately max was totally dead in this episode , even with the spores , The narrator the bad guy was totally expected , but I have to say the narrator is not really evil at end he destory max tumor , playing the clones nice touch ..

    My Rating to the season episodes :

    1 - The City That Dares Not Sleep 9.0

    2-The Tomb of Sammun-Mak : 8.5

    3 - The Penal Zone : 7.9

    4 - Beyond the Alley of the Dolls : 7.0

    5 - They Stole Max's Brain : 6.8

    The Devil's Playhouse Rating : 9.0

    TTG you know when you can blow our minds !

    Sam & max to death ..
  • edited October 2010
    I'm sure there's a thread about this but does anyone know when the posters/DVD are being shipped? It's been a while.
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah, I was wondering, too. So...if anyone knows...go ahead and tell us...please...
  • edited October 2010
    A bit late to the party, didn't start playing the game till last friday despite buying the game the moment it came out (got distracted by something, then broke my ankle in a foreign country, then had other things to do, etc) and finished it literally last night and I have to say I loved it, best S&M series yet in my opinion, which looks like it isn't shared by everyone sadly.

    Two thumbs up from me, though I was a bit confused by where Past Max came from until I remembered the end to the last series. I particularly enjoyed They Stole Max's Brain and The Alley of the Dolls, the Penal Zone I found to be the weakest (the start especially, since I found it hard to get into it initially).
  • edited November 2010
    I'm also late to the party despite how much I love the S&M series (harsh financial issues meant harsh financial decisions :/ ), but I finished the last episode of Season Three last night, and just wanted to thank Telltale for surpassing themselves with this season.

    The entire game just felt so danged polished compared to the previous two seasons. The humour was great, I enjoyed the puzzles and playing the game from different perspectives was fun. It was also nice how each episode felt different - which was one of the (few) criticisms I had from the first two seasons (with the same locations each episode etc). It really got mixed up, and it felt fresh when I started each ep.

    So, yeah. Thank you Telltale - and I look forward to Season Four!
  • edited November 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Yeah, I was wondering, too. So...if anyone knows...go ahead and tell us...please...

    The posters have been shipping for a few weeks now but the DVDs are still being worked on. If you have the DVD in the same order, that's why your posters haven't been shipped yet. I'll let you guys know when the DVDs will start shipping, but apologies for the delay.
  • edited November 2010
    Curse my desire for one low shipping cost! D=
  • edited February 2011
    In other words the episode is really nice and to be loved.
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