Am i the only one who uses walkthroughs for this game?



  • edited September 2010
    Old games are hard man. The only one i have beaten is Somi. But i beat all sam and max episodes by myself. (except night of the raving dead)
  • edited September 2010
    I only used a walkthru for one episode in season one. It was the one with virtual reality and was my least favorite episode. I played it through with the walk-thru because I didn't want to miss anything storywise.
  • edited September 2010
    I have to use hints throughout the series mostly season 3... Who would come to the conclusion to drop a cellphone in an old pizza box in the middle of an alley on the hopes that a pidgeon would eat it?
  • edited September 2010
    Mystic wrote: »
    I have to use hints throughout the series mostly season 3... Who would come to the conclusion to drop a cellphone in an old pizza box in the middle of an alley on the hopes that a pidgeon would eat it?

    That puzzle wasn't difficult at all. This is how you get to that conclusion:
    - Future vision shows you need to get to the roof
    - There's no visible way to the roof
    - But there's teleportation to reach places that are out of reach otherwise
    - Teleportation needs a phone
    - The roof probably doesn't have a phone
    - But there's a cell in your inventory - to get up to the roof, you'll need to get the mobile there
    - You can't throw the mobile to the roof
    - Maybe the all-infesting pigeons can carry it up there
    - Can't interact with the pigeon directly (or it didn't have the right effect, can't remember)
    - Pigeon keeps going back to the pizza box
    - Let's put the phone on the box and see what happens
    - Yuck. I wasn't expecting exactly that - but it works!

    Now, it took a lot longer to write down than to actually think up - with the experimenting, it wasn't more than a minute. If you've been playing adventure games for a while, this thought process comes naturally ;)
  • edited September 2010
    Plus Future Vision Sam says something along the lines of "I can't BELIEVE it swallowed it whole". That was actually my clue.
  • edited March 2021
  • edited September 2010
    I needed walkthroughs for parts of 301 and almost all of 302. The other three episodes I didn't use any guides because I was able to understand the puzzle styles more.
  • edited September 2010
    in 305 for a while I didn't know you could move while waving the corn dog which is a big part of the puzzle.

    That happened to me too. I actually was about to go to the walkthrough only to think real fast if that was possible.
    Also A happens to me ALWAYS on adventure games. I cant even remember when I didnt know what to do because I didnt have a specific item or hotspot(I think the only time was to get superball to turn around in 305 which was a very dumb puzzle)
  • edited October 2010
    I've used a walkthrough to complete most of the episodes in all series, mainly because I really wanted to finish the game; which is very foolish because there's no satisfaction when you use a walkthrough to help, I usually use them twice per game, although Moai better blues seemed quite logical to me, when series 4 comes out I promise myself not to use a walkthrough!
  • edited October 2010
    I've used a walkthrough for all the episodes of s2 except ep 3
  • edited October 2010
    Although I do look too far into some things that have nothing to do with the puzzle, and thus get distracted from the actual puzzle, for example in night of the raving dead, I thought getting Sam to say "superball" and getting lightning to strike had something to do with the antennae, and getting Jurgens monster to wake up, I was close!
  • edited October 2010
    I never used a walkthrough for season 3 (I did turn on the hints for 302 and 305 though. I didn't know how to get across the statues in 302 and did not know I was to show Sybil how Sam was a good parent or something). Season one, I solved fine, no help (except my brother help me with one puzzle in 105, getting the coin from Jimmy Two-Teeth) and I played season 2 with my brother. We worked it out together. However, I needed the hints for 202 (how to get to Stinky's as children), although I don't remember if they helped much.
  • edited October 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    I never used a walkthrough for season 3 (I did turn on the hints for 302 and 305 though. I didn't know how to get across the statues in 302 and did not know I was to show Sybil how Sam was a good parent or something). Season one, I solved fine, no help (except my brother help me with one puzzle in 105, getting the coin from Jimmy Two-Teeth) and I played season 2 with my brother. We worked it out together. However, I needed the hints for 202 (how to get to Stinky's as children), although I don't remember if they helped much.

    Sam & Max are so cute as kids in that series, I loved Sam's lines when he was fixing bluster blaster
  • edited October 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    I never used a walkthrough for season 3 (I did turn on the hints for 302 and 305 though. I didn't know how to get across the statues in 302 and did not know I was to show Sybil how Sam was a good parent or something). Season one, I solved fine, no help (except my brother help me with one puzzle in 105, getting the coin from Jimmy Two-Teeth) and I played season 2 with my brother. We worked it out together. However, I needed the hints for 202 (how to get to Stinky's as children), although I don't remember if they helped much.

    I can remember how to get through games after the first time i've played them but i get bored quickly trying to figure out what to do next, so i usually refer to a walkthrough for help, there was no walkthroughs for 305 at the time so i kept getting stuck, i never knew to get sal from bosco tech or about making max crave cockroaches, i never even knew the craving platter could be used, i just thought it was explaining why max always craved corndogs. I referred to the help sections in the forums. I got stuck again in skunkape's ship then i couldn't find the cloning chamber cause i found skunkape's minion and sam's conversation so boring i fell asleep and didn't know what to look for, i fell asleep just after talking about skunkape after finding out the minion wasn't grandpa stinky. The forums never helped either cause they never said to search for the cloning facility, they said to search for a big sky scraper in the right side of the city. I eventually found it and finished the game. I finished 303 tho without much help at all, the second act was hard, i never knew i had to set a tapistry on fire or how to get sal beat up. A walkthrough for 302 made me look for a video of the game cause the walkthrough was so bad, i mean it said go to reel 2, so i did, then use the can of nuts, then get thrown out the window, which was a waste of time. I can't remember much about it now but i know it was terrible. I ended up watching a video which featured a lot of stuff i hadn't done before stuff i had done, so i spoilt it for myself. But spoilers don't bother me anyway, because walkthroughs are basically spoilers anyway.

    This is the terrible walkthrough i found
  • edited October 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    That happened to me too. I actually was about to go to the walkthrough only to think real fast if that was possible.
    Also A happens to me ALWAYS on adventure games. I cant even remember when I didnt know what to do because I didnt have a specific item or hotspot(I think the only time was to get superball to turn around in 305 which was a very dumb puzzle)

    EXACT same thing happened to me as well. Figured it out by accident.

    I only use walkthroughs on episodes I don't like, ex. Culture Shock.
  • edited October 2010
    I think I've posted in this thread before but I dont remember...

    I usually have 1-3 puzzles in each game that I cant solve (usually the boss battle) in S3 the only one I managed to complete without any walkthroughs was They Stole Max's Brain (which was pure luck that I stumbled on the corndog mountain - I had no idea how to get those last 2 trinkets) I almost got through Tomb of Sammun-Mak without one but I didnt know the Torch was clickable in the boss battle because it looked like it was just part of the background...

    S1 I had to use a walkthrough for every epp for multiple puzzles, I dont know wheather I've adapted to the logic-style of TTG (because ToMI I also only needed 1-3 puzzles help at most) or if they're adapting their puzzles so they are more straight-forward...

    If it makes you all feel better, I have to use a walk through for nearly ALL the Sierra games (except Quest for Glory 3)... of course those are so disconnected...
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