SPOILERS! What was your favorite ending?

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
I say my favorite ending was the "Recall Crimefighting" ending it was just more funnier but both endings are good I just prefer the Crimefighting one.


  • edited August 2010
    I chose adventure cos I thought it convince the narrator to help Max XD Since he bashed him 4 using his mind to fight crime
  • edited August 2010
    Between the two choices, I like the dialouge Sam says when you choose Recall Crimefighting, if only because it actually sets up that lonely walk of his during the credit in a way that actually has some meaning behind it.

    But I like the Recall Adventuring ending, if only for the symbolism with what Sam does with his hat.
  • edited August 2010
    I love both, but crime fighting was what I imagine the two would talk about if they went back to normal, without all the psychic hoo ha.
  • edited August 2010
    I love both, but crime fighting was what I imagine the two would talk about if they went back to normal, without all the psychic hoo ha.

    The Giant cochroach crawling on the skyscraper makes the scene seem even more like the comics, wouldn't you agree?
  • edited August 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    The Giant cochroach crawling on the skyscraper makes the scene seem even more like the comics, wouldn't you agree?
    Yes even though it made no sense at all unless Sam Jr. got bigger or something?
  • edited August 2010
    I liked the Adventuring ending because of the empty elevator. I felt terrible when it was empty, and then he was next to Sam and I was happy. :'D
  • edited August 2010
    I liked the Adventuring ending because of the empty elevator. I felt terrible when it was empty, and then he was next to Sam and I was happy. :'D
    True that. That did make me like that ending but Crimefighting was just humorous and you would expect that from and Sam & Max game. But this one was emotional, funny and mysterious all at the same time! Who wouldn't want a game like that? :D
  • edited August 2010
    I have yet to see them both 0_0.
  • edited August 2010
    I like both. One is classic western & the other suggests potential season 4 timetravel.
  • edited August 2010
    I prefer the crimefighting one, because it feels more like everything's back to the status quo.

    Speaking of which, I wonder if Max is still president.
  • edited August 2010
    What happened if you chose crimefighting? I picked adventuring and the ending made me tear up.
  • edited August 2010
    The exact same thing, except they go off into the city and talk about fighting a supervillain instead of using the time elevator.
  • edited August 2010
    I prefer the Adventure ending. More emotional and touching.
  • edited August 2010
    the crimefighting was more sam & max like, with the dialog and the giant cockroach, but the adventure one was amazing with the empty elevator, the max reveal and sam getting the hat at the end.
  • edited August 2010
    That sounds better than the time machine one, back to "normal" (as normal as they can get) instead of "Ohmygod, please no more diferent time lines or alternate Sam and Maxs. Damm you time traveling elevator and the confusion you cause me!"
    I don't think Max is the president anymore, Superball took over when Max died ( :'( ) and the new/old Max never became President, at least, I don't think he did.
  • edited August 2010
    When I saw posts about a second ending I assumed it was something to do with the astral projection you could do into Boscotech and that there was perhaps a way of stopping Superball from launching The Final Imperative. Oh well, glad I stopped by as this will save me lots of time trying to get a non existent ending.
  • edited August 2010
    Does anyone have a video of the endings? I already beat it with the crimefighting ending.
  • edited August 2010
    There's nothing on youtube yet: I just checked to try to find the crimefighting end.

    Wait, I lied, yes there is, I just was searching 'Sam and Max 305' instead of 'Sam and Max The City That Dare Not Sleep'
  • edited August 2010
    Both were brilliant, really. The adventure one was really emotional (loved the the hat-thing in the end), and it sort of makes me wonder if they used the time machine to turn things back how they were before the psychic-powers-era, and maybe somehow preventing any of these tragic events to ever happen.

    Yet, the crimefight-ending was very Sam & Max-like. And after recalling all the criminals in those dark streets while Sam was walking past them during the credit sequence, this ending makes me feel all warm inside. They will get what they deserve, after all! In a good old Freelance Police style. :D
  • edited August 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    But I like the Recall Adventuring ending, if only for the symbolism with what Sam does with his hat.

    And that's why I like Recall Adventuring too ^^!
  • edited August 2010
    Crimefighting End:

    I can't find the adventuring end.

    I think the crimefighting end is more true to Sam and Max and makes things feel right. I also was really upset when Sam was ignoring all the crime and injustice as he was walking down the street so it's nice to know that they're all going to get a good Freelance Police punishment!
  • edited August 2010
    Crimefighting is what Sam & Max is all about.
  • edited September 2010
    There's actually a third ending, if you don't have the conversation to make the choice.
    It's just subtley different from the adventuring ending though.
    Sam doesn't leave his hat, but as the duo leave in the elevator, the baby cockroach climbs up from behind the wall. Just like Sam returns to get his hat, he returns for the cockroach.

    I think I prefer the actual adventuring ending the most.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm still waiting for Youtube to upload the adventure ending. But if there's something I love of the crimefighter ending (dunno if it's the same with the other) that noody has mentioned: The Music. What's that music that plays as Sam & Max walk into the city? Is that a tune from the first season (which usually played at the end of each case) remastered in nostalgic and awesome glory? And what's that as the Sam & Max names appear? A few notes of the Office theme?

    Dunno if the adventuring ending has the same music, but that music pretty much made me feel that the freelance police was back and ready for more adventures...
  • edited September 2010
    Dale wrote: »
    There's actually a third ending, if you don't have the conversation to make the choice.
    It's just subtley different from the adventuring ending though.
    Sam doesn't leave his hat, but as the duo leave in the elevator, the baby cockroach climbs up from behind the wall. Just like Sam returns to get his hat, he returns for the cockroach.

    I think I prefer the actual adventuring ending the most.
    How on earth do you avoid having that conversation?

    I can't get Sam to control Max's body (which he needs to do, in order to enable Astral Projection onto Skun-ka'pe's ship or into the Cloning Chamber) without having him go outside first and talk to everyone.
  • edited September 2010
    Dale wrote: »
    There's actually a third ending, if you don't have the conversation to make the choice.
    Really? I thought you couldn't avoid that conversation. Doesn't it begin automatically when you leave Max's brain for the first time?

    I much prefer the adventuring ending. I got the other one on my first playthrough: As Sam walked down the street and credits rolled, I was expecting a cheesily cute Hollywood ending. Like Max appearing out of nowhere with a contrived explanation, and the two of them happily setting off into the sunset... and then cheese was served.

    If they have to go and make Sam and Max all sappy, I expect something darker at the end - a bitter twist to the sweetness. When Sam and Max left our dimension/timeline in the adventuring ending, I felt I got that.

    Perhaps I'm a cynical bastard, but I'm not entirely convinced of this new emotional side to Sam and Max. I almost didn't like Maxthulhu waving goodbye to Sam. So yeah, I'm probably a cynical bastard. :p
  • edited September 2010
    Crime-Fighting ending, I even made a wallpaper out of it :)
  • edited September 2010
    harald wrote: »
    Really? I thought you couldn't avoid that conversation. Doesn't it begin automatically when you leave Max's brain for the first time?
    Hmm. Well, all I know is I didn't get to make the choice at all during my second quick run through the game (on the PS3 version this time, first time through was on the PC version).

    The only dialogues I know that I didn't exhaust were with the super-ego, where I ended the conversation straight away.
  • edited September 2010
    Dale wrote: »
    Hmm. Well, all I know is I didn't get to make the choice at all during my second quick run through the game (on the PS3 version this time, first time through was on the PC version).

    The only dialogues I know that I didn't exhaust were with the super-ego, where I ended the conversation straight away.
    This suggests that it might NOT be possible on the PS3 version--there might only just be the one (slightly different) ending, as compared to the PC version which has two.

    I just replayed the PC version and skipped the narrator conversation, and again, it's not possible to proceed without going back out and making the choice.

    On the other hand, if the PS3 version does turn out to have all THREE endings, and the PC version only has two, I'm going to be mightily cheesed off. Somebody at Telltale needs to clear this up, straight away.
  • edited September 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    On the other hand, if the PS3 version does turn out to have all THREE endings, and the PC version only has two, I'm going to be mightily cheesed off. Somebody at Telltale needs to clear this up, straight away.

    Or they could have probably pulled a SpaceQuest on us where the third ending IS in the PC version, but in order to get it, you must pick Adventuring AND pick up Sam Jr. after getting Monster Max to eat Sal.

    Just a thought. I haven't tried it myself.
  • edited September 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    Or they could have probably pulled a SpaceQuest on us where the third ending IS in the PC version, but in order to get it, you must pick Adventuring AND pick up Sam Jr. after getting Monster Max to eat Sal.

    Just a thought. I haven't tried it myself.
    I did that already. No luck. :(
  • edited September 2010
    Hm...I definitely got the Adventure/Sam Jr. ending on the PC after retrieving him from the dish, but ours was a review copy, so it's possible that something was changed for the final release.
  • edited September 2010
    Hell's bells! Telltale has denied PC users extra content AGAIN. >:
  • edited September 2010
    Is that a tune from the first season (which usually played at the end of each case) remastered in nostalgic and awesome glory?
    It's from the first two seasons. It first played to introduce them when they went on Myra! in 102, and it was played again when they blew up the Lincoln Memorial. I remember it went on for a little while at the end of 205.

    I think there was other music I recognised around the time Max teleported away, but I can't remember what it was. I just remember mentioning it in my notes, but I don't have them with me at the moment.

    I like the game music a lot.
  • edited September 2010
    Okay, I'm confused now.

    I played the PS3 version and I got the altered adventuring ending. Which is weird because I forgot to go back to the kitchen to get Sam Jr. after switching him with the corndog.

    Soooo, maybe the Sam Jr. ending is a PS3 exclusive?

    Putting that all aside, after looking up the crimefighting ending on youtube, I'd have to say I prefer the adventuring one. I can't say why exactly. Maybe it's because I felt the adventuring ending fit the mood better. Or maybe I just prefer the idea of Sam and Max traversing space and time together.
  • edited September 2010
    Maybe you get that ending if you don't pick up Sam Jr and choose adventure? That would make more sense than if you do, since he'd already be in your inventory in that case.
  • edited September 2010
    I think that the adventuring ending fits with the tone of the closing credits better, but it felt like such a downer even after the emotional yo-yo moment (possibly due to its apparent brevity) that I prefer the crimefighting ending much better. Just felt more like how a Sam & Max story should end after so much WTF (hint: with rapid-fire WTF).
  • edited September 2010
    what giant cockroach? Do you need to save Sam Junior to see it?
  • edited September 2010
    I think it always appears in the crimefighting ending. It's on the building to the left at the end.
  • edited September 2010
    I preferred the Crimefighting ending mostly due to this line by Max "I hear there's a new super-villain in town. His names The Banker, he's got a board game THAT KILLS!". I can see why people preferred the adventure one though I thought maybe the crimefighting one could of been more open ended, say something like Skun'kape or another villain turned up and hopped in the timemachine something that indicates that there is a possibility of a fourth season.
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