Give a SHORT review of the series.
List format or short paragraph; what were the highlights & low points of each episode for you? (In an earlier thread, no two people had the same list of the order of episodes they liked most to least).
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302: Heh cool okay, how is it relevant?
304: Epitome of Sam and Max
305: What just happened?
Highlight of the season for me would be the Sam Noir section. Excellently written noir gibberish. "Geez man, you're really beginning to make me depressed."
I loved the season, but season 1 and 2 were both far more satisfying when it was all said and done.
Whoah. Buy it, okay. Whoah.
The Penal Zone:Fun! Haven't played anything like this before.
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak:Clever! The multi-reel thing's a good idea.
They Stole Max's Brain:Meh. Frustrating puzzles.
Beyond The Alley Of the Dolls:Awesome! Just pure awesome.
The City That Dares Not Sleep:Cool, dark, but cool.
My review overall is that these are great games, with a high replayability rate, which is usually the problem of adventure games like these. The humor is so great you play again just to laugh a lot, even if you already know the puzzles!
302:a great unraveling of sammeth and maximus and a great way to do puzzles
303:not all the great but noir sam rocked
304: an epic spinetingling showdown that I wished the season ended there
305: WHY MAX WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Also in every episode i noticed you get to play as a new form of max. In the first episode it was max with his powers
second was maximus
third was sammunmak and max's brain
fourth was the epic full powered max
final was the giant max.
Myra Stump: Blah Blah Blah Blah Yackity Yakity Yak Blah Blah Blah Yak Yak Yak Blah Blah Blah.
Guybrush Threepwood: Nice intro. Nice controls. Nice pyschic powers. Nice moustache. Nice noir. Nice Samulacra. Nice monster. Nice Seasons 1 and 2 cameos. Nice credits.
I've got another celebrity review.
Chef Exellence:An exellent series of games.
Strong Bad: Yeah, I played it. It was pretty awesome. You know, with the cool powers and stuff. I wish I had an army of clones and a giant monster.
+psychic powers, overall production quality, dared a bit more, mac version, animations.
- often: boring riddles, not my type of humour, boring conversations, not this interesting characters, uninspired scenes, less intensive music, less intuitive games menu, generally too much reusage.
After three seasons i hope for something different. A focus on the inner values and more grown up.
Why are your cons my pros? I thought puzzles were creative, humor was great and kept me giggling if it couldn't make me crack a laughter, the scenes were inspired (and inspiring), music was top-notch, reusage is kept minimum compared to the other seasons. You might be right about the menu, but it's easy to use and it's exactly that matters.
302: And it did. Most difficult (and nice) puzzles of the season, although the buglevels are getting critical.
303: Noir a major dissapointment, and the improvement thereafter still doesn't mesh up to the other games. Generally a dissapointing episodes. Puzzles easier than 301 even.
304: Back with a vengeance. Although it doesn't have as many new locations as 302 or timereal thinking puzzles, the full power array, more items than any other episode and actually having more responses of using these (gun on people etc.) make this a great S&M adventure. Probably should have been the finale.
305: The actual finale. Certainly not a 303, but it doesn't measure up with the buildup 304 has been giving it.
302: Even better special game mechanics. Great character re-use, unique atmosphere, what an achievement! 9/10
303: Wait, there's MORE new game mechanics?? Brilliant unexpected turn of events in the middle, meh ending 8/10
304: They're cranking up the weirdness. Getting confused, but still nice. 7/10
305: Great start, very very predictable middle and riddles, disappointing ending. 6/10
...would you like a rating for the other seasons as well?