LEAST favorite new character

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Everyone else seems to be doing the favorite, but what about the least favorite?

Personally, I couldn't stand Gordon the Brain...I'm glad he was only in one episode.


  • edited September 2010
    Sammun Mak. It's his/her voice that really is annoying. Or maybe it's the character. I'm not sure, I just dislike him/her.
  • edited September 2010
    Frankie the Rat was my least favorite, with Herbert Q. Tourist as a close second. Frankie seemed little better than a replacement for Jimmy Two-Teeth, one that was probably thrown in because they couldn't get Joey Camen to do his voice again. The Tourist character seemed more useful than the new rat, so I like him slightly more, but it's a shame that he was only used for one episode, and a dance video.
  • edited September 2010
    Sammun-Mak. Just..uuurhggh, he just really got on my nerves.
  • edited September 2010
    No doubt Frankie the Rat. He only existed to be a less-humorous replacement to Jimmy Two-Teeth. I know they probably had reasons for not bringing Jimmy back, but could they have at least not brought so much attention to it by adding Jimmy Mk2?
  • edited September 2010
    Easily Sammun-Mak for me. During the museum part of 303 I had no problem with him, but after he conquered the world for some reason I found him so annoying it made me regret ever thinking I wanted him to get a body and reappear in later episodes.
  • edited September 2010
    the narrator. He just got on my nerves throughout the season.
  • edited September 2010
    Nefertiti. As fun as it was to make her say stupid things in 302, she was pretty annoying.
  • edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
    Sammun Mak was annoying, especially his/her voice.
  • edited September 2010
    girl Stinky
  • edited September 2010
    the narrator, he was creepy
  • edited September 2010

    I hate that little punk.
  • edited September 2010

    That voice.
  • edited September 2010
    Frankie the Rat; He wasn't Jimmy Two-Teeth!
  • edited September 2010
    Charlie Ho-Tep, I loved him as a psychic toy, as an actual character I hated him
  • edited September 2010
    General Skun'ka'pe.
  • edited September 2010
    Sammun-Mak, I liked him in the first half of 303 and then I hated him, and when he came back in 305 I was about ready to yell at Telltale for their crummy recycling of old dumbass characters.
  • edited September 2010
    Any and all molemen. Nefertiti is number one with a bullet.
  • edited September 2010
    Sammun-Mak. Definetly. He'd be okay in small doses, but ugh.
  • edited September 2010

    I just have a thing with Gorillas in pop-culture, they really annoy me. I don't know why.
  • edited September 2010
    The European tourist. With due respect to Majus, that voice just irritates me.
    Also the "cucumber" molewoman.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    Nefertiti. As fun as it was to make her say stupid things in 302, she was pretty annoying.

    I didn't like Nefertiti in episode 2. However, when she returned in ep. 3, I thought her role had developed quite nicely into a Yoda-type elderly molewoman. I must admit, I would have liked her story to have a proper ending with our heroes...
  • edited September 2010
    Sammun-Mak pissed me off, but it ended up being okay because he turned out to be evil and I got to stab his brain out. Oops, SPOILER ALERT!

    Seriously, the character I hated the most had to be either Frankie the Rat or Gordon the Brain. Both were essentially pointless and basically unfunny. Almost all of the other new characters, as annoying as they could get, had some redeeming feature or joke.

    If a character is intentionally written as annoying, then I can forgive them for succeeding.
  • edited September 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Sammun-Mak pissed me off, but it ended up being okay because he turned out to be evil and I got to stab his brain out. Oops, SPOILER ALERT!

    Seriously, the character I hated the most had to be either Frankie the Rat or Gordon the Brain. Both were essentially pointless and basically unfunny. Almost all of the other new characters, as annoying as they could get, had some redeeming feature or joke.

    Actually, I thought Gordon's redeeming point was when he says very random stuff ala Homsar at the end.
  • edited September 2010
    Charlie Ho-Tep. I agree with Remolay, he was awesome as a toy but annoying as a character. :)
  • edited September 2010
    mmm i guess my less favorite new character was frankey the rat, was sush an a excuse for we cant have jimmy back, i think jimmy was voiced for the same guy that voiced bosco, so if telltale couldnt faind the voice actor maybe that explains way the two characters arent on the new season. but i still thougth i really like all the new characters, as evil their supose to be as Sammun Mak or good as sal.
  • edited September 2010
    The tourist. The stereotyping of "Europe" and all 731 million people there as that rather annoyed me. Would have been better if they'd just stuck with the one country they were clearly trying to unsuccessfully to parody and not the entire continent, but the character would have still been annoying with the sort of writing he had. I was quite happy when he was first shot and later executed.
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    Actually, I thought Gordon's redeeming point was when he says very random stuff ala Homsar at the end.

    I still couldn't stand Gordon's voice. It just....urgh!!!
  • edited September 2010
    I actually didn't mind Sammun-mak, but Paperwaite, ugggh. I just didn't like him sometimes.
  • edited September 2010
    Most of the minor characters that most people found annoying weren't really much of a problem for me. I did NOT, however, enjoy Skunkape, the 1900's Baby Amelia Earhart and most of skunkape's goons. Maybe it was just because of their villianry, but the characters did not add either plot or humor to the story.
  • edited September 2010
    I think I'm in the minority as I rather liked Sammun-Mak, and thought that 303 was the best episode. The character I liked the least has got to be baby Amelia Earheart. I was so relieved when I finally figured out how to shut her up!
  • edited September 2010
    I really really really really liked Sammun-Mak's voice. I just didn't like the name because it's a little too Mack Salmon but not.

    I also liked Baby Amelia Earhart, even though I hated Baby Amelia Earhart in season 2. This version she was more like Toddler Amelia Earhart and I guess deep down I'm just some kind of baby hater. :confused:

    I guess put me down for Frankie the Rat as well.
  • edited September 2010
    Sal. I don't know why.
  • edited September 2010
    Seriously, I thought Skunkape was redeemed because of "Gordon's alive?!"

    My least favorite character is really Girl Stinky. She was tolerable last season, but this season they played up the teenager stereotype WAY too much.
  • edited September 2010
    Seriously, I thought Skunkape was redeemed because of "Gordon's alive?!"

    My least favorite character is really Girl Stinky. She was tolerable last season, but this season they played up the teenager stereotype WAY too much.

    Yeah, she seemed way older than a teenager. She could effectively run a diner without it going bankrupt more or less by herself. I figured she was 24 years old at the time. Also, I interpreted her constant texting and "laziness" as a passive-agressive reaction to Grandpa Stinky coming back from the dead and firing Sal.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, she seemed way older than a teenager. She could effectively run a diner without it going bankrupt more or less by herself. I figured she was 24 years old at the time. Also, I interpreted her constant texting and "laziness" as a passive-agressive reaction to Grandpa Stinky coming back from the dead and firing Sal.

    Maybe her personality is 24, but according to the story she's over 100. And so is Sal apparently. Girl Stinky's just a scheming brat in general :D
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Maybe her personality is 24, but according to the story she's over 100. And so is Sal apparently. Girl Stinky's just a scheming brat in general :D

    Hey, not saying she's not a scheming b****, I'm just saying that she' can and has gotten her hands dirty and cleaned up after herself. And she lies all the time.
  • edited September 2010
    Hey, not saying she's not a scheming b****, I'm just saying that she' can and has gotten her hands dirty and cleaned up after herself. And she lies all the time.

    Out of curiosity; have you beaten the game?
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Out of curiosity; have you beaten the game?

    Yeah, I have. Why?
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, I have. Why?
    Just making sure I didn't spoil anything! I still can't believe Stinky's a mermaid. I had a feeling when we first met her but the whole tar cake thing threw me off.
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