Telltalliance: Which multiplayer games would you like to play?
Poll is up, but please reply with whatever games you'd like to see events hosted for that are not in the poll.

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Oh, wait I forgot. I also have Diablo II.
When I get it, anyway (soon hopefully!).
Just thinking that I haven't played online much through Steam - last game I remember playing multiplayer was Half Life 2 Deathmatch. Think I tried Counter-Strike once a few years ago, would be willing to try it again.
I vote Quake, TF2 and most other Source multiplayers.
TF2 is the only thing I have besides altitude
but soon Left 4 Dead will be in there, and when I finally get around to getting this PC I will have Alien Swarm. (That is the free Source engine game right?)
Regardless. Worms Reloaded. Not that I wouldn't enjoy TF2, but yeah, PC sucks, especially since I also have lots of programs open (graphics editing software and text editor for the Guess the Costume game).
This minus Rock Band and Hunters, and my DS doesn't like WPA
I'll third the Worms Reloaded motion, other than that, TF2, Quake Wars, Alien Swarm, Left 4 Dead 1 and StarCraft get my support.
Anyone got Red Orchestra?
What server are you on? I'm on Iron Rock.
I don't think it matters, as the Steam versions aren't fundamentally different from the disc ones, to my knowledge.
I enjoyed all of the axe-related deaths.
Not as much as I like you with 50 minigun bullets in your chest.
Yes, epic. I have outcast, never played the first one though.
Bonus is it's free, so unlike most titles on the list no purchases are required for players who do not have the title...
If you're only gonna get one of them get the second one
I call playing Talib.... Opposing Force sides, though they're gonna have the crap weapons
You can go here to install it in Steam. It's free so everyone could and should get in on the action There's details on the group page where you can join up to shoot me over and over again
Having fun is strictly prohibited!