Can someone at Telltale confirm that this game will use Steamworks, and if we buy it from this website we'll be able to register it on Steam?
Do you think there will be achievements and leaderboards and other Steam features?
Do you think there will be achievements and leaderboards and other Steam features?

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If you want the steamfeatures then why don't you buy it on steam in the first place?
The question isn't is it on Steam, but rather will buying through Telltale require a steam profile to install? As in it uses steamworks but is steam a necessity?
I don't think steem will be a requirement if you buy the game on this site.
You may very well be right but that would make me wonder how integrated and important the steamworks would be. If it's just a set of achievements I'm sure most of us can live without that.
Have there been steamworks games that haven't required Steam in the past? I wouldn't be surprised if it went either way to be honest.
Anyway, If it's singleplayer simple poker game then achievements and leatherboards aren't really needed here...
When I read this question it seems to me that it's assumed that the game will be on Steam. Again, the question isn't 'is it on Steam?' it's 'will it use steamworks if we buy it from telltale?' (Paraphrasing)
Correct. Kotaku reported that this game will use Steamworks, and I would like confirmation.
If it does use Steamworks, Steam will be a requirement for everyone who buys the game.
A lot of simple singleplayer games have achievements and leaderboards.
Of course, it's possible that there will be achievements, but the PC-versions of Telltale's games have never had them before, and I doubt that they'll start doing them now.
I stand corrected. My apologies!
This is ludicrously incorrect.
Give me an example. Because all Steamworks games I know of like Just Cause 2, Mafia II, Modern Warfare 2, Aliens vs. Predator use Steam in ALL versions.
However, the version of this game that uses Steamworks will indeed require Steam (and will most likely not be available in the Telltale Store).
If all the games you mentioned are only available on PC via Steam, then Steam is a requirement regardless of Steamworks support. Macfly77 is correct in understanding what I said; there are games that can utilize Steamworks if you buy them on Steam, but they are also available outside of Steam (And thus will not utilize Steamworks).
Here's a list of games I found that have Steamworks support for the Steam version, but are also available outside of Steam. Some of them I think you can only get on Direct2Drive, but a good number of them you can get DRM-free directly from the developers' websites.
- Mount&Blade: Warband
- Stargate: Resistance
- Torchlight
- Altitude
- Zombie Driver
- Osmos
- Trine
- America's Army
- Plants vs. Zombies
- Zeno Clash
- Braid
- Flock!
- And Yet It Moves
- Unreal Tournament 3
- Harvest: Massive Encounter
- Aquaria
- Defense Grid: The Awakening
- World of Goo
I still would like to know if the Telltale website version of the game uses Steamworks or can be registered on Steam.
1) Yes, they can! But I really have no idea what's involved in getting blocks of a company's serials to be recognized by Steam, like how much Valve charges for that service. It would be wonderfully convenient, though.
2) I'm pretty sure the fact that Telltale is selling a version of the game outside of Steam is enough proof that that version won't use Steamworks (Proof enough for me, anyway. Still, I won't argue against receiving official word on the matter
Awesome, thanks for the info.
1) Telltale gets more money when you buy directly from them. Actually, they get all of it.
2) Some games available via retail actually have resale value. With Steam, and all of digital distribution, it's a permanent transaction. If you get tired of a game, you can't get resell it. In fact, reselling is specifically prohibited in many Terms of Service documents like Steam's Subscriber Agreement and the ToS for the PlayStation Network.
So how does that work for people who bought via the telltale store(me)
I remember that(infact from them on I played the devils playhouse through steam) but it would be odd for telltale to allow to buy the game, only for them to give you a code to buy it somewhere else.