Sam & Max T-Shirts (No, Not Really)

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
Have you ever heard a line in the series that sounds like it would be perfect for one of those snarky T-shirts that say things that insult the people reading them? Those are the greatest.

For example!

"Hello unsavory pals! What's new?"

"BLAM! And then he was mucilage!"

"Street signs are such fitting metaphores for the human condition." (With graphics of "One Way" and "Dead End" signs)

"In case of fire: This door will be locked and cameras will be switched on for impromptu reality show."

There's probably more...but that's just off the top of my head.


  • edited September 2010
    You crack me up, Little Buddy.
  • edited September 2010
    I would like one of Max with his brain showing with
    "I had no idea my head was threaded for such easy access."

    That was my favorite line from the show
  • edited September 2010
    -A Smiling Max Face with the line "It was Horrible!" under it
    -"I can't use /Object/ on that"
    -Flaming Max head with "Sleeeep" line under it
    -Blister Blaster shirt with the line "THIS SHIRT IS TOTALLY AWESOME!"
    -A phone with "I GOT IT!"
    -"Right in the Penal Zone!"
    -"They are probably hidding a Cow"
    -"Did someone said Birth Day?" and the three Mariachis on it
    -"<Shirt> to drive recklessly by..."
  • edited September 2010
    "I know your hiding a cow" in German "Ich weiß, Ihr Versteck einer Kuh".
  • edited September 2010
    "It's the borderline cases that you need to watch out for" with an arrow pointing up.
  • edited September 2010
    How about one with Yog-Soggoth saying "You have a headache? Walk it off princess!"
  • edited September 2010
    "I can't use /Object/ on that"
    :D love the idea
  • edited September 2010
    I want a shirt that justs says "Banang!"
  • edited September 2010
    I want one (or both) of these made into a t-shirt.
  • edited September 2010
    every heard of iron it to the shirt paper?


    they may take my body but never my CORNDOGS (i don't know as well also i was bored)
  • edited September 2010
    ... I would buy all those t-shirts. Seriously. o_o But they have to have some spiffy graphic to them or something. I can't stand boring black/white text on a white/black shirt.
  • edited September 2010
    every heard of iron it to the shirt paper?

    Yes. But it's blikkin' expensive.
  • edited September 2010
    mathman77 wrote:
    I want a shirt that justs says "Banang!"

    OH YES! Can someone provide a high quality Banang logo please?!
    Hatley wrote: »
    Yes. But it's blikkin' expensive.

    Are you kidding? In the UK you can get 10 A4 sheets for £10 or less.
  • edited September 2010
    -"I can't use /Object/ on that"
    -A phone with "I GOT IT!"
    -"They are probably hidding a Cow"
    -"<Shirt> to drive recklessly by..."

    Quote for second
  • edited September 2010
    Are you kidding? In the UK you can get 10 A4 sheets for £10 or less.

    But that's if you do it yourself, which (I know from personal experience) rarely works out well. Unless you're really good at it, of course...
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    How about one with Yog-Soggoth saying "You have a headache? Walk it off princess!"

    Actually, I'd be fine with just "Walk it off, princess!"
  • edited September 2010
    -A Smiling Max Face with the line "It was Horrible!" under it
    -"I can't use /Object/ on that"

    Both of these :D
  • edited September 2010

    Hey, kids! Use this T-Shirt Template to create your own wacky Sam and Max T-Shirt design!
  • edited September 2010
    Hey, kids! Use this T-Shirt Template to create your own wacky Sam and Max T-Shirt design!

    The image attached to my post is both a response to the blank t-shirt picture, AND your actual post.
  • edited September 2010
    Gotta agree with "BLAM! And then he was mucilage!"

    Would you wear that? I'd wear that. I'd wear that hard.
  • edited September 2010
  • edited October 2010
    WayneBrady wrote: »

    Nope. That only works given the context of Sybil's husband being the Lincoln Memorial. It'd take too long to explain otherwise.
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