Sam Max Team Fortress 2

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey as you may know Team Fortress 2 held a promotion for Sam & Max and anyone who pre-ordered got limited edition Weapons and a Hat on Team Fortress 2.

I am a Team Fortress 2 player myself, and trading has now been released. I was wondering if anyone here has TF2 and doesn't want their weapons and hat, and would mind trading them to me? I am a collector and I really like trying to get all the items in any particular game!

You can contact me on Steam, my SteamID is: callum24.

This is not a troll, just a sincere request for those who don't care about having TF2 items and would like to help out a stranger.

Thanks for your time,


  • edited October 2010
    Sorry, not pre-order, but within the first week of release.
  • edited October 2010
    I'm not sure if the guns can be traded or not. I know Max's Severed Head can.

    I don't play TF2 on the PC/Mac, sadly (though I want to). I have to settle for the never-updated 360 version. Hope you manage to get the Sam and Max items, though!
  • edited October 2010
    Nah they can be traded. Thanks anyway though.
  • edited October 2010
    Did you only join the TTG Forums to get these items? :confused::mad:
  • edited October 2010
    I don't play any Telltale games.
  • edited October 2010
    OhMan wrote: »
    I don't play any Telltale games.


    I kindly ask you to leave.
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah, if you have no intention of buying the games before hand, we have no reason to give you the items.
  • edited October 2010
    He should ask his friends not random strangers.
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah, if you have no intention of buying the games before hand, we have no reason to give you the items.

    especially since there are enough users here alrteady that woul like to get the items AND bought the season.
  • edited October 2010
    OhMan wrote: »
    I don't play any Telltale games.

    Wow. Uh...

    I hope I'm not coming off as mean or anything, but if you have no interest at all in Telltale, it might not be the wisest idea to join their forums. Valve put the Sam and Max items in TF2 to begin with in hopes that it would bring more attention to Telltale's own games (since, frankly, they need all the exposure they can get). If you haven't played Sam and Max, have no intention to play it, and only want the hat and guns because you're one of those people who wants to have every item for the sake of having it...well, it kind of makes me wish you couldn't trade the promotional items. =/

    Again, I'm not trying to be rude, but this isn't the place to go asking for TF2 trading. If it's that important you might want to ask on the Steam forums.
  • edited October 2010
    What _were_ the S+M items? I only found out about this deal like a week ago so obviously I didn't get in on it...

    And While I'm not one with any authority, I do agree with everyone else. If you have no intention of buying any TTG products, please ask on the STEAM forums, not here.
  • edited October 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    What _were_ the S+M items? I only found out about this deal like a week ago so obviously I didn't get in on it...

    And While I'm not one with any authority, I do agree with everyone else. If you have no intention of buying any TTG products, please ask on the STEAM forums, not here.
  • edited October 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »

    oh that sucks balls... I'd _LOVE_ to plug enemies with Max's Luger... (What's the in-game bullet-count on it btw?) Unfortunately, a physical, boxed, Extras DVD (and supporting TTG directly) means more than a virtual Luger, so I bought from TTG directly. (now if they'd send me a *REAL* Luger..... *evil grin* ;))
  • edited October 2010
    I just realised, I never used my code.
  • edited October 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    I just realised, I never used my code.

    Hey, if you dont want it...... ;) (lol)
  • edited October 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    Hey, if you dont want it...... ;) (lol)

    I don't think the code is useable anymore, but if it is, I take the hat and you get the guns?
  • edited October 2010
    I don't think the code is useable anymore, but if it is, I take the hat and you get the guns?

    Sounds good to me! ;)
  • edited October 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    What _were_ the S+M items? I only found out about this deal like a week ago so obviously I didn't get in on it...
  • edited October 2010
    I want these too, and I actually own telltale games. Lol.
  • edited October 2010
    For anyone curious, The codes only work for their original owner (because they're tied to the S+M S3 software)
  • edited October 2010
    WayneBrady wrote: »
    I want these too, and I actually own telltale games. Lol.

    Luckily for you, Valve recently introduced item trading, so if you can find someone else with the Sam and Max items...

    Be careful, though. Apparently the trading system wasn't supposed to let you trade promotional items, and Valve is planning to fix the fact that you can. I'd hurry.
  • edited October 2010
    OhMan wrote: »
    I don't play any Telltale games.

    Why would you even want useless cosmetic items whose sole purpose is showing off that you're a Sam and Max fan?
  • edited October 2010
    Why would you even want useless cosmetic items whose sole purpose is showing off that you're a Sam and Max fan?

    Because there are a lot of people who compulsively try to collect every item in TF2, even when it has no effect on gameplay. Valve's aware of this fact and tries to take advantage of it as much as possible. Right now there's this deal where if you buy Left 4 Dead 2 by today you get a frying pan (which is just a reskin of the Soldier's Shovel/Demoman's Bottle, depending on who it's equipped with) and Ellis' Hat (which is...a hat).

    What makes it hilarious is that, due to the Primeval Warrior/Grizzled Veteran/Soldier of Fortune/Mercenary medals, it's impossible to get every item.
  • edited October 2010
    I played Sam & Max and TF2 before the hats. I felt cheated when I missed out on them. I just wish I could have them.

    (Hint hint TTG ;))
  • edited October 2010
    I came here to ask because I thought there might be people who played Sam & Max and had TF2 but didn't care about having TF2 items. Over on the TF2 forums, it is the other way around, people who play TF2 don't want to trade the items, due to their coveted status.

    If you think I don't deserve the items because I don't play Sam & Max, then of course there is nothing I can do. Though I'm a collector, I don't go as far as to spend money on virtual items plus a game that I do not want to play. Everyone has different games they enjoy, and the games TellTale make just aren't my cup of tea.

    So, if you have the items and refuse to give them to me because I don't play Telltale, then so be it, sorry for wasting everyone's time.

    Yours sincerely,
  • edited October 2010
    I don't think the code is useable anymore,
    it should be.
  • edited October 2010
    You'd probably have better luck hopping onto a few busy Achievement/Idle servers and asking around for someone looking to trade the Sam & Max stuff. Around here most people are way too attached to Sam & Max to even consider trading away the items (myself included).
  • edited October 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    it should be.

    As I said, it's usable but it ties S3 + TF2_items together as a bundle, so you cant get one without the other. (likely on purpose so people wouldn't sell the code for the items)
    Epic Kiwi wrote: »
    You'd probably have better luck hopping onto a few busy Achievement/Idle servers and asking around for someone looking to trade the Sam & Max stuff. Around here most people are way too attached to Sam & Max to even consider trading away the items (myself included).

    We're not _THAT_ obsessive... well... um... ok... maybe we are :D

    Well said. Kiwi
  • edited October 2010
    OhMan wrote: »
    I came here to ask because I thought there might be people who played Sam & Max and had TF2 but didn't care about having TF2 items. Over on the TF2 forums, it is the other way around, people who play TF2 don't want to trade the items, due to their coveted status.

    If you think I don't deserve the items because I don't play Sam & Max, then of course there is nothing I can do. Though I'm a collector, I don't go as far as to spend money on virtual items plus a game that I do not want to play. Everyone has different games they enjoy, and the games TellTale make just aren't my cup of tea.

    So, if you have the items and refuse to give them to me because I don't play Telltale, then so be it, sorry for wasting everyone's time.

    Yours sincerely,

    Ill be nice and....... What Im also not giving you the stuff, not because I dont think your not deserving(you so far are nice), but because I like my sam and max gear.
    Also, at least you dont buy the games just for the hats. Those people are idiots.
  • edited October 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    As I said, it's usable but it ties S3 + TF2_items together as a bundle, so you cant get one without the other. (likely on purpose so people wouldn't sell the code for the items)

    It doesn't work that way. The code is just a Steam gift code for season 3. It'll add season 3 to your Steam account regardless of whether or not it was your Telltale account that generated the code. Telltale and Valve really put us on the honor system with that one, because anyone who preordered or bought in the first week from Telltale could (and still can) generate a code and give a second copy of the game away to a friend for free.

    Also, for anyone who thinks it's too late, as long as you bought the game from Telltale before the end of the first week, you can still generate the code and add season 3 to Steam, and you'll still receive the Sam & Max items.
  • edited October 2010
    It doesn't work that way. The code is just a Steam gift code for season 3. It'll add season 3 to your Steam account regardless of whether or not it was your Telltale account that generated the code. Telltale and Valve really put us on the honor system with that one, because anyone who preordered or bought in the first week from Telltale could (and still can) generate a code and give a second copy of the game away to a friend for free.

    Also, for anyone who thinks it's too late, as long as you bought the game from Telltale before the end of the first week, you can still generate the code and add season 3 to Steam, and you'll still receive the Sam & Max items.

    Ok... apparently there's some kind of code gennerator then...? (somone offered me "their code" and it said it was already used when I tried to redeem it)
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Also, at least you dont buy the games, just for the hats. Those people are idiots.

  • edited October 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    Ok... apparently there's some kind of code gennerator then...? (somone offered me "their code" and it said it was already used when I tried to redeem it)

    If you click that link while signed into your Telltale account and you bought the game from Telltale before noon on April 26th, you get a code that can be redeemed for a copy of The Devil's Playhouse in Steam, and apparently Steam will recognize that the game was purchased during the promotional period and the TF2 items will be awarded.

    It was basically the quickest fix Valve and Telltale could come up with for the hat snafu, and they put a lot of free copies of the game on the line to please some upset fans, putting us all on the honor system to not give away or sell our codes.
  • edited October 2010
    Anyone willing to offer me a code? It would be much appreciated. For those who play TF2, I am willing to trade hats.

    My friend, who plays Sam&Max games regularly, his name is sniperfire and he is on these forums, has all the episodes save this latest one. You could give the code to him, and then he would trade me the items.

    Would anybody be kind enough to do that?
  • edited October 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    Ok... apparently there's some kind of code gennerator then...? (somone offered me "their code" and it said it was already used when I tried to redeem it)

    That WAS my code. I guess I had already gave it away without remembering. soz.
  • edited October 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    That WAS my code. I guess I had already gave it away without remembering. soz.

    To wit I quote the above post:
    If you click that link while signed into your Telltale account and you bought the game from Telltale before noon on April 26th, you get a code that can be redeemed for a copy of The Devil's Playhouse in Steam, and apparently Steam will recognize that the game was purchased during the promotional period and the TF2 items will be awarded.

    And @ Jaden: it's ok, I'm not mad. Maybe they'll run the promotion again sometime and I'll get in on it then ^_^
  • edited October 2010
    OhMan wrote: »
    Anyone willing to offer me a code?

    As GuruGuru noted, we have an honour agreement with Telltale on this: they gave customers from TTG the items if they didn't buy from Steam, if we used the code solely for us. Breaking that might make them less willing to extend stuff to the community in the future. The code does not merely give the TF2 items, it gives their entire game on Steam.

    If you're going to get the items, go for it through the trading system, not through breach of trust with the developer.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2010
    I played Sam & Max and TF2 before the hats. I felt cheated when I missed out on them. I just wish I could have them.

    (Hint hint TTG ;))

    ... Anyone who pre-ordered The Devil's Playhouse got the hats. So if you played the game "before the hats" you in fact "have the hats." Go here:
  • edited October 2010
    How much did the Pre-order cost? I paid $19.99 or $29.99 iirc for the whole season once it was completed.
  • edited October 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    ... Anyone who pre-ordered The Devil's Playhouse got the hats. So if you played the game "before the hats" you in fact "have the hats." Go here:

    I bought it in roughly the third week. I feel left out.

    (Still hinting)
  • edited October 2010
    S@bre wrote: »
    As GuruGuru noted, we have an honour agreement with Telltale on this: they gave customers from TTG the items if they didn't buy from Steam, if we used the code solely for us. Breaking that might make them less willing to extend stuff to the community in the future. The code does not merely give the TF2 items, it gives their entire game on Steam.

    I still find it odd that this was never mentioned in the announcement or on the page that gave out the codes. I had no idea that it would unlock the full games on steam until I used the code and saw The Penal Zone appear in my games list.. Luckily I had TF2, otherwise I would have given the code to a friend without a second thought, thinking it would only give them the free hats.
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