Obtain the rights to Quest for Glory and then start a whole new series. Same world, same three classes, new country and new hero to carry on to the next game. Not that I'd be against continuing my QfG5 character further, but the guy's already the Hero of three lands and the Prince/King of two others. Someone else needs a chance.
I'd make them put the Sam & Max Season 3 case file and soundtrack up for pre-order, Just so I can have a guarantee that there will be a case file and soundtrack.
Ruler of the universe, eh? I'd probably lock them all in the office and tell them that they can't leave until they come up with a graceful solution for incorporating a traditional point-and-click interface with their cinematic camera angles.
If I'd be ruler of the Universe, I'd create an entire pocket dimension full of hot immortal lesbians rather than to waste my time with trivial things such as Telltale Games.
If I'd be ruler of the Universe, I'd create an entire pocket dimension full of hot immortal lesbians rather than to waste my time with trivial things such as Telltale Games.
IF you were that complex and advanced though I wonder the negative repercussions of doing something so bland, immature , human....
I'd force them to prune back IPs or else hire 25% of all staff as support/PR
Next, I'd make S+M and MI the two "main" games, with at least 1 season of each per year.
Third, I would commandeer their animation department to work on my CGI animated series, followed by commandeering their audio department and all the VAs...
IF you were that complex and advanced though I wonder the negative repercussions of doing something so bland, immature , human....
Hey, I'm the ruler of the freaking universe, I can do whatever the hell I want!
Also, if I'm ruler of the universe, I'd sentence you to a 100 year of prison on the pocket universe. You'd be stuck in a universe full of hot women who want nothing to do with you. Take that!
Wow, this would be really cool!
IF you were that complex and advanced though I wonder the negative repercussions of doing something so bland, immature , human....
Next, I'd make S+M and MI the two "main" games, with at least 1 season of each per year.
Third, I would commandeer their animation department to work on my CGI animated series, followed by commandeering their audio department and all the VAs...
Hey, I'm the ruler of the freaking universe, I can do whatever the hell I want!
Also, if I'm ruler of the universe, I'd sentence you to a 100 year of prison on the pocket universe. You'd be stuck in a universe full of hot women who want nothing to do with you. Take that!
And let them have a rest once and a while.