


  • edited September 2010
    The writers seem to forget you turn her back into a cake in order to give her a backbone, which makes her stand up to one of the soda poppers in 205.
  • edited September 2010
    Yep that right, if it wasn't for the writer saying she really is a mermaid I would of thought it was that she really a cake and the projector thingy is a convoluted way of making the world make sense to her (avoiding the OMG I am a Cake NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! problem)
  • edited September 2010
    Maybe there´s something we didn´t see: In episode 205 Grandpa Stinky transformed her into a cake. Maybe he has mystical powers too and he lied about the fact that she is a mermaid. I think he tried to hide something too. Call me insane but I think there is something which isn´t revealed yet ;)
  • edited September 2010
    alpha-t wrote: »
    Maybe there´s something we didn´t see: In episode 205 Grandpa Stinky transformed her into a cake. Maybe he has mystical powers too and he lied about the fact that she is a mermaid. I think he tried to hide something too. Call me insane but I think there is something which isn´t revealed yet ;)

    I just got the sense that Stinky and Sal have been around for a long time, hence the poster of the Mermaid and the Cockroach back in the oldy-time 1900s, and from what Sal says on the roof.

    Then, Flint Paper reveals the whole thing in the clone chamber. Stinky confirms she's a mermaid, and now that she has lost Sal, she's using Skunkape. Sam even tries to warn Skunkape about Stinky's M.O.

    Apparently, Stinky and Sal used a projector and mist machine to project the image of a devil cake during her "creation" and fool Grandpa Stinky into thinking that his voodoo cake recipe worked and that Stinky was a golem made from a cake.

    But in Season 2, Sam and Max really DO turn her into a devil cake, probably because they are so cool/awesome/lucky/magical that they can actually pull off that kind of freaky miracle. Even Stinky seems confused and surprised when she becomes a cake.

    So I think the whole "retcon" Stinky/mermaid thing works, and the Season 2 cake magic can work also, if you are willing to believe that when Sam and Max hear something, they can actually make it happen. Especially when Satanic powers are involved and active during Season 2.
  • edited September 2010
    Ignatius wrote: »
    This is something i don't understand.

    Why would Telltale revisited Girl Stinky's story in a most incoherent way making a huge mess. I mean, she was transformed into a cake right in front of you and then you stick a rib into it, (clearly not a projection).
    This is why i don't like episodic. The story always ends messed up some way or another.

    I too think this "revelation" serves no useful purpose: whether she was a cake or a mermaid simply does not matter (apart from the fact that Steve Purcell wanted her to be a mermaid in the first place). The only thing this information does is to pull off a single puzzle, which could easily be fitted in with another way.

    But then, what if Flint Paper is mistaken? The guy may be tough, but -- let's face it -- he is a lousy PI.
  • edited September 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    But then, what if Flint Paper is mistaken? The guy may be tough, but -- let's face it -- he is a lousy PI.

    WHAT? Flint is not a lousy PI at all! I still don't understand the confusion about whether Stinky is a cake or a mermaid. Listen to what everyone say in the cloning chamber if you don't understand. And Flint did an excellent job on this case...
  • edited September 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    I still don't understand the confusion about whether Stinky is a cake or a mermaid. Listen to what everyone say in the cloning chamber if you don't understand.
    We do understand, but it doesn't make sense with the events of 205.
    And the with the Nutrispecs data, from what I've been told.
  • edited September 2010
    Tilan wrote: »
    We do understand, but it doesn't make sense with the events of 205.
    And the with the Nutrispecs data, from what I've been told.

    I can respond to that by saying:
    Sal and Stinky also pulled off some clever projector trickery in 205.
    Who says mermaids aren't made of tar, fish, ribs and ice cream?
  • bai_ganyobai_ganyo Banned
    edited September 2010
    Keevi wrote: »
    Yep that right, if it wasn't for the writer saying she really is a mermaid I would of thought it was that she really a cake and the projector thingy is a convoluted way of making the world make sense to her (avoiding the OMG I am a Cake NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! problem)
    Telltale should kanonise this, it is wonderful.
  • edited September 2010
    Stinky IS a dirty liar, and if they (stinky and sal) tried to kill grandpa for 20 years, they should be able to fake the cake transformation so they can own the diner. That was their main goal.
  • edited September 2010
    I have a problem with Stinky's plan to kill grandpa by using Flint. If grandpa can't die but Flint can kill anything is the unstoppable force meeting the inmovable object, would the result be like this...
  • edited September 2010
    Step 1: Get Diner
    Step 2: ????????
    Step 3: Profit
    Step 4: World Domination
  • edited September 2010
    Mystic wrote: »
    Step 1: Get Diner
    Step 2: ????????
    Step 3: Profit
    Step 4: World Domination

    Step 2 likely involves getting her hands on Grandpa's secret recipes.
  • edited September 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    Step 2 likely involves getting her hands on Grandpa's secret recipes.

    As shown in 204 where she became mega rich and famous by using his secret recipes for other things.
  • edited September 2010
    After reading that post in Chuck's blog everything seems so clear now.
  • edited September 2010
    Read Chuck's blog everybody!!!!
    You won't be dissappointed!!!
    At least I wasn't!
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Read Chuck's blog everybody!!!!
    You won't be dissappointed!!!
    At least I wasn't!

  • edited September 2010
    off topic?
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